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Status Updates posted by Nadeshiko

  1. Oah! Cute! We are young! J'ai vu kick ass sans savoir cette chanson ni même avoir pensé l'avoir noté, mais quand j'ai vu le clip vidéo, je me suis rappelée de la chanson :3 Nice!

  2. We name him "Jean Harghel" here, but I know that his first name is not exactly Jean... but something close of. Learning french is, yes, difficult, especially for the writting :P Are-you able to understand mika when he's talking in french? or the meaning of the words of "elle me dit"? O.o Spanish is close of french... that's good. That's true, it's weard to try speak romanian haha! It would be funny to try skype, tu let you try speak french or me learn the prononciation of some romanian words haha... but... if I do that, I'll wait until time that I have more time for... sorry :( My head is already complaining about overbooking! Anyway! Happy to know... Bună as "bonjour" "hi" "buenos dias" "konnichiwa" "anaceo" "guten tag"... (that's the other languages that I know for this word haha). Happy.... night? (for you it's late... no?) Well!

  3. In Quebec, "Elle me dit" has been too much popular xD because here, french must be more than 60% of the music that a radio can let the people hear... so. Quebec is the only one "state" (province) who talk french in Canada as the first language, so many people are afraid to lose their identity, lose their culture so that's why franch is so told "important" here... oah! Talk french and english is great! I don't know any word in romania language; I've propably heard a couple of time one of my friends talk to his mother in roman language, but not more. How do we say "hi", "I love you" and "good night" in your language? :P Hihi, I'm curious!! I know talk french, english and spanish, a bit more could be fun! :P

  4. Allo Riki! (j'ai été 2 fois à Rimouski)

    Je suis heureuse de connaitre du monde qui provient de la superbe province de Québec! À 4 heures de route l'une de l'autre, ça fait du bien de voir du monde proche de chez soi qui apprécie aussi bien Mika que moi :D

  5. "blame in on the girls... blame it on the boys".... XD

    Maybe, for the people in America, be on a fan forum is not their "cup of tea" XD

    When I work (I work in a grocery doing sushis : Aki sushi) I can hear 1 or 2 songs of Mika in a day, in the compagny's radio (Metro)... (Elle me dit and Relax take it easy are on the tape, for what I am certain). Mika is popular in Quebec, yes, but probably people just dont know the MFC exist or are interested to it. One of my friends like really much Mika, but would never want to enter the MFC, she think that is "too much"; but if I go see Mika on concert, she would really be happy to be with me to go see him. Maybe it's something "cultural" O.o

  6. For me, the first time that I heard of Mika, it was a friend of mine (it's a boy) who was able to sing mika songs. He said many things about Lollipop... I didn't know Mika at that time and decided to not be interest about this artist, so it passed more than 2 years before learn a bit more about Mika and fall in love with his compositions. The event that helped me to become fan has been the "elle m'a dit" song. When exactly? Hm... I was in cegep (in Quebec, it's a step between secondary and university), so... hm... it was when MA Nicolle and the other were doing a concert... probably in december 2008... (or 2007, I'm so not certain of me...) it's a guess according to my life pathway.


    MA told too many stupid things about the song XD some WRONG way thinking... it probably helped me to not be interested to investigate about the song... and eventually Mika. Now I really like Mika voice... and at final (Dah!) his personnality, his "way to be in real life".

  7. I'll write it to you when I'll return home; I am at university on m'y iPod so it's difficult to write... I'll be home in 5 hours... Probably you will be sleeping :P so you Will have the message tomorow morning... Sorry :(

  8. Ilive in Québec city, in Canada (North America). And you? Where do you live? Have you seen in real Mika? For me : no! :( Anyway... I hope one day... How has you known Mika?

  9. It's going well and yes I'm new Mika fan... well I knew his music from his start, but not the singer, haha! I didn't wanted to know him (that I tought "her") at that time.

    I went on the MFC to help me continuing studying in nursing (my life is based on "study", it's hard on the system; I need social so :P).


    Happy to see ya!

  10. Oui, je suis une fan depuis peu de temps en fait. Je connaissais déjà ses chansons en 2007, mais je ne connaissais pas le chanteur, je croyais que c'était une fille... avec ce qu'un de mes amis faisait comme niaiseries en chantant Lollipop, je m'étais dis que je ne voulais jamais connaitre la personne qui chantait cette chanson. (ami masculin qui chante aussi haut que Mika; il étudie en musique (piano + voix).

    Il a fallu que la chanson "Elle m'a dit" sorte pour que je connaisse Mika et finisse par apprécier beaucoup ce qu'il réalise.

    Autrement, il est vrai que j'aime beaucoup la culture japonaise, mais j'aime aussi beaucoup la culture de la Corée du sud.

    Toi, comment as-tu connu Mika et comment as-tu tombé en amour avec son art? :P

    Heureuse de trouver quelqu'un qui parle français au Canada? O.o Viens faire un tour dans la ville de Québec et c'est pas mal beaucoup de monde qui parle français sans savoir un mot en anglais plus que "yes" "no" "toaster" "skidoo" XD

  11. Your "Head Nurse - Mika's Hospital" is hilaring. Tell me if you need service, I'm nurse :P

    Well... happy to know you on the forum :)

  12. Nadeshiko provient de la série manga/anime Sakura chasseuse de cartes. C'est le nom de la défunte mère du personnage principal (Sakura). Son nom veut dire, en japonais, oeillet (la fleur). J'ai toujours trouvé ce nom beau et partout sur internet c'est pas mal mon nickname Mon vrai nom est Mylène (donc rien à voir haha). Avoir une fille, j'aurais trouvé ça intéressant de la prénommer ainsi... malgré que j'ai aussi "Sandrine" en vue (aussi provenant de la même série... le terme "cendre" dans un prénom m'enchante *.*). Pas de problème, si t'as des questions, je suis ouverte à te laisser les poser. Il y a juste moi qui n'est pas à l'aise d'en poser, j'ai toujours respecté le côté privé des gens. Ainsi t'as compris que je suis une fan de la culture japonaise, y compris de leur mentalité au niveau de la discrétion et du respect (tradition). Walla!

  13. Bien merci! Je suis aussi heureuse de faire ta connaissance! Tu habites où? 4 heures de là dans quel sens (point cardinal?) Bleuet? (haha) Acadie? Ontario? (ouf, je ne me sens pas très à l'aise avec les distances... les routes du Québec sont merdiques si on sort de la transcanadienne!!!) C'est quoi... 14 heure se rendre en Abitibi de chez moi O.o Ainsi, merci pour le joli accueil!

  14. Oah! Merci! Ainsi on se verra sur le forum! De mon bord je vais très rarement à Montréal donc ce serait très difficile pour mon de te faire un coucou admettons que j'aurais passé par là XD Bonne soirée/nuit! :P

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