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Everything posted by Pamela89

  1. thanks you gyus...im recently saw your messages!! thanks again!

  2. es evelyn_89@hotmail.com---espero verte pronto, besos!

  3. ok..nos vemos!

  4. si ese es nuestro Mika jaja----oye pasame tu mail, asi charlamos despues por msn

  5. yeah please! :biggrin2: i want to see the pictures haha....and i'm not in holidays, i'm working yet, but in 2 weeks i'm going to travel to Perú, so i'm very exited, I'm counting the days haha :aah:

  6. I'm fine thanks....and you?

    COOLLL!!..Marron 5 ?? i love it!!....they don´t come to Argentina a long time, So congratulation!! i envy you haha....about to live in a small town , i know what it is, i used to live in one of that towns haha, but its great to, i like the local party's

  7. México?? me encanta!!...siempre eh querido conocer, es tan lindo como se ve?? jajaja mas vale que digas que si hjajaja.......

    Bueno nunca lo vi en vivo y en direto como se dice.....cuando Mika vino aca (Argentina), yo solo habia escuchado 2 canciones y no me gustaba mucho que digamos, por ratos me resultaba un poco molesto...hasta que unos meses atras vi una entrevista que le hicieron en España y me ENAMORE!!!!...es un DIVINO! jaja, me cayo muy bien asi que empeze a buscar su musica y me enamore otra vez con las letras jajaja....pero nada lo descubri un mes despues de que hizo su concierto...:blink:..ahora estoy esperando cuando da las fechas y mira si tengo que acampar una semana para conseguir las entradas LO HAGO jaja.

    Esa es mi historia....

  8. Que hay de ti??..que me cuentas sobre ti'?

  9. thanks!...tell me something about you..well i know what thing you want to study, but another thing about you?

  10. Los dos lugares tienen su encanto...en Peru tengo a toda mi familia...en Argentina todos mis amigos..asi q no podria elegir jaja

  11. YES i'm a nurse..but i want to study production...that is one of my pasion, i'm 21 so, i have a chance to study yet jeje

  12. oh really!?:biggrin2: i like journalism too.....but,i want to study to become a tv producer, and i was thinking start this year.

    so, you are from France...i love france, i wish to travel there some day....This Year I start studying French (that is something that i'm sure, not as a producer of TV:teehee:) ... I love learning languages, and French is one of them ... when I learn something I will write to you in French, so you can correct me :roftl:

  13. Hihi...it was great thanks!...i didnt have to work hardly as another days haha, i'm nurse and i work in the neonatology area.... delivering babies, and all this days were quite.:thumb_yello:...how about you??


    ----please tell me if I wrote something wrong jaja, thanks!------:blush-anim-cl:

  14. Que bueno me alegro mucho!!!....

    Soy de Perú pero vivo en Argentina desde hace 7 años..

  15. No, i havent...i wish that jaja, but i have to wait for his next concert, and i dont know when it happens....

  16. well, when mika came here, I had heard only two songs of him (at first I found him a little annoying, but that changed obviously)--- 1 month after of his concert, I saw an interview of him in Spain, and from that moment I fell in love of him .... haha I can not stop listening his music .. so the next time he come here I have to go to his concert!

    haha this is my story of how i met mika jajaja

  17. im fine thank you??..

    how about you, how are you doing? :biggrin2:

  18. im fine thank you??..

    how about you, how are you doing?

  19. hi!! thank you for accepting me....im fine and you?

    well, im peruvian, but i live in argentina...i moved here 7 years ago.

  20. hi!! i´m fine and you??

    i really love your pic with Mika, im jealous now hahah, just kidding

  21. hola..bien y tu???

  22. thank you for accepting me haha

  23. y bueno es nuestro amor!!! y gracias por compartir la foto conmigo jajaja

  24. jajaj que horror!!! jaja es que todavia no se manejar bien la pagina jaja mil disculpas jajaj

  25. Hola Alba, como estas???

    pues yo soy de Perú pero vivo en Argentina hace muchos años.....Barcelona me encanta, me gustaria ir ahi algun dia, es tan lindo como se ve?

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