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Status Updates posted by Mikasister

  1. Now you can look at his eyes without crying...and if you listen his voice will help you..

  2. Francoise please goes to the looking for something thread the last page,you'll see a beautiful thing...that makes me cry...

  3. do you remember,some fans said....la española le bese....

    sorry I don't know french

  4. I was in a hotel in Bayonne..


    after gig I waited for Mika on the street I talked with him,he signed CDs and DVDs and I kissed him.. you saw that??I was in front of him...

  5. yes????

    were you in Bayonne???

    did you see me???

    I talked a few moment with Mika...

  6. I know Mika since a year ago(7-october-2010)I saw him on spanish tv and I fell in love at the moment..

    This year I've been in 3 gigs,Barcelona,Bayonne and Vigo...but I want more and more


    but now poor Mika I feel very sad got him and Paloma,but I'm sure she will get well soon...

  7. Oh Paris,wonderful!!!

    I would love to go to Paris....maybe if Mika has an acoustic tour some day(I hope very soon)then I'll go

  8. Hi,My name is Alba,and you??

    I live near Barcelona(Spain)..

  9. hey hun,how are you today???

    how do you feel???

  10. My husband is on his way,I'm going to lunch..


    see you later.. :huglove:

  11. yes,the most beautiful man on earth,I don't know how many time will pass since we can see him..

  12. Well,Alexandra is a beautiful name I like it...

    Alba it means in spanish (amanecer)in english it means early in the morning when sun ries..tht's (el Alba)..

  13. Hi,I'm Alba....how are you today???

    Alfie is your real name???

  14. Thank you Francoise,I will remember Mika and Paloma in happy moments...

    I miss him so,so,so much....

    yesterday I needed hear his voice and I listened "Songs for Sorrow"

    Sorry but is the only way to stay close to him,in tht's moments like you I feel Mika so far away...And makes me sad..

  15. hola no nos conocemos pero he leido algunos post tuyos,y veo que algunas MFCers ya te conocen.Yo estoy registrada desde julio,tu veo que eres mas vaterana.Yo me llamo Alba y vivo cerca de Barcelona y tu??

  16. esta es Paloma...



  17. tranquila,buenas noches :bye::huglove:

  18. el dia bien gracias,pero lloviendo todo el dia,ahora aqui ya empieza a hacer frio..

  19. hola Pamp,de momento sin noticias,pero supongo que esto es bueno,si hubiera malas noticias ya las sabriamos...

    lo que yo pienso es que es muy pronto para que digan algo,primero ellos son mucha familia y primero son ellos,y luego el daño que se haria,le tuvieron que operar de ungencias el abdomen y me parece que tenia las dos piernas rotas casi na..i quedo empalada en esas puntas,ay cada vez que lo pienso me entran escalofrios..la cosa es muy delicada...no se si habras leido la informacion pero los bomberos estuvieron una hora para sacarla de los barrotes,tuvieron que serrarlos,una hora de larga agonia......bueno esperemos que pronto se recupere....besos...

  20. :flowers2::flowers2::huglove::huglove::huglove:
  21. hahahahahaha!!!!!!

    Thank you!!!

  22. hola,de donde eres????

  23. yes mum,I'll try,I understand what I read,but when I have to write....:dunno:

  24. Thanks Lenna,but I don't know if I'll go to that thread,for me is difficult write in english..

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