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Status Updates posted by doll_of_death

  1. U know I have lots of jobs, and I'm being a good spy right now :das: I just saw what u wrote on Maribel's wall about that advertising at shampoo and u know what? that advertising it's also here, and everytime I see it and hear Happy Ending I'm in a :swoon: mood


    mi familia se vuelve loca cuando me ve:lmfao:

  2. :swoon: I loved it:swoon: I really like his new haircut...even though I still love him with curls:wub2:his short hair makes him more mature, our baby has grown up :tears:

    I love ur avatar pic too:wub2:omg, can u sent it to me please?:mf_lustslow:

  3. aww, I'm so happy for you :swoon: make sure you'll enjoy while it lasts :huglove:

    it's also snowing here :teehee:

  4. haha you're so excited :swoon: today it snowed again here, and I just woke up from a nap..I didn't look outside yet to see the 'damages' but I will in a few moments...I feel like I'm in Siberia :lmfao:

  5. aaakw, today it snowed again, and tomorrow will be snowing as well :teehee: there's so much snow! I'm both glad and angry. I'm glad because hey! SNOW! :swoon: but angry because it'll be cold, and freezing, and when it's melting everything becomes mushy:mf_rosetinted::aah:

  6. No there's no wind thank God...it's so cold, I don't even want to imagine what would it be like with the wind :teehee:

    I just found out today that Wednesday will stars snowing again dammit :teehee:

  7. well here it's -20 degrees in the morning and -8 at noon :tears: it's so cold :tears:

  8. yeah I was happy too for that :teehee: but it's so cold! :das:

  9. well, in our case snow took us by surprise...I fell asleep after I studied at math, and when I woke up in the morning it was all covered in white, and the wind was blowing and I was so shocked :teehee:

  10. hey Vale :huglove: yeah I haven't been here for a long time too:aah:I don't have time anymore...my finals are coming and I feel slightly unprepared:mf_rosetinted:

    how are you?

    here it snowed...finally:teehee:and it snowed so much, as if the Winter Queen would have told me "u wanted snow, well here's SOME snow:devil:"

    it was kinda frightening, school were closed, roads were closed..it was a chaos here:aah:

  11. well, when she saw that pic our conversation went like

    me: awww, look at him, just looks at him

    mom: who's that?

    me: what do you mean who's that? after all these years you don't recognize Mika?

    mom: that's mika? but he doesn't look like the guy from your posters (I have my room filled with mika's posters and other artists I like)

    me: he had cut his hair some time ago

    mom: well in this case he shouldn't show up in public anymore until his curls aren't back.


    :mf_rosetinted:and then she said he's UGLY and laughed in my face when I said he's gorgeous :lmfao: mom knows how to push my buttons:sneaky2:

  12. Thank u for the pic :swoon: he looks absolutely gorgeous. even though my mom said he's ugly without his curls :teehee:


    I also love this one :swoon:



  13. I LOVE MIKA RIGHT NOW :swoon: I'll go insane until The origin of love comes out :teehee:

  14. mika-nrj-music-awards---arrivals-cannes-france---280112_5786649.jpg


    :swoon: I haven't fangurled for Mika in a looong time :teehee: and now I can't stop :lmfao:



  15. I'm so glad his curls grew up back again that I almost ignored his earring :swoon:

  16. well, it starts at 7:30 am, but it's still soooo early :tears:

  17. hmm lucky you...I have to be at school at 7 am :tears: I get up at 5:45 :tears:

  18. at least you still have that week....:tears: my school starts tomorrow :sad: at 7 am. and I have history the first class

  19. :tears: awww why 3 weeks?
  20. they made those too?:wub2:aww, in Bucharest no one has heard about that dish, but it's very popular in Moldavia :mf_rosetinted:my mom and dad are from Moldavia, so....:biggrin2:and everytime I say to a friend "so, I ate chiroște today" they are like "you ate..what?:shocked:" and I'm like "Oh, you haven't heard about that? what a sad childhood you had:teehee:"

  21. that Georgian dish reminds me of this Moldavian dish my mom uses to prepare a lot https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=opera&rls=en&channel=suggest&q=chiroste&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=0l0l0l2173l0l0l0l0l0l0l0l0ll0l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&biw=1366&bih=566&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=OcMST_nrD6Xh4QSGxLj1Aw :wub2:I love it...is has cheese:wub2:


    well nothing new...today I'm gonna meet my ex class mates..the one I was with from 1st to 8th class, before I went to high school:biggrin2:I'm pretty excited, I hadn't seen them in a long long time:boxed:


    tomorrow my school begins :tears: next school break will be in April :tears: I'm gonna die in pain :tears:

  22. yeah...well, we hadn't spoken in a very long time, and u're my sister, so we should talk more:mf_rosetinted:and of course, as I'm very talkative, we should DEFINITELY talk a lot more:biggrin2:

    how's the weather there?there's no sign of snow in Bucharest :aah:it's so sunny and warm, it seems like we've jumped from Christmas straight to Easter:blink:

    last night I wanted to go out at some pub in center of Bucharest but I was too afraid:shocked:there were some fight scenes, the people are protesting, and they want the resignation of our president:blink:and they were fighting with the police, omg, they've ruined my night:sneaky2:


    how are ya? :huglove:

  23. OMM:swoon: Cómo pueden sus labios ser tan rosa?:wub2:maravilloso:wub2:

  24. suena muy bien:wub2:yo tambien quiero ir a Los Angeles:wub2:. para hacer una foto con la estrella de Johnny Depp en Walk of Fame:wub2:

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