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Status Updates posted by astor

  1. I've cleared them now :pinkbow: But we might as well talk here :aah:

    Unless you have anything PRIVATE to say :das::roftl:

    Aw poor you :tears: I know the feeling, I have loads of exams in the next few weeks. And I also visited my grandparents :teehee: What are your private lessons in? :huglove:

  2. Thank you for your advice :biggrin2::flowers2:

    I agree with you about the hand, I didn't realise it was in such an awkward position until I started to draw it! I have heard of shortening before, I'll look it up. But thank you very very much! :blush-anim-cl: Hopefully I'll improve with practice :thumb_yello:

    The replay button is getting a lot of work on this song! :aah:

    I guess we've kind of forgotten what an amazing voice and talent he has, since it's been so long since we've heard it *take the hint, Mika*

    I'm really looking forward to Christmas, as we will have 'Let it Snow' AND 'Vive Le Vent' to brighten it up :teehee:

  3. I KNOW ME TOOOOOOOOOOO! my battery is about to die, tomorrow night I'll have my cam and the charger, so I'll be on skype! Can't wait to speak to you dear :huglove:

  4. I love the lower range too, but I'm so glad he used falsetto in it, all the different tones are just beautiful :wub2:

    I hope he (and you :teehee:) choose the right school, I know how hard it can be. But I'm sure he'll fit in well!

    Here, at last I have uploaded it! It's not really worth the wait :roftl:


  5. ängi ängi ängi ängi ängi ängi ängi ängi ängi!

    How are you? :huglove::

  6. Don't worry, take as long as you like to answer. I'll always be here :teehee: It would be great to send you a Christmas card! I'll pm you my address now.

    At least the project seems interesting, even if you can't involve Mika. And next year you'll have lots of amazing new songs! (fingers crossed)

    Talking of his lovely French voice, have you heard Vive Le Vent in full? :wink2:

    Thanks for the good luck! I've been revising today, and the exam is on Monday. This morning I visited a college I might go to next year, and I have to decide whether to go or not :dunno: It's quite stressful! But luckily I have MFC :pinkbow: Are your children making similar decisions about school and exams?

  7. It's not great :teehee: It's a pic where his head is down so you can't see all his face.. But right now I'm working on a drawing with his whole face in :aah:

    Aw, that sucks! At least you can involve Mika in it! :biggrin2: What is the project about?

    I have lots of school work to do, today I have to revise for a big German exam :sneaky2:

    Unfortunately I probably won't be able to put anything Mika-ish into it :roftl:

  8. I'm so sorry! I keep forgetting to take a pic :teehee:

    But I have finished, and will upload it tonight :thumb_yello: My camera isn't great quality unfortunately, but oh well...

    How are you? :huglove:

  9. Kimiaaaa! :huglove:

    How are you, lovely?

  10. oh gawwd that sounds bad :sad: X-ray? :shocked:

    at least you have anti-biotics! so you will get better soooooon. :huglove:

  11. What did they say?

  12. You feeling any better? :huglove:

  13. Make it a good nap! So you get better faster!

  14. Bargh that sucks. Unfortunately I can't help cos I'm 223487359623984 miles away...

    Hopefully it'll only last a couple of days :huglove:

  15. Oh deaaar.

    I hope you're taking your medicine! :stretcher:

  16. You okay darling? :huglove:

  17. How are you too young for tea?? :shocked: Did she say why? :blink:

    Well today you are one birthday closer to being able to drink tea :teehee:

    Enjoy the rest of your day lovely, I have to go now! Speak more later, lots of love! :huglove:

  18. Oh no! I'm sure all the acting will be worth it, it'll be amazing!

    And we all know that it was your party here :yay:

    I hope your wish will come true, it was the perfect birthday wish! At least you got some cake to eat :teehee: My present to you:British_tea2.jpg

  19. I'll say hi back then :teehee:


    How was your birthday darling? :huglove:

  20. Wendyyy :huglove: Sorry about the late reply dear!

    Well of course Mika loves himself, what's not to love? :lmfao:

    And in answer to your question, almost everyone speaks English as their first language in Wales :thumb_yello:

  21. ofc, you are very scary :mf_rosetinted:

  22. I'm even scareder :blink:

  23. Are you friends with pedo bear? :tears:

  24. help meeeee, I'm being watched :blink:

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