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Status Updates posted by krysady

  1. :lmfao: I told you this is what he likes to do.......I guess da bastard it's used to that after all this time :naughty: I don't even give a **** about this tweet,as long as it's not for Vio :sneaky2:
  2. It's quite expensive,indeed :aah: And I don't know if I'll wear it,it would be only because it's limited edition.....Well,I guess I could use those money for better purposes,sorry Mika :dunno:

  3. No,I just wanted to know if it's available,I don't know if I'll buy it :dunno: The problem is that I like the blue one,and the box of the yellow one (limited edition).What about you?

  4. No,he is! you're a good girl :naughty:

  5. Aaaahhhhh,the desert picture again :drool:


    I have no idea,but I think you can make it in your town somewhere.If you put the mouse on the logo here,on MFC,you can d/l the picture,print it,and order it to a shop,we have here many shops doing t-shirts,badges,with any print.

  6. Oh yeah,that must be :doh:

  7. Morning,Alba! I have no idea,but I think we'll find out today,at the Venice event,maybe they we'll make an announcement :wink2:


    Tired,or maybe the contestant was really bad??

  8. Hmmm,I wonder too....and it's free,only subscribe to their site,and get invitations :sneaky2:

  9. He looks so different with his hair like this :aah:


    I see on twitter many ppl saying he was moved to tears by Vio's performance,but I didn't like it.

  10. Here it's the video of Mika with his girls during the rehearsals,but I can't see it http://xfactor.sky.it/showvideo/176544/mika-ascolta-le-sue-ragazze-durante-le-prove/01-11-2013/

  11. Ah,thanks! I was looking on NowVideo site,not in eradeipesci.com :doh: But it's much easy from your veoh with savevideo indeed,thanks again!! :flowers2:

    No new episode from last night online yet?? can't wait to see it :teehee:

  12. Thank you,Eriko,for your detailed explanations! It's clear,but I don't know how to find the first page,that one in Italian where you show me NowDownload :doh: Do I need a special program?

  13. Oh my,just saw the pic.....:doh:

    Why sad? do you think he's not happy for real,or you're talking about your life? :hug:

  14. I can't even imagine.....it's not right for you,you didn't committed any murder,you deserve to be happy :hug:

  15. Yes,I loved that part too! I put my hubby to read and translate,his eyesight is better than mine :naughty:

  16. Read the interview,it's lovely! That it's his new house in Milan :naughty: He lives there with Paloma,Yasmine and his mom.

  17. I know,me too....but I feel like I'm crying now :tears: Just remembered this vid,and I get goosebumps every time at 0:30 :tears:

  18. You know she loves both of them :teehee:

  19. No,Mel is sleeping in the middle :naughty:

  20. :naughty: And that means the butterflies pillow it's for his "guest"?? :arf2:
  21. :fangurl: I better go to bed early this evening :das: And that means that it's his pajamas for real??? :fangurl:
  22. :floor: Thanks,now I have a subject for my dreams tonight! :naughty:
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