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Posts posted by atreyu

  1. I am not so active on MFC, but it looks like many people are worried about the earthquake in Japan. So I stopped here to say something.

    I am ok because I am very far away from where the big quake attacked, but big tremors are constantly coming and people there are very scared.

    Many people can't sleep because of the fear...

    So please keep sending positive thoughts, and if you have Japanese friends, please keep cheering them up!


    Thanks for worring about Japan & japanese MFCers.


    My family is OK !

    I'm so glad you guys and your families are ok :huglove:

    I don't know about anythig.... would you pray for japan & japanese ?

    Without fail!:)

  2. oh man this thread is dead!is a shame I really do enjoy anime and manga I used to be in a manga forum before the mfc:aah:

    this thread was hard to find :bleh: I wasn't even sure there was a anime or manga thread here.

    anyways if there is anyone still in the mfc interested in manga or anime and ever watched "avatar the last air bender" the american anime, NOT the crappy, soul diminishing movie! :sneaky2:

    and if you haven't I really recomend it! is short (3 sesons), is cute, funny has action, bits of drama and interesting references of the real world, all the good elements mixed in the right amount :wub2: needless to say the grafics are epic

    plus it won lots of prices from the Genesis Awards to the Peabody Awards :fangurl:

    yup as you can see I'm madly in love with this A.Anime :blush-anim-cl:

    highly recommended!!!


    anyhow, there's some news about it :biggrin2: check this out...if interested

    I reckon no one is ever gonna read this, but, whatev..

  3. at least estudying has left me something good today:

    Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive, because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive, because your behavior becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive, because your values become your destiny.(Gandhi)



    Yes, he's a monkey that's probably feeling better than the other monkeys now :aah:


    BTW, great vid!


    good for the monkey :naughty:


  4. They're goooooodddd...




    They're nice, though I can't find any anywhere! :aah:




    Ooooooh, that sounds nice, even though I'm not a fan of apricots... Do you know where I could find a good recipe?:wink2:




    Yes!!!! Pollywaffles are taking over the world!!!




    Ooooh, pecan pic sounds pretty good...



    Actually, I found a recipe for pumpkin pie in a recipe book at home... I'm kinda curious, but scared of what it tastes like... :blink:


    pumpkin pies ar gooood!! :teehee: I haven't eat many but the few I ate were really good

    now what scares me is the pumpkin juice from Harry Potter:roftl:

  5. i bet this thread will help people know each other a little more ... without having to join a body part thread :teehee:



    Oooooohhh, yes! Definitely!




    Didn't you think she would? :lmfao:




    I've been reading on my work forum and the other people like me have been talking about Parent Informationg Evenings and in the grand tradition of the Education Department, we've got an acronym for it (PIE). Every time I went into that particular thread I would look at PIE and think of actual pies and it all got the better of me. I just went down to the local corner shop and bought a meat pie and god damn is it delicious...



    What would make this meal perfect is a pollywaffle :drool::licks_lips:




    uuh just read on wikipedia what pollywaffle is it sounds sooo good :teehee:




    I saw today "the king's speech" is such a sweet movie, I think is kind of odd it won the oscar, because usually oscar winning movies are so dramatic and tragic (what I've seen)

  6. :bye: here’s a tradicional dessert from my country, is called; negro en camisa: black in shirt :bleh:





    8 Tbsp. butter for greasing pan

    1 Kg Semisweet chocolate

    Water 900 cc

    1 Kg Sugar

    1 Kg Butter

    Und 20 egg yolks

    Und 20 egg whites

    500 g Flour

    + Traditional vanilla custard (As much as you want) :bleh:




    1. With the 2 tablespoons of Butter greas a pan of 18 cm. In diameter and 10 cm high. On the fire is put a metal container, a little larger than the pan with about 5 cm of water to boil for cooking in a water bath in oven. Preheat oven to 400 º C.


    2. In a pan, put the chocolate into small pieces, water and sugar. Let it boil, lower the heat slightly and cook. Stirring for 30 minutes until it thickens and falls in the form of foil over a wooden spoon. Immediately turn off the heat add and continually mix with the butter until you can see the chocolate shiny (..?). Continue mixing while adding one by one the yolks of eggs.


    3.- In a bowl (a robot..don’t know how is called in english), stir the egg whites and mix the chocolate with wrapping movements. Finally, mix with the flour added in the form of rain.


    4.- Pour the mixture into the pan, put it into the container with boiling water and immediately place it in the oven, cover the pan with aluminum foil. Bake for 25 minutes and continue baking. In theory in you insert a needle it should come out dry, then leave it in the oven for 15 minutes more.


    5.-Let it cool and put into the fridge

    6-When serving pour on top the vanilla custard

    hope you understand y translation :biggrin2:

    Here is a recipe of the custard



  7. A few weeks ago I was b*tchng becuase he wasn't letting hisef be known and not doing a good job marketing wise. So what you guys have beeing saying, changed my mind a lil regarding the ad :teehee:

    Also it is true that creativity isn't expressed in cloth. Dressing plain white, orange or in a black suit doesn't change the fact that he's creative...I guess the statement they want to make is just with mika the person not the character he becomes on stage

    But still is confusing for me they could have make it a bit more mikaish...

    Anyways he seems to be changing his image alot now, so can't say what's mikaish anymore :hypo:

  8. *I call Mika*


    Me: So, how you're gonna call it?

    Mika: Call what? :blink :

    Me: The hospital, dã.

    Mika: What hospital? :blink :

    Me: ¬¬ The one you'll make for us, your fans.

    Mika: :shocked: Why should I do a hospital for...

    Me: OH MY GOD. I, I, I just saw the Hugo Boss pic, and it's for real, and, and... OOOOH, Brian, Queen, you're, you're with him and I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S FOR REAL, YOU LOOK SO PRETTY AND


    John: Don't know... cut your hair, maybe that'll bring her back from the fangurl dying. : mf_rosetinted :


    Me: *calls up Mika innocently*

    Mika: Hello?

    Me: *hisses in a whisper* Liar.

    Mika: Bryce? What are you talking about? :blink:

    Me: *in my normal voice* You said you're "the bee". If you were really the bee, you'd have answerd with "buzz" instead.

    Mika: :aah: You aren't going to torture me about this like you did with the kilt, are you?

    Me: Wait. One question... Would your species be a boose or a mee? And would you look like a miniature moose with a stinger and wings, or a really large bee with antlers????

    Mika: :blink :... :lmfao : I really don't know. And that was two.

    Me: Well either way... you better live up to your creature names. Moose are weird, you've got the weird covered... But bees are dangerous. You're cute and cuddly. Sometimes a bitch, sure, but mostly cute and cuddly, like a panda.

    Mika: :sneaky2: I can be dangerous!

    Me: Sure, sure... I'll be here when you lie. Picking them all up. Memorizing them... spreading the truth... I'm watching you Penniman. *hangs up*

    Mika: ... :shocked: MMMOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!!! I HAVE A STALKEEEEEERRRRRRRRR!!!! *runs off, locking doors and closing blinds and turning off lights*

    :lmfao: @"I'm wathing you Penniman"

    *calls Mika*


    Mika: WOOOOF!

    Me: But I thought you were a bee?

    Mika: I'm a dog, now.

    Me: MEOW!

    Mika: I thought you were a butterfly?

    Me: Nope. I'm a cat. :3

    Mika: Ummm.. Okay then, BUZZZZ!

    Me: But I thought you were a dog?

    Mika: I'm a bee, now.

    Me: *silent*

    Mika: Hello? Are you still here?

    Me: I was a butterfly, butterflies don't make noise

    Mika: You're confusing me.

    Me: You're confusing me too.

    Mika: Who ya gonna call?


    Mika: Well.. I actually wanted you to say the Queen bee.. but okay.

    Me: Aloha

    Mika: Now you're Hawaiian?

    Me: Au revoir!

    Mika: French?

    Me: *hangs up*



    I got bored, so I made a phone conversation, it makes no sense whatsoever :mf_rosetinted:


    :naughty::naughty: that's bets explenation so far for the sudden change of animal:aah:

  9. +1 :thumb_yello:


    I understood the same things than you about fashion & labels.. I guess he meant he doesn't like the diktats of fashion and not the fashion itself




    Agree also.

    Even if the pic is quite nice IMO, his outfit and his pose do not symbolize exactly originality and creativity as written in the text of the ad :teehee:


    But apart of this small detail, I like it :thumb_yello:

    there's no doubt he looks incredible handsome and masculine :blush-anim-cl:

  10. Wow! what a surprise to see the ad is real, Mika doesn't match HB, IMO

    But my internal fan says: he looks so handsome! :wub2::aah::mf_rosetinted:


    That's how the brand is positioned:


    "HUGO Man fragrance is for men who want to live their life on their own terms. They are true originals, believing that rules are made to be challenged and personal potential should be explored to the max."


    Sounds true of Mika.


    I guess he might want to forget about appearing in pink or orange jackets for a while now though...:naughty:.. I mean, it's not that he has to but his stage persona does not fit the HB brand, IMO. That's why everyone questioned if the ad was for real.


    I agree with you!! :thumb_yello:


    I'm really happy for him but, maybe i'm wrong, i think that it's no more the Mika that i met 3 years ago...

    I think he has no obligation to be the same person he was at all. I mean, are you now the same person you were back then? People change, its happens - and everybody has the right to do so. Otherwise, the world would be completely boring.


    Aside that, whats so bad about doing an AD? Its just a job. He gets the money and the promotion, and HB gets his beautiful face to be shown all around the world. Its Win-win for me =D


    Hello MFC world, btw (:


    Ok there must be a line that divides evolving from changing who you are (how you define yourself).


    He seems to be proud of being unfashionable and tacky and then he comes around with this type of ads...?


    The confusing part of the ad for me is the slogan "true originals, believing that rules are made to be challenged" and he appears in a suit and tie? yeah that's original! and defo breaking the rules :rolls_eyes:


    but then again, mika has no comitment to be the same as when he started his career, if anything he has told he likes contradiction.


    All these makes the ad so confusing for me :hypo:

    contradiction must have a healthy limit imo

  11. ok so I've been back and forth wether I would post here or not, basically because most of my posts are dedicated to mika's body parts' pics threads and the infamous grey undies...


    Anyways I just wanted to post because in the begining I wasn't like this at allI like to believe. At first I was just into mika's song and the found the interviews yadda, yadda, and run into the MFC and it happened to be a really good sorce of info haha stupid curiosity

    I just lingered through the threads for months before actually registering...I didn't even thought he was good looking :dunno:

    At first actually, don't kill me for this, I mocked with my friends about all the threads here, from pics threads, to reports threads, reading how was the same exact gig from 5-10 different people, shocked me.


    I used to be one of those peeps who couldn't understand the fixation over a star of anysort, for me it was like falling for a cartoon character, a waist of, well, of everything IMO, because the artist isn't real, is just peace of a marketing product..I used to think.


    So yeah I didn't get it and at first, it was more about amusement, really, but then I found myself spendind more and more time reading everything I could find here and somehow I started to want to comment and be part of the insanity, then I registered, still with lots of doubts about doing it :aah:

    and yeah..well I became an irrational, almost, empty headed fangirl :fangurl:



    So about the first months I was in a fangirling cloud but lately I've triedin vainto spend less time here, to go back to my stalking mode and not lose my oh so precious time in posting nothings


    So...now that I've nothing else to say, I don't even know why I'm posting this pointless bunch of memories, is absolutly contradictory, plus I don't know if I'm writing this to convince myself or try to convice you to convince me I'm not what I've always critizased (it sounds so dramatic and messed upoh Zeus) well I just spend alot of time writing this, I might as well submit.

  12. hey! :bye: does anyone remember wich tv show was it where mikas band was all mixed up? I mean; David was doing vocals, Ima the bass,I think... can't remember it right :aah:sorry



    does somebody know what concert is this picture from??



    wow that would be pretty cool for mika to do!!

    ...maybe it's Neo? :teehee: don't know :dunno:

  13. Pues si, si no se animas tampoco podemos obligarlos :dunno:


    Estoy pensando en que nos reunamos ahora en marzo que ya salgo de vacaciones, se que habíamos dicho que en enero pero empece clases antes de lo que pensaba y desde entonces no he parado. Yo creo que por lo menos a las que conozco de acá de Maracaibo puedo hacer que vayan y a ver si después de reunirnos se animan mas de participar, y pues si alguna de otra ciudad puede venir, pues mejor........

    hey chicas me parece bien que pensemos en algo para atraer devuelta a la gente..yo no podría ir a Maracaibo, se me complica la cosa y en marzo yo aun estoy en vacasiones, pero si se podría planear algo en Caracas para los q no puedan viajar, como yo :dunno:

    Perdóneme para hablar en inglés


    I hope you manage to have a meeting. In January 2012 the MFC will be 5 years old and we want as many countries as possible to join in the celebration. So perhaps you could discuss that at your meeting. :naughty:


    Also to encourage people to join perhaps you could run a competition? I'm sure I can send you some things to use for prizes.


    uuuh si!:boing: con juegos y premios se llama bastante la atención d la gente y promocionarlo tanto en el twitter como en el FB y bueno claro q se tenga q hacer la competencia por aqui en el MFC para q así se logeen :biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2:

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