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Posts posted by astor

  1. I just had one of the most bizarre Mika dreams ever.


    I dreamed that I was going to Mika's gig with Mika. He was with me in the audience but we talked about another Mika who was supposed to perform there. While we were waiting for the show to begin we talked about how adorable the performer Mika was on the PDP dvd, we held hands and apparently I had a huge crush on him. Later performer Mika's dad came on stage and started playing the piano and singing Mika's songs. When he played Relax and Grace Kelly I sat on a chair and Mika sat on my lap. I wrapped my arms around him and started bouncing him like you would bounce a small child sitting on your lap.




    Oh my god. Yesterday I had a dream that I went to a Mika gig with Mika too. :shocked:

  2. I've actually been to just as many gigs in London as I have in Canada. And before last Wednesday it was more in London! :naughty: It feels like my "home" gig and I know of at least one Londoner who thinks of Toronto as her home gig too :wink2:


    I feel a lot more comfortable in English speaking countries so most of my gigs have been in Canada/US/UK/Ireland. I went to Japan but I needed babysitters the entire time because hardly anyone speaks English and I can't even read the most basic Japanese. :aah:


    I think I could venture to France and French parts of Belgium and Switzerland, but I'd be a bit lost on my own anywhere else.


    If Mika ever goes to South Africa I'd like to try to get there. And I'd still like to go back to Asia if I have some babysitters :naughty:

    Let me know when this happens. :mf_rosetinted:

  3. There is something on YT actually about a cord progression that's been used in many pop songs. The two guys sing all the songs to the one cord progression. You'd be surprised how many songs it's been used in, and one is Happy Ending.

    There is also a vid about a well known piece of classical music called (now I'm not sure I've got the title quite right, but it's something like) Pacabel's Cannon, and once again Happy Ending is one song they say was based on that piece of music.

    Somone might know those two vids.


    This one, if anyone wants to see it :teehee:

  4. Okay, changing the subject slightly... but I am interested in what this thread thinks. :biggrin2:


    The Catholic Church in Scotland are all annoyed with the Scottish government who are keen on legalising gay marriage.

    This being on the news reminded me that someone commented the other day - "straight people care more than gay people that gay marriage is legalised".





  5. There isn't such a thing as non-permanent tho, apparently. My hairdresser said it just fades faster. But YEAH PURPLE! I used to have dark blue hair, but nobody noticed until it was all gone and I had my own colour back, kinda. Last year I had about 6 broad green stripes in my hair which was amaaaazing but it faded very quickly, so within 2 weeks I had yellow stripes in my hair and I looked like I had walked straight out of Little Britain XD



  6. I know it's a serious conversation, but seeing you two misunderstanding each other constantly is actually pretty funny :P anyhow, there is a difference between being bisexual and realizing there will always be a chance than you could one day be attracted to a person of the same sex. You know, like: a girl is born with the fate of falling in love exactly 100 times, 99 times with a guy, once with a girl. I suppose the label she chooses just depends on when she falls in love with the girl. True, technically the girl will be always be bisexual, but she can't know she is so until she does fall in love with the girl. Until that time, she has two options: labelling herself as straight (full stop) OR labeling herself straight wile realizing she can't know what the future has in store for her, thus accepting its fluidity beforehand. (yeah ok third option: labeling herself as a lesbian, then bi, perhaps later on straight BUT NOT MY POINT LOL)


    I think both options are valid, but if you don't make the distinction it could come across as terribly homophobic.And I hope it makes sense :S

    I like the way you put that. :wink2:

  7. Maybe because he doesn't want to be put into a pigeonhole, or because it really is no ones business and have no impact whatsoever on his music.




    Agree with you, I'm waiting for the day when people don't have to come out of the closet. But there are also some screwy things the other way around, you can't make a straight thread or a straight parade to celebrate straightness as the society look like today. Which is kind of weird, but I guess the world I want to live in won't exist during mu lifetime...


    Everyday is straight day. :naughty:

    I think the LGBT community deserve these 'perks' (:mf_rosetinted:) until they are considered equal with straight people.

  8. A girl that just graduated from my school died a few days ago. I knew her from marching band. It's just so shocking and sad. :tears: She got into a car accident and wasn't wearing a seatbelt. You never know when these things could happen. Everyone just please be careful. :huglove:


    Holy heck, that's horrible. :no::tears: I hope you and everyone are okay. :huglove:

    You be careful too, you hear. :huglove::hug::itsok:

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