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Status Updates posted by astor

  1. I'm hardcore, you see :mf_rosetinted:

    The chicken... was hard....


    But yeah, I went on Thursday and they did the impression thing and I'm getting braces in August, just in time to start 6th form, hooray.

  2. As long as you have cookies :pinkbow:

  3. PFF.

    You mean, you gave her some chocolate or something? :mf_rosetinted: :mf_rosetinted: :mf_rosetinted:

    I'm.... CORRUPTED :crybaby:

  4. WOAH, hey Mika! So YOU gave her that candy cane? :mf_rosetinted:


    AHA YOU IS GENIUS TOO. :lmfao:

  5. To be honest, you have better English skills than me. So either you're lying about being Finnish, or you're using a really advanced translator :mf_rosetinted:

    I don't get why braces=nerd though, if you think about it. Clever people aren't necessarily going to have wonky teeth :aah:

  6. Oh poo bum.

    Not for this yet, but a couple of years ago I did, and after the injection, I fainted. I then woke up, and puked all over the dentist's carpet. You can still see a slight dark patch :naughty: I hope he has taken that as a warning :mf_rosetinted:

  7. I haven't watched Lost, it looks too confusing... :teehee: Yet a second-language English speaker understands it? :shocked::naughty:

    Did you see Katy Perry with her gi-massive glasses/braces combo? Twas tres cool. Yeah that's right, so un-hipster it's hipster :mf_rosetinted:

  8. The Friends bloopers are the funniest. Marcel misbehaves, to the point where I was crying with laughter. Can I get a pet monkey please? :teehee:

    And I think Marcel's real name is Katie :lmfao:

    Now I won't be a hipster, I'll have thick-rimmed glasses and braces, I'll become a victim of bullying! :tears:

  9. Well you have to show me the photo now, you can't leave me in suspense :mf_rosetinted:

    I just watched Friends :naughty: With my full box set of all ten series :punk:

    I should be revising. And I'm having x-rays for braces tomorrow :tears:

  10. Well everyone's probably heard that before, I didn't put much effort into originality :mf_rosetinted:

    Hows life up North? :biggrin2:

  11. A blonde walks into a pizza house and says 'Can I have a 6 inch cheese and tomato pizza please". The waiter asks 'Would you like that cut into 12 pieces or six?' The blonde says 'Oooh, 6 please, I don't think I'll be able to eat 12'. :mf_rosetinted:

  12. Do you appreciate blonde jokes then? :naughty:

  13. Okay dear *pats head*

    The real stuff, as in having a stranger feel around your mouth, and force plasticine and wire on to your teeth? Yeah, I can't wait :mf_rosetinted:

  14. Annette :teehee:

    I is genius.

  15. Oooh, I (and the child within) got lots of those :das:

    Eileen Dover. Ben D. Koch. :wink2:

    Hey, what do you call a woman who stands in the middle of a tennis court (unfortunately this one isn't dirty :roftl:)

  16. How could anyone not know that song? :naughty:

    Well you'll love this then: I went to the butchers the other day and I bet him 50 quid that he couldn't reach the meat off the top shelf. He said, "No, the steaks are too high."


  17. Irony. Oh how ironic.

    Have you heard 'Ironic' by Alanis Morrisette? That just popped into my head :teehee:

    If you ever listen to it, I recommend watching the comedian Ed Byrne ripping it apart, he is funnyzzzzz.

  18. I think I'd be best friends with him even if he was addicted to Class A drugs :lmfao:

    A pair like Mika's, also. I feel in with the hipster crowd. :punk:

  19. HA very supportive daughter you are. :lmfao:

    Okay, fair enough. :loco::mf_rosetinted:

    I hope you won't be hindered by your jaw issues. Talking of jaw issues, I am going to the orthodontist on Thursday to get x-rayed for braces :shocked:

  20. OOOH wowza. Any reason why you are not Buddhist then? :aah: My friend went Buddhist at one point last year, but didn't last long. She learnt all the 8 fold pathy things as well. :teehee:

    Hang on, did you not just describe your normal daily activity, since forever? :roftl:

  21. I agree :teehee: But did you know, apparently in real life he drinks heavily, smokes, and swears a lot. You would never have guessed :naughty: I have rather Gok-ish glasses, I feel proud :mf_rosetinted: (Oh for goodness sake, I keep typing 'titned' instead of 'tinted' :lmfao:)

    *sigh* FINE, I believe you.

  22. If I wanted to look good naked, I'd totally apply to How To Look Good Naked, but me and my imaginary boyfriend aren't quite at that stage yet :mf_rosetinted:

    He seems to just go round squeezing and snogging everyone. I would not complain :das:


    Hmmm.. That's what they all say, before 'accidentally' taking all their clothes off :mf_rosetinted:

  23. I love him too. If I were a guy, he would be my loverrrr.

    What, so it looked like you were doing it on purpose? :shocked::lmfao:

  24. You got STYLE, girlfriend *goes all Gok Wan*

    Bra fully exposed, but nobody will know it's you :das:

  25. Well yes, I am a sweetheart *flicks hair*


    It's a man's shirt, I'll put it on and see if it looks big or not :aah: It would look nice tightly fitting OR baggy though, so why not. You could always use it as a.. urm... headscarf? :naughty:

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