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Posts posted by Minthy

  1. Today I (kind of) stood up for LGBT people and told some of my closest classmates that I "wasn't exactly straight". I feel like a massive weight has been lifted from my shoulders and I'm actually really proud of myself - that's something I haven't gotten to experience very often.




    It's a really great thing. :thumb_yello:

  2. Edit: hoping it's ok for me to be in they gay thread without being gay... please tell me to get out of here if I should.


    I am in the same situation and I always be good here with other. I give my opinion and it's ok.


    Sorry, I know it's not write properly but I don't know how to tell. Hope you can understand.

  3. Soit qu'il cache sa détresse derrière un masque de bonne humeur... pour ne pas faire souffrir ceux qu'il aime, pour qu'on ne garde pas de lui l'image d'un malade...

    Quand on est très malade le regard des autres est terrible : vous y voyez soit la pitié soit l'accablement des gens qui pleurent comme si vous étiez déjà mort! Et c'est bien plus difficile à vivre que l'idée de la mort elle-même.


    C'est dans la nature humaine de roder autour des mourants, j'appelle ça "l'effet vautour", comme les gens qui se rassemblent sur les lieux d'un accident, pas pour porter secours mais pour essayer d'apercevoir du sang! La plupart des gens ne sont pas animés d'intentions si louables à soutenir les malades, ils veulent juste pouvoir dire "j'y étais"! Ca fait désordre de ne pas tenir la main d'un proche qui s'en va, et puis on ne sait jamais : le karma, la punition divine,... Mieux vaut faire son devoir... et en profiter pour se faire une réputation de saint... et avoir ensuite quelque chose à raconter...

    Heureusement tout le monde n'est pas comme ça, il y a des personnes dont la bonté et le dévouement naturels viennent au secours de ceux qui souffrent, mais ils ne sont pas en majorité.


    Ce que je dis peut paraître choquant mais j'ai vécu cette situation.

    Quand j'étais entre la vie et la mort pendant des mois, des tas de gens se sont brusquement découverts mes "amis", même certains que je n'avais jamais vus! Je ne dis pas que leurs intentions étaient douteuses, mais après que j'aie eu l'idée saugrenue de m'en sortir, je les ai tous vu disparaître...

    C'est la vie : quand vous allez bien vous n'intéressez personne!


    Toutes mes pensées vont vers ton oncle qui vit les moments les plus difficiles de sa vie. Quoi qu'il en dise, qu'il soit croyant ou non, entouré ou pas, il est seul face à une épreuve terrible : renoncer à la vie. Tout le monde a peur de mourir, même ceux qui le cachent derrière un sourire.


    Tu as raison et je comprends très bien ton point de vue et ce n'est pas choquant du tout, c'est la réalité. Tout ce que je souhaite c'est qu'il ne souffre pas. Tu le dis d'une si belle façon que je n'ai rien à rajouter. Merci :thumb_yello:

  4. :/ je comprend ton point de vue, et cest vrm platte que c'est une fois quon perd quelqun, quon se rend compte de sa valeur". p.s toute mes sympathie pour cette personne. :(


    Merci, c'est gentil. Personne ne mérite d'être malade et de mourir à un jeune âge, mais ce qui est bien avec mon oncle, c'est qu'il continue à faire des farces et à nous faire rire. Il est vraiment positif et présentement, il est comme un rayon de soleil. être aussi serein face à la mort, c'est soit qu'il est dans la phase du déni, soit qu'il a décidé de ne pas se laisser empoisonner la vie par tout cela et de profiter de tout le temps qu'il lui reste.

  5. J'ai seulement envie de dire quelque chose. Quelque chose que je constate, quelque chose avec laquelle je suis d'accord, mais quelque chsoe que je ne comprends pas. Pourquoi lorsqu'on sait que quelqu'un va mourir, on prend soudain beaucoup plus attention à lui, on lui dit des chose qu'on ne lui aurait jamais dites, on fait tout pour le rendre heureux. Je trouve sincèrement que cela est bien, mais pourquoi avons-nous besoin d'attendre que les personnes qu'on aime soient sur le point de mourir pour faire tout cela pour eux. Dans la vie de tous les jours, nous devrions pouvoir offrir aux personnes qu'on aime toutes l'attention que cette personne mérite. Je vis cela présentement avec un membre de ma famille. Cette personne obtient soudainement toute l'attention, et je trouve ça très bien, mais avant de savoir que ses jours étaient comptés, personne ne le visitait. Maintenant tous lui montrent leur amour. Je ne comprends pas.

  6. I don't have the time to read all the thread but I want to tell my opinion about it. Mika is gay? Ok, he is just a human like all of us. He told us, I am proud of him because I think it's an hard secret (if it is). And I am happy becuse he looks happy. All people on the earth must be proud of who they are. Unfortunately a lot of people think they have to judge other. I don't think everyone have to look like other. And I am certain homosexuality is not a choice. All people have to be happy the way the are. If I have to judge someone, it's the people who think they have all the truth. I never think I have the truth. I try to live as I want to live. I considere me as marginal. Maybe a lot of peope don't like me or don't understand me because of it but don't want to change. Sometimes it's hard but I really want to be myself and don't play a game. And I think all people have to live as they want to live. It's not a crime to be gay, it's not a crime to be marginal, it's not a crime to want to follow the most part of the society. It's just unrespectful to don't allow and judge people who don't be like us.


    I really liked to write this message in french because it be best but I think all of you can understand my opinion.

  7. :huglove: He is truly missing out. You are such a wonderful person, inside and out. He just needs to realize that.:hug:


    Thank you. This is what I think too. I continue to see him. I am not awakward with my body now. He have to accept it and I told him. I don't know if he will succeed to but it's his proble. Unfortunately, I have to pay for a thing I can't really control. I am a big girl, I will always be a big girl. I just wait to see if some day he will can live with this.

  8. I was a girl without confidence before meeting my boyfriend. He helped me to build my confident by loving me :wub2: You could do the same with your boyfriend :)


    Hi, it's not my boyfriend really. I think he don't know what he want. He told me last time that I am beautiful, etc. When he comes to my appartment, he was not the same. He told me he have to think about it. He told me he don't like that I am a student because when his friends will ask him what I do he will be shy about it. He told me we are not in the same stage on our life. He have a house and a good job with good salary and he can take 6 months off to travel, all of this... And he told me he don't like my body because I am a big girl. But he saw me before. I don't change in a week!!! He want a perfect woman I think. Now I don't know what to do.

  9. Wow, I know it's really late to comment this post, but I think I have to comment because I told you in December that I can't write in english and now I can and you understand me. I know I am not perfect,really not, but I made good progress and it's because of you, all MFC members.


    Thank you :thumb_yello:

  10. I am in love and I am confused because I know sometimes love hurts. Do I have to be so comfortable with a man if I have to suffer after? I don't know. I am single since 6 years. I don't know if he really loves me. We will together saturday. I will see after... The night was so nice, I was so comfortable close to him. :wub2:


    .... And now : today he called me. He will come at my appartment tomorrow afternoon. My cleaning is not finish then I have to move my big a*se. I have three hours of car before arrive at my appartment.:shocked:


    He looks nice again. But He look also like a man without self confidence. Maybe a man who was broken by love in the past. I hope all will so nice like the night I passed with him. It was like heaven. Too many times Idon't have any affection. I really hope all will be good. I don't know what he will think when he will know I have multiple sclerosis. I am really nervous about it.

  11. Good luck :huglove:


    QUOTE]Thank you :huglove:





    I totally understand u :thumb_yello: You must just follow your heart ! I mean, if you love to spend time with him, then go for it :thumb_yello:




    Stay strong! :hug:




    I'm a dreamer too !!! I want to change the world :wink2: and I know I can if I go world by world [considering that every person lives in theri own world made by their interpretations :wink2: ]


    I don't think that I [by myself] could achieve a world where people are always happy, respectful and understanding, but I do my part by trying to be happy, transmitting happyness, trying to be respectful and understanding :wink2:


    oh god. it's 5:18am in here :shocked: and I should be studing.


    sorry better world, but you must wait til I finish my exams >.<


    thank you. My heart told me "go for it:wub2:"

  12. Just a word can sometimes make a difference between happiness and sadness, between death and life. Don't forget it. Sometimes in my life, just a word, a smile, can do so much in the life of some people. I am a dreamer. I dream of a word where all people will be happy, respectful and understanding with other people.


    Maybe you will think I am crazy. I can assume. :wink2:

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