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Posts posted by Mikaissocoollike

  1. Like your personality and outlook on things, it's funny :teehee:


    No, not really...


    I'm confused...I am saying I have no life cos I am finished with school since like May and haven't done that much since...apart from go to town a few times and went to a BBQ like last month that's it:aah:


    well I watched one and it was pretty funny but maybe it was cos there was a girl the same age as me and the fact that she looked scared made me laugh

  2. Well, she should understand that you didn't know! MFC is a part of internet!! She has posted this gif on net probably so it has been spread out, not a shocking thing!! :teehee:


    Mary, I'm sure you will... NOT! Good luck ;-)


    well yeah I found it through tumblr,she obviously seen one of my posts so seen it then,she went at someone else first thinking it was them but then realised it was me,at least I changed my siggy pic though

  3. Right, thanks for explaining that. But I didn't expect this cause here is so friendly and I feel so comfortable , everybody is kind to me. Haven't seen any bullying, what about you?


    Sure I'll do! My last name means a generation of light so I think I know how to do it:aah:


    No problem,most people are nice here I haven't really seen any though this one person on here and a bit of a go at me for using a gif which was actually her's but I didn't know,but wouldn't say it was bullying just not very nice about telling me to take it off.



  4. Wow! Do you know what was the story behind this? Why he wrote it?!

    Btw, here is so hot like hell, do you want me to give you some sunshine?:teehee:


    I think it's just down to fans have bullied other fans or they have felt bullied by fellow fans,am not really sure:dunno:


    Yes,gimme some now :mf_rosetinted:


    Edit: Should probably read things in this thread to know what's what http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28195

  5. Gosh seriously today is the first day where I can jump into my pool and wear a swimsuit can you actually believe that... WE ARE THE NORTH! :mf_rosetinted:


    Well I am the west of Scotland,it rains....a lot..usually if not that then you get all seasons in one day:aah: So if it's good and sunny for a good while,I feel like celebrating,apparently it will be a heat wave here though come next week

  6. that's what he always do! doing some festival, in france! though he broke the rules and had a gig in beirut! :mf_rosetinted:


    what was the statement? good he cares about us :wub2:


    Tell me about it:mf_rosetinted:


    This is what was said


    "It has come to my attention over the last few months that some members of my fan community have been behaving badly towards others - call it whatever you want, cyber-bullying, name-calling, internet harassment, being nasty. I have never and will never agree with this conduct. There's nothing I respect more than my fanclub community both at shows and online. I do not condone any act of bullying amongst fans or to members of my team. If you're someone who does that, you're no fan of mine. Therefore I respectfully ask everyone to be friendly and supportive to one another, and if you can't do that then please keep your negativity to yourself. I really appreciate my fans and have enjoyed meeting so many amazing people over the years, you make it all worthwhile. Be good to eachother. M x"

  7. :mf_rosetinted::mf_rosetinted:

    Right I forget to introduce myself, I'm zombie kimi, just came from cemetery and now I founded a coffee shop near where I rested and it has free net!, have I missed anything interesting dear?!




    Not missed much in this thread no,Mika wise oh he's just doing some festivals :mf_rosetinted:



    Oh though,he did post on his fb page a statement about bullying cos apparently there's been some bullying going on between Mika fans. That's all I can think of right now

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