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Everything posted by Mikasgirl:)

  1. Just looks to me as if you pressed the link button instead of the picture button:teehee:

  2. That's more than enough for awesomeness, considering that he is beyond awesome:teehee:



  3. *giggle* you like my made up words?:teehee::huglove:

    MIKA is pretty much the greatest person alive. Nuff said

  4. Absopositivelutley!! :thumb_yello:

    It's strange to think that I would never have known you if it weren't for MIKA. That man is undoubtedly the best thing that has ever happened to me

  5. Yes, at the same time:aah: I have a talented throat:teehee::mf_rosetinted:

  6. :lmfao:

    When I read that I choke/laugh/squeaked:teehee:

  7. And, as someone in the "things I dont like" thread said, "I'm starting to wonder if the orange chicken is really CHICKEN, or just some alley cat"

  8. I'm not a big fan of Chinese food, either. Most of it is so... Slimy:aah:

  9. *examines self* oh god, I must be very, VERY bored:lmfao:

  10. I know it doesn't sound similar... I'm very tired:aah:

    I just have the MOST RANDOM pictures saved. Ever. :mf_rosetinted:

  11. okay, I'll follow you:thumb_yello: (that sounds creepy)

    You know it:mf_rosetinted::


  12. For some reason I read "I consider it's a green walrus". I was like umm What the flip Wendy??:teehee:

    I finally got a twitter:D

  13. Hehe:teehee: you speak as if your iPod is a person or something

  14. ONLY half way? Geeeeeezzz mine would be beyond dead!!

  15. My mom is so used to me typing on something at every waking moment that she doesn't even notice anymore:teehee:

  16. Hello:bye:

    So, I was talking to my mom about MIKA and we watched a few of his videos.

    She was like "What is he? He's not a very good dancer. All his moves are so whiteboy!! Like he dances whiter than YOU"

    And I said "He's Lebanese. As in he was born in Lebanon."

    And she was like "oh cool. Wait, where the hell is lebanonon?"

    Me: :doh:

  17. When you said that I imagined people playing chickens as instruments:mf_rosetinted: haha bye

  18. Definetley! Gtg bye:bye:

  19. Woah:shocked: that story was intense! I like the part "in mikatopia there is a tradition, that everyone has to have something glittery, and it has to be visible" :D

    MFC is always priority:mf_rosetinted:

  20. Noooo...:D school starts later

  21. Hey:bye: I'm in the process of typing my story for you:D it's a bit long

  22. Okay:) I'll email you the first chapter later or tomorrow:thumb_yello:

  23. Alright! Can't wait:boing:

    My email is babydaisystout@hotmail.com

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