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Julia Welcomes

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Posts posted by Julia Welcomes

  1. It's not even a matter of him being in danger. Hatred and violence against gays is a huge issue in Russia. You can say whatever you want, deny it is not there but that is exactly what Putin wants. Make people believe there is no violence against homosexuality because it doesn't 'exist'. I'm sorry Russians, but for as long as this situation is going on, I hope Mika will pull a Wentworth Miller.



    On behalf of Russian mikafans I thank you for killing our hope to see him in our country.


    Some of us just don`t have a chance to travel to Europe for Mika`s gigs, unfortunately. Some of us Russians are against violence towards LGBT, remember?


    After all, it`s mikafans who will suffer if he never comes here.

  2. It's just the same here - last night I watched the program - and I must say the young people taking part in the music competition were pretty good! :fisch:

    The panel of judges consist of four clever, well-known and beloved norw. artists. Last season Magne from AHA was one of the judges. But I really wouldn't complain if MIKA was in one of those chairs ...:teehee:





    I adore Aha))) Paul is :wub2: There are more chances Mika joins Norw season)


    I wouldn't advise him to work in Russia :fisch:


    :sneaky2: Thanks for "support". You are breaking my heart, really.


    The money will be the least of the reasons he won't come to the Russian Voice :aah:


    Seriously though, it's like every day I read of some new atrocity being perpetuated against the LGBT community in Russia... Sickening and frustrating :sneaky2:


    Well, Mika visited many countries that don`t welcome LGBT - he made gigs and saw his devoted audience there.


    Things are not good here in RF, alas, but the real situation differs greatly from what foreign media write. A big part of the Russian society is against any fighting and discrimination. (Remember, Russia is the country that beat nazis in 1945).If you want the truth - ask someone who`s in Russia. Ask me.

  3. I really love this article. I love when Mika writes things sincerely. He pretends he`s not sincere, but I feel it`s true - this writing is close to what he really feels.


    When I was 30 I felt like I`m on the edge of time - a half of my life is still ahead, but what good did I do ? I was thinking of the past more than of the future. What I like about Mika`s article - is the idea of thinking of the future. His children, his achievements, his parents, musiс.... Look forward, don`t look back.

  4. The recorded auditions take place in November and the live shows run from February to May every Saturday night (that's how it was this year)


    No no no:no:


    I`m in the good company of The Oldlings, I might not live that long(

    I don`t judge Mika`s career decisions, but I`d love to hear him singing and making new music, I still hope for the 4th album, sorry.

  5. This is what annoys me so much. Underwater would be absolutely loved in the UK if the Swatch ad was on UKTV. I really can't understand why it's not on UKTV. I can't think it's Mika's fault, for surely he would love to be on top in the UK again.

    My son keeps asking me if Mika's lost his record deal in the UK yet?



    Do you mean it hasn`t appeared on UK tv?? :blink: So wrong! Well, the summer is over, so I guess this Swatch campaign is finished everywhere.


    For me Underwater video is great and creative enough to win in a category. It corresponds with the song perfectly - that`s important for a good video. ( But I`m always a minority) .


    I voted twice:teehee: , thanks to my office computer.

  6. After all amazing words and greetings and, of course MFC B-day gift, I think Mika will get inspiration for another 30 years of his life ! Hopefully, he`ll have time to notice them all here or in Twitter as well....


    I must add that there`re so many fans beyond MFC who love him so much and also have sent greetings today.

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