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Everything posted by cat_loves_mika

  1. I'm just listening to Little Things and I thought I would share it here...
  2. My friend shaved her hair like Ellie Goulding and it looked so stupid She can't pull anything rebellious off. Yeah! I don't know my mom won't just let me do what I want with it. Its hair, I have plenty of it. It can grow back. I can change the color back if I wanted to.
  3. My friend is helping me. Shes the only one that will because she's not a pussy like most of my other friends are.
  4. Yes, I am. I need the change since everything around me is always the same. I can't wait to see the looks on people faces at school. I swear, no one at that place likes to accept people that are the slightest bit different from everyone else. :rolls_eyes:
  5. I'm sick of her telling me I can't do these things then expecting me to have major responsibilities. The purple hair will be a sign; I'll ask her if I can do it, she will say no. Then I'll do it anyway and it will look great, she will love it and realize that I do have good judgement.
  6. I'm going to dye my hair purple next weekend and I'm not going to tell my mother about it because I'm a bad ass.
  7. The Summer Set, Forever the Sickest Kids, Go Radio, Woe is Me, Motion City Soundtrack, Action Item. Listen to them, love them. Be educated before entering the Warped Tour madness.
  8. See Action Item they are so amazing omfg and Allstar Weekend because Warped is their last tour before going on "hiatus"
  9. I'm looking for a person that really good at doing hair and is willing to make a least one hair tutorial every two weeks for youtube. I'm starting a channel with one other girl that's doing nail tutorials and I'm doing makeup tutorials. If you can think of anyone that would be willing to do this please tell me!
  10. I don't see why not? I'm just going to have one, because I'm a broke girl :mf_rosetinted:

  11. Hey :boing: Do you wanna be pen buddies? I wouldn't mind paying for postage to Canada, if you don't mind it either?

  12. When I'm 21 I'll either be: A. Going to school. Having a crisis like, holy s*** what am I going to do with my life B. Community college and working at like Walmart C. Living in a box
  13. It varies but the cut off is usually 19, 20. They don't want people of age in high school due to issues with alcohol. You'll have to do summer school then to catch up.
  14. ...you know you can't legally attend a public high school at that age? You'd have to get a GED.
  15. Happy birthday to Catherine in 24 days. I will legally go to a rated R movie and it will feel so right.
  16. Why someone would waste hours making, probably 50, accounts all with the say birthday is beyond me. The stupidest spam award goes to that troller.
  17. Well, wait 45 minutes then check it out Psh, living in the past. :rolls_eyes:
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