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Status Updates posted by coolcat

  1. Hey! I'm good, enjoying free time after school on MFC as always. :D And how are you?

  2. Nothing much, but I'm just really happy about it because I will be able to sleep in. :) How about you?

  3. Actually not so slow. :D I dunno why, but I feel that time is going really fast. School holiday in two weeks, whoo hoo!

  4. Hey, I'm fine. It's finaly saturday!! What about you?

  5. Happy Birthday!!! (:

  6. You see how many candles there are? That many wishes. :naughty:

  7. Happy birthday!

    Make a wish!


  8. It's a website. Artists post their art there, check out some other artists, get watchers aka people who like their art and stuff. :D

    Your welcome! *hugs*

  9. Hey, since you draw a lot and your good at it, I was wondering, are you on deviantArt?

    Keep up the good work!!

  10. Yeah, but school is really tiring.

    I love when I see dreams, I always write them down. I don't get a lot of bad one though, so it's ok. : )

  11. Oh, I'm tired as hell. What about you?

  12. Today is ok, but tomorrow will be crazy, 8 lessons in school. How's your day?

  13. Yep, yep, I'm ok. And it's finaly friday, thanks god! How about you? Done anything fun?

  14. I'm not a big fan of sports. I like playing badminton, but that's pretty much it. I'm mostly bad at everything else. How about you?

  15. It's better. : ) My legs really hurt, I haven't done sports in 3 months and I had sports at school today and yesterday, quite exhausting. : D How are you?

  16. Bad, I don't know why, I just don't like this day. Nothing good happened. What about you?

  17. All kinds of! I had to do biology today and that's it, so I've already finished my homework. :)

  18. It's been quite nice. I'm back in school, lots of homework, but it's ok. How about you?

  19. It's been quite nice. :) I'm back in school, lots of homework, but it's ok. How about you?

  20. I'm fine, but I'm sick. My voice is lost. :/ How are you?

  21. Going.. *is there* Is there something I haven't done? I told my name and everything. :)

  22. It's a website where artists post their artwork, get comments, follow other artists, they can also sell art, but I'm not doing that. Maybe in the future.. :D

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