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Status Updates posted by Jaya

  1. Hiya!

    How was your day? :D

  2. Hii!

    Hey, i read about your photo which has been shortlisted for the NME Music Awards and i wanted to know if I'm too late to vote?

    Damn! I'm always too late!

    Anyway I really hope you win!

    Best of luck, :)


  3. Haha! That's alright! I'm getting braces soon too:sneaky2:

    But that's alright too! Because it's easier to just get over with it now.And just imagine what Straight, even, perfect and beautiful teeth you will have after they come off and a beautiful smile :tears::mf_lustslow:

    Now I feel like i *want* to get braces myself! Haha :aah:

  4. oh! Same here! It's not raining as much as before but it's almost autumn now :D

    Bye bye Dumb Indian Summer! :D

    I had a nice day :) Thanks!

    So what's up ? :D

  5. Hi! My name is Jaya Sengar and I live in Delhi :D

    What's yours?

  6. It's here :D



    I know! it must have been a fan in a mask!

    Mika looks so cute :wub: when he rubbs noses with her/him/it whatever rat

  7. It's been great thanks!

    Except when i had lunch out, this crazy cat tried to eat my food!

    My brother tried to shoo it away by nudging it and it jumed down, 7 fett below onto some lady who screamed because she thought it was a child! LOL!

  8. It went really well (surprisingly) !

    Thnks for askuing!

    How was your day?

  9. Hi!

    Aww thanks!

    I'm not sure where i got it but if you want, I'll look it up :D

    the GIF na? it's so cute he rubbs noses with that cute rat :P

  10. Lol! but yeah! school can't be serious all the time! You have to relax and take it easy soem times! :D

    How was ur day? :)

  11. yup! 2 day i got my maths term paper back! I've almost failed! NOOOOOOOO! :(

    damn it!

  12. Lol! yup!

    It's a co-ed


    but it's fun still.... :D

    you're lucky!

    Mika is home schooled too :D

  13. haha! My Sst teacher despises me!

    It's her regular custom to scold me atleast once every class and atleast change my seat! :P:D

    teachers! honestly!

  14. ohh wow Italy is so beautiful :D

    I'm from India.

    It was quite easy for me to learn English because I've been learning it since play school or something. all the schools in Delhi are English medium anyway .

  15. oh very nice! Home school sounds very interesting indeed!

    I go to this stupid private school which is supposed to be the best one in Delhi.

    The problem is that one has to deal with all that stupid problems such as weird teachers that hate you, ppl that have a grudge against you, peer pressure yada yada yada. :(

  16. oh yeah!

    That's one problem, if you fall asleep in the middle of the day or evening it's tough to sleep at night! :(

    anyway i can't afford to sleep in d middle of the day becuz of my stupid exams >:(

    Tomorrow is the last one :D, science :( .

  17. good! where are you from? I'm 12 too :D

  18. So true!!

    Thank you!! :D :D

    What?? it's 2:00 Am there? really?

    it's only 6:30 PM here!

  19. Taj mahal is that big white thing whose pictures they keep showing at random places :P

    actually it's a monument in Agra and it's one of the Seven wonders of the world! *yay*

    :D :D

    see, there's a picture right here


    :D :D

  20. i had a prep leave for exams so i stayed home Not studying!

    I have my English exam tomorrow, so i'm sure I'll do well! :P

    When I'm sleepy, i just go to sleep, without thinking! :P

  21. i had a prep leave for exams so i stayed home Not studying!

    I have my English exam tomorrow, so i'm sure I'll do well! :P

    When I'm sleepy, i just go to sleep, without thinking! :P

  22. Really?? wow that's cool!!

    You could see the Taj Mahal and stuff! :D

  23. Heyy!

    What's up?

  24. India!:blush-anim-cl:

    ooh Denmark, Nice!!:biggrin2:

    It's been raining a lot lately! I love the rain but it's causing mosquitoes to come in the house! :(

  25. good! :D

    i had a prep leave for exams so i stayed home Not studying! :)

    I have my English exam tomorrow, so i'm sure I'll do well :)

    It was raining today all the time :D

    what's up with you? are you in school, college or do you work? :D

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