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rachie b

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Everything posted by rachie b

  1. When I have friends over and they fall alseep I like to mess with them Such as my friend Grace ( ) she falls asleep about 10:00 so I tickled her foot and messed with her hair, arms and mouth ( she is a heavy sleeper ) lauren on the other hand is like so-so so when I touch her hands and head and stuff she flinches it's hilarious I do this every time someone comes over to my house :aah:
  2. My weekend is going GREAT


    How's your's

  3. I'm here dancing like a monkey to a karmin song just to keep her awake I feel like a retard
  4. That's hard I think its a tie between Bulletproof - La roux and Bohemian Rhaphody - Queen How 'bout you
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