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Posts posted by DutchAnnie

  1. 75 got in in the end. I find it a but strange that the people who are STILL complaining are the ones that weren't even there. We worked our asses off for months to make this happen and didn't get the go until 2 am before the show. People do not understand it wasn't my decision to only let 35 people in but it was team M who told me and even said right before we went in no more than 35 people.


    I am just shocked that even though we worked it out in the end people are still bitching and making me look like I am the ****ing devil even though it wasn't Mika who requested everyone to come in but it was me who decided to let everyone in. A little respect would be nice.


    I'm sorry to hear this. :huglove: I think you and the others did a wonderful job, not only by organizing this M&G party but also by keeping it a secret (I had no idea you were planning this ... I really wish I could have been there :teehee:). As for the people that are complaining, bitching others and whatsoever, in my opinion they don't even deserve to be let in at occasions like this as they obviously don't understand the statement that Mika made a while ago and they are not his real fans as Mika already said so himself. :sneaky2:


    I think it's wonderful that people offer their time and put in a lot of effort to organize things like this and they indeed deserve a little respect. And I'm not only talking about this occasion, but about everything that has been organized by everyone throughout the years and (hopefully) will be organized in the future. All these people have my respect. :bow: :bow:

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