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Posts posted by astor

  1. love thaaat!!! :fangurl:

    before i wanted to draw this pic too but i had no time :boxed: stupid school:mf_rosetinted:

    Luckily I am doing Mika drawings as part of a school project :roftl:

    And I really need to find a good scanner, taking a photo doesn't really come out very well..

  2. art coursework!


    would anybody like to wrap themselves (or pets up/or anyone xD) up and send me a pic? I need it for my art coursework. would be grateful if anybody could :3

    my art theme is 'wrapped'...and im concentrating on mummies etc so ya

    thanks xD

    Wrapped in what? :aah:

  3. Sort of off-topic I guess but I'm loving the accent! :wub2:


    I can understand English rather well, but in this case I was very glad with the subtitles! :wink2:


    Their accents are quite strong for where I live, but as you go further north, this is about normal. It's weird because although most people say they love British accents, they don't realise the variation you can get :teehee:


  4. Wow, maybe soon EMD will travel to Ukraine! We are the next country from Poland to the East :aah:

    All I hear here, is sometimes Relax...


    Let's hope:thumb_yello:


    Relax is quite popular here-radio stations play it regularly. But I was really shocked when I heard EMD:biggrin2:




    But how come UK radio NEVER plays anything Mika-ish? :dunno::sneaky2:

  5. ya, haha xD


    Btw, I did get the answer....it was 10. But I've forgotten the explantion....and question. One sec :aah:


    EDIT: Ive actually forgotten his explantion :blink::boxed: but he said in the case of that question the kinetic does equal GPE. :P

    I've forgotten the whole thing now :aah:

    Oh well. It's only physics. :pinkbow:

  6. better here than in class in front of him! hopefully he doesn't visit this forum :teehee:

    Well I'd love if it he was a closet Mikafan :lmfao: As long as he didn't realise it was me :mf_rosetinted:

    I'd have secret ammunition, so whenever he gets all up-himself, I can be quietly humming Grace Kelly in the background to disconcert him..

  7. My frikking biology teacher who declines to teach us anything yet expects us to get 100% in everything and gets all self-righteous and degrading when he hands us back papers which we have failed and ignores the fact that he sets us work which we haven't learnt and we just sit there in silence until he reads out the answers and gets annoyed when we leave questions blank and expects us to self-teach because we are 'independent learners' but we are like 'noooo it's your job!' and blaaarghhhh..


    Ok, rant over.


    I know it's petty but it's been building up :naughty:

  8. Since I started to learn English by my own I realised that here we learn a very odd English at school. I mean... I´ve been taught to make negative sentences like this:


    "Mary is my friend" like "Mary isn´t my friend"


    But then, after learning English by my own, I once did an exam, and I wrote "Mary´s not my friend anymore" and I was told that I should do it the other way, like "Mary isn´t my friend anymore"... but my experience says that people says it the other way....


    so... how do you English people say that???

    Doesn't make any difference as far as I'm aware.. in informal speech, anyway.

    It depends on which word you want to put the emphasis on..

    But there might be some rule that I wasn't taught :teehee:

  9. Yours was 79 times cheaper than mine :shocked: !? Never mind, I was on a spending spree :roftl:



    Was it new or used?



    New. :aah: And perfect quality and everything (I think, not that I'm an expert)... Somebody reaaaally didn't want their DVD, surely they weren't making a profit :dunno:

    :teehee: Soon they'll be giving it away...


    I'm keeping my fingers crossed it be EMD rather than something as old as LICM DVD or as unattractive (to put it nicely) as an eyeball tshirt :roftl:

    I'm not complaining :aah:

    But it would be nice to have something more up to date, since you can see most of LICM in some form or another on the web.. But as things (like EMD) get older, especially CDs or DVDs, the price falls dramatically!

    So I'm just lurking around amazon and ebay, waiting... :naughty:

  10. why not?? I love Iggy!!!



    OH I WANNA BE YOUR DOG!!! :aah::aah::aah:

    I think his voice is great, but I was just suprised at the song choice.

    There is a disturbing YouTube vid of that song (I Wanna Be Your Dog), but I won't go into detail... :aah:

    But childish Christmas innocence does not spring to mind. :teehee:

    I don't think it would sound much more different from Bowie's version, actually, in terms of his singing. :dunno:

    That's a good point, but I guess the last time I heard it, it was sung by a 9-year-old schoolboy, and the association has stuck... :roftl:

  11. And I had no idea about your feelings till now???:aah: you're the 3d!:roftl:

    Yes, those glasses completely spoiled the interview, it would be such a cute vid!


    Hope Mika doesn't have them hidden in drawer somewhere. If tomorrow we will see him in those glasses, it will mean the only one thing: he lurks this thread :bleh:

    I hate those glasses too!!! :groupwave: I cannot begin to descibe how silly/unflattering/stupid they look :aah:

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