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Posts posted by Mikaissocoollike

  1. awwh i could go on for HOURS about all that trash music nowadays :teehee: but i liked gangnam style before the 'wave' came over to germany and everyone loved it :aah:

    but something like usher or umm 'WHEN I WALK INTO THE CLUUB ALL EYES ON US'.. :puke:


    That song got played twice in the space of like 5 minutes or so at the ice rink in my local shopping centre:shocked:


    was too much for me,I had to make my boyfriend and his friend go from around there so I didn't have to hear anymore:aah:

  2. hahaha that's good commercial! :teehee: but that's true, i'd really enjoy more mika everywhere :aah: but usually i dont mind the music at all, its just there but when they play mika! !!! :aah:


    My shopping centre sometimes plays Mika but it is usually WAG or Grace Kelly :aah:


    But just find it good how,I've heard Popular Song,Make You Happy and Origin of Love at different places,if Mika was to know this he might come back here:fisch:

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