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Posts posted by Jaya

  1. First time I was a drowned kitten and he just kept talking and I just kept saying yes and then he said: "OOOOOOOOOOMG YOU ARE FREEZING!" And I said yes. And he said: "Don't get sick please!" And I said I'd try and then my friend said we were all staying at her place and he ordered her to give me whiskey. Even though I wasn't even old enough to legally drink Whiskey:naughty:


    That's a cute story :wub2:, wait, what was the legal drinking age there ?

    I think there comes a tipping point where it changes to a case of the more you see the less you want. I've seen Mika enough now :naughty:


    I like to say hi so he can keep telling his stories about how his mentalcase fans chase him all over the world, but that's about it. There are always people that are far more excited to speak to Mika than I am at this point so I'd rather they get their turn and I keep it very brief.


    That's so sweet :wub2:

  2. Last time didn't work so well.... let's try again!


    *phone rings*

    M: Melachi!!! Get your paws OFF of my statements about EMD, I NEED TO EXPLAIN THAT I WASN'T IN IT!!!!

    G: :bli nk: er.... Hello? Mika?

    M: Oh, hi! *whispers rather loudly* For god's sake, this better not be an MFC fan, I'm considering getting a restraining order from them.

    G: :sneaky2: And I thought you cared about us... guess I was wrong.:crybaby:

    M: *thinking: S*** S*** S***!!!!* Hey there hun, sorry about that. I've been in a really horrible mood since...

    G: since Miss.roxy told you about the old man, I know about that. :mad3: Doesn't give u the right to be mean. i mean, the last time I called, you were crying and being kinda bipolar.

    M:Wait, you were the fan who was crying on the phone that time? G-d, sorry darling. That was just.... tour things that were kinda bothering me. pressure isnt pretty. But let's talk of happier things! Are u a new fan?

    G: *thinking: oooook...* :teehee: See, this is the Mika that I wub! I'm njloverqoj and a fan of urs as of 5/24/11. BTW.... WHEN ARE YOU EVER COMING TO FLORIDA?!?!?!?!!?!!!!

    M: You actually remember the date? :shocked: Impressive... I WANT TO GO THERE AND NOT TO JUST PRODUCE SONGS!! John just doesn't like it for some odd reason.

    G: How can he not? We're awesome! and I've never been able to see u :( Wait, I have a week before school... come over here!!!

    *2 days later*

    M: Mon cheri, how 'bout you take me around your town. We could go to the beach.... *a few hours later* So, where's a good place for dinner?

    G: Mon cher Mika, pourrions-nous aller quelque part pour manger au centre-ville? Il y a un plat merveilleux là-bas s'appelle ... "Poulet Piccata" ...

    M: Mmm… combien délicieux…. ::blush-anim-cl:

    G: :teehee:

    M+G: *at home a few hours later* :chkn:





    You crazy girl, I've never read a phone call which ended like that :lmfao:

  3. Oh it´s been a while since I was here!


    *calls Mika*

    Me:Your fans got crazy.

    Mika: What for? :shocked:

    Me: EMD video.

    Mika: Again?

    Me: Not, still. :mf_rosetinted: They´re so frustrated that you aren´t in the video.

    Mika: Well, I wasn´t in Lollipop and ...

    Me: SHH! Listen. *whispers secretly* they think that old man in the vid is YOU!

    Mika: :yikes:

    *hangs up*







    Aww poor meeks :roftl:

  4. *calls mika*

    me: THANK YOU!!! for the EMD video:w ub2::w ub2:

    Mika: :sneaky2:can you untie me from this chair now?

    me: theres only one problem, people are complaining that youre not in the video...:tee hee:


    me:...so please do 2 little videos explaining EMD :w ub2: so they wont be suspicious!!

    mika: NO WAY!!!!!

    me:...:mf_rosetinted:see that red strike of hair you have in your hair? I still have some paint left...

    Mika: NOOOOOOOO no more red paiiiiiiiiiiint!!! I'LL DO IT!!!!!:a ah:

    me: *thanks*:wub2:*hangs up*




  5. Hey guys!


    Today my wildest dream came true!

    I'm a flight attendant for easyJet and I've been DREAMING for over 2 years to have Mika on a flight one day.

    And.... HE WAS on my flight today!!!

    I still need to cool down a bit as this is the most random thing ever! I was just boarding the plane in Olbia (Sardinia) and there is Mama Mika, Yasmine and Mika:mf_lustslow::mf_lustslow::mf_lustslow:

    I didn't want to cause chaos, although I honestly felt as if I just saw a ghost and really didn't believe that was actually happening, so I wrote a note for Mika telling him I've seen 14 shows, was a Big Girl in Brighton and that I've always imagined he's on my flight and this is actually happening!!!!

    He read it, smiled, his mum said my face looked familiar to all of them and we had a lovely chat.

    I didn't let them pay for their snacks - who would?!?!?!?! We took photos, giggled, they left, I was left speechless and just over the moon!!!!!

    Please remember this story as a proof that miracles DO happen!!!!

    Photo to follow in a few minutes:wink2:



    That's the most amazing story ever ! :wub2:

    I remember another fan who met mika at the metro station ! You're so lucky ! :roftl:

  6. +1 :biggrin2:


    oh and .. my feeling from youtube vids from that private gig - it must have been amazing, but it was short in my opinion and I think people that came and paid a lot of money to earn those magic points and to win, maybe they deserved a little bit more of attention. :dunno:

    But that´s just my point of view. :original:


    I think mika had another private gig around that one, maybe he was on the edge :teehee:

  7. "Mika To Headline 'I Want My MTV Ibiza' Tonight

    The glam pop prince promises a downright flamboyant performance

    14:00, Friday, 15 July 2011


    MTV is back for another week on the sunny party island of Ibiza, ready for Mika, the boy who knew too much, to perform at super-club Amnesia.


    Following on from the massive success of Kelis last week, and Snoop Dogg who opened 'I Want My MTV Ibiza' two weeks ago, Mika continues the list of top headliners to hit the stage at Amnesia. Promising an unforgettable show, Mika is certain to bring in the smiles and please fans and clubbers alike.


    Mika will be joined by Ibiza favourites Layo and Bushwacka!, Felix Da Housecat and Nina Kravitz.


    So for all those in Ibiza, make sure you get yourselves down to Amnesia tonight, and look out for the MTV crew who will be taking photos of the crowds, ensuring that your night at Amnesia will be the most memorable yet!


    For the twitter users out there, check out the official coverage from Mika's I Want My Ibiza gig tonight: @mtvmusicuk.


    We can't wait to see what crazy stuff Mika will do!"


    The glam pop prince ? :teehee:

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