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Status Updates posted by Jaya

  1. Heyy! I've started a new (silly) game in the games thread! It would really mean a lot to me if you joined it!!



    Will you??

  2. Heyy! I've started a new (silly) game in the games thread! It would really mean a lot to me if you joined it!!



    Will you?? :)

  3. Ohh that's cool!

    I'd love to be a fashion designer , I just love doing it and I'm really good at designing too(as far as everyone say) :P:D

  4. Even me! MY exams started from Monday :(

    Tomorrow is my Sanskrit exam, NOOOO! It's so boring , i should've taken up French :(

  5. yup! I guess I'm lucky! :D

    So wassup?

  6. thanks!! are you working? what do you do? :)

  7. aww darn!! It was drizzling a little but that happened WHILE the su was out! What the heck!!

    but it looks like it's gonna rain really hard now! :D

    My exams hav started!! thank god maths is over and tomorrow is Hindi so that should be easy (i hope) ! :P

  8. Oh! I want to go to NIFT ( national institute of fashion technology). It's right here in Delhi and it's the best college in India for fashion designing! My parents are all for it! :D

  9. yup!! Sadly! :( it's so boring! I just gave maths today!

    tomorrow is Hindi so that should be easy! (i hope) :P

  10. yummmy!


    It's raining really hard here! :D

  11. Yes! I think it's a blessing :)

  12. ooh thats exciting! LUCKY!

    what do you want to be?

  13. thnx!


  14. Aww!! I was in that place a few years ago! Guess what I had for dinner?

    Corn ON THE COB!



    Aww! That's so sad! I hope you can eat better soon!


  15. Thnx!

    ooh, what kind of a talk?

  16. Neither has mine!

    My exams start on Monday!

    NOOOO!!!!!! :(

  17. Sure thanks!!

    I fell a lot better now, but one of my friends just got it and she told me that they're gonna give her Average marks on all the exams (which is bad for her becuse she's the kind of student who' scores 25% if she's lucky) haha Poor her.

    Wassup with you?

  18. Even here! Some people don't like it when it rains! JUST IMAGINE!

  19. Hehe! so how was your day?

  20. Aww! haha thnx!

    i'll remember that! :)

    How was ur day? :D

  21. My cousin speaks Italian.

    But he's gone to live across the country so can we speak in english? :P:D

  22. Ciao!! I'm from India, Nuova Delhi.I don't davvero parlare italiano, ma si sente piacere ascoltare (leggere) qualcuno parlare la vostra prima lingua. :D HAHA, attualmente sto facendo presente nella speranza che qualcuno potrebbe Salutarmi in Hindi un giorno :P


    Hello!! I'm from India, New Delhi.I don't really speak Italian but it feels nice to hear (read) someone speak your first language.:D

    haha, actually I'm doing this in hope that someone might greet me in Hindi someday :P

  23. ooh cool :D

    Have you heard of Dengue? It's disease caused by Mosquitoes. I haven't got dengue but the doctor sed that it's "dengue-type flu" (what the heck is that supposed to mean?" and my Annuals are starting from Monday and i've missed a lot of school already but the teachers still have my notebooks but Tomorrow is the last day before my exams

    so i'll have to go tomorrow cuz my stupid stupid friends took my notebooks (they thought he'd give them to me) so i'll have to go tomorrow and I got throat infection and all my class is taking leave tomorrow and i haven't studied a single thing!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh!!!


  24. Great!

    Where are you from?

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