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Status Updates posted by Micah

  1. Then we can mix up the order! Christmas with you! (Maybe it's best my family is out of the equation...:naughty:) Heck, I will put his clothes on him for all I care. But yeah, it's up to him to continue with the music.

    His neighbors will be very, very, very confused. One day it's quiet, and the next there is children screeching, dogs barking, and who knows what else going on!!

  2. Christmas with my family? New Years with yours? Thanksgiving with his? See without us, he would have to use his brain!! We will just do all his thinking for him!!

    Maybe we can just sit outside his window and listen. You know what I just noticed? I wonder what his neighbors think of him. Kind of random, but I wonder what they are like.

  3. ooh!! Matthew can ride my giraffe and Tom can swim with your otter!! :biggrin2: That will be one coffee date they will never forget!!

    We deserve Mika the most. Look how much time we are putting into planning his future! He should be THANKING us!!!:mf_rosetinted:

    I call hiding inside his piano!! You can go inside the chair or something!! No matter what though, don't make a peep!!

  4. Damn Straight!! If I can't have Gubler, I sure as hell better get Mika!! :aah: Once we finally marry Mika we will be famous. Guess what. Famous people are friends with other famous people, meaning that we have a chance of meeting MGG and Tom Hiddlestone!! We can in invite them over for dinner or something. :naughty:

    Maybe we should just break into Mikas house and take his jacket. That way he won't notice that we aren't dogs!

  5. I don't have a gray jacket, but I have a red one like from the big girls video! Close enough. :mf_rosetinted:

    Hehe, sorry. I forget. :teehee:

    Fangirl. Rabbit. Same thing. :mf_rosetinted: But the life of a fangirl is much more difficult. We are in love with something we can never have. (Unless youre us. We are getting what we want even if it kills me)

  6. :aah: Maybe we will just have to out on a gray hoody and crawl around on all fours? :naughty:

    Hahhaa really? They're multiplying like rabbits!!! :lmfao: Just kidding! I'm randomly slamming my fingers on buttons! :aah:

  7. I agree. They could have done something cool with the hair they alread had. But too late now. They're all gone! :tears: :tears: :tears:

    Our life will be ultimate. I can see it now. We all meet somewhere romantic. Then our vintage circus/steampunk wedding is absolutely lovely. Then a few years later we own a extreamly large apartment building all to ourselves with all our exotic pets and body guards. Not to mention Blancas 473827738291 kids. And then maybe (JUST FREAKIN MAYBE) Mika will let us listen to the Origin of Love. :mf_rosetinted: The End.

  8. Mika would probably do whatever we asked, as long as we say please!! :aah: Dude, this wedding is going to rock. The whole Marie Antionette thing was really amazing and beautiful, but those wigs look painful!!!

  9. Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh. A steampunk circus wedding. That would be heaven. But true, it's not his style. :sneaky2: We could alter the vintage circus theme to fit all of our styles!! We will have a beautiful wedding!!! It will be very.... Different.

  10. I think we need a vintage circus theamed wedding.

  11. Yes!! I will be like their adopted mother. :mf_rosetinted:

    Haha, that's true. As soon as he meets us (well, you) there will be millions of Mikas on Earth.

  12. I will be the cool aunt. They will love me like a mother :naughty:. I don't expect any children from the Penniman kids for a long while. Sad. :tears:

  13. True!! But while you are off having babies and minding your own business, I will baby sit and make sure they still have a pulse what you get back. :naughty: see! I am helping!!

    And you never know with kids these days!! I went to school with a girl who had a baby in the 8th grade! But Fortune is a good kid. No babies from him... Yet.

  14. Exactly!! There is no signs of reproduction from Paloma, Yasmine, Zulieka, or Fortune.:mikadas: :fisch:Looks like the burden is on our shoulders. Shucks!!:wink2::naughty: Looks like it will be up to us to keep the legacy alive!!:biggrin2:

  15. Wild chickens.:chkn: FLYING CHICKENS. :mf_rosetinted::naughty: Bu where there is chicken, there is children. :lmfao: With our luck, our children will end up allergic to all the exotic animals. :mf_rosetinted:

  16. :aah: The otter will share with the water with the kids. Maybe. :mf_rosetinted: The kids are just a bonus. :biggrin2:
  17. Aww, an otter!! It can live in our swimming pool!!! Don't forget my armadillo!! :mf_rosetinted:

  18. I want an indoor sheep. Badly. On second thought, maybe a monkey isn't a good idea. They are vicious.

  19. Yes! He better!!!!:boing: I want a monkey too, but not a crazy one that will kill anyone. I've always wanted to be a zookeeper, and owning one in our house will be even better!


    (:badword:!! Sorry!!! I did the same thing I always do! Posted on my profile. -_-)

  20. Yes! OH MY GOD WE NEED A FREAKING GIRAFFE. But a mini one so that it will fit in the house. It will be a mad house, but amazing at the same time. Now all we need to do is get Mika to agree to all this. :mf_rosetinted:

  21. Yes! I want an armadillo. They're so ugly that they're cute! :aah:We will have to hire body guards and things like that. And our animals will have free rein of the house! They can do whatever they please! I think we should have guards to man the doors.

  22. images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTwliJ8k6vbprfyRga_a62O0y5UYCQ2Meg-VjoC8323z4pOjy9u

    We shall own this building with all of your children and Mika and my cats and dogs and our slaves. Sounds like a plan.

  23. That's the truth!! And if we have a whole apartment building, we will have plenty of room! :biggrin2: I want a cat so bad. I want two kitty cats. :mf_rosetinted: And I think the MFC would kidnap them. So we probably need a strong gate around the doors and windows.

  24. Wait! We will have Melachi!

  25. Yes! We will need to buy our own apartment to avoid paparazzi taking pictures of our children. :mf_rosetinted: And I want a golden retriever!!! Really bad! I love my golden retriever I have now, but its getting old. :( Probably wont be alive by the time I can be legally wed. :tears:

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