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Everything posted by mary*

  1. where can i buy it I need to borrow some from mfc yeah then we move to notebook wars too those are from the other day xD http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o719/Stardust_inyoureyes/Photo7555_zpsdd0d9c1b.jpg aaand my math notebook https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/988908_521639501207250_1978933983_n.jpg (those writings say 'Tato you're my hero' and other one 'love you infinitely my tato' ) well you'll guess it's all by him edit: you can move to our school
  2. yes, but not only a video but also having a 'pen war', you should have seen that 2floor house on my arm with windows and balcony and stuff it was so fun though oh yes I know those vids of your school it really seeems to be huge ours is like a home compared to yours
  3. because our school isn't really the best becaus eof some reasons..and so on but still. we won't let him move oh and btw here's us if you wanna see at russian lesson a few weeks ago http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPfgqWOQWuk drawing on each others hands edit: that's not me at the beginning
  4. yeah I know and now he says he's gonna move to another school maybe so we're all telling him NOT TO MOVE we'll tell the school head not to give him his documents and not let him move
  5. from the first grade. like.. we were 6 then and now we've finished 11th grade but he's not a boyfriend or anything of course
  6. დონ'ტ კნოწ. წას გონნა სტუდყ იტ ნეხტ ყეარ ტჰინკა ნდ ნოწ ჰავე ტო....daaamn. I forgot again to change language font was gonna study that subject next year and now I have exams in all the subjects I was gonna have the next year sure he does I'm not stealing him don't worry, he was just a horse,..or donkey,call as you want. here's da pic I love https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/375685_524237490947451_955466755_n.jpg
  7. Well we haven't even studied it so I have no idea what that is I'll do something, that's okay yeah because we are legendary ourselves ooh must have been cool! Dunno who doesn't like him but he's a fine horse anyway
  8. Wish I were going to the uni already in september too! but maybe in January I'll pass exams in all the subjects and then I won't have to go to school anymore or i'll have to stay till summer -.-
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