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Status Updates posted by Micah

  1. Okay!! Good night, love!! Feel better!!:huglove:Xx

  2. Oh my god. Mika music with MCR?! *dies* That's a very odd combo, but we could make it work. :naughty:

    Thats true!! I would be Bang Buddies with him for a few weeks, just to get go know each other. :das: But after that, we are all getting married and moving back to London!! That will be Heaven.

  3. Yay!! It's good to hear that she supports you!! I think failing happens to all of us, so there's no poin in fighting it. Just accept it. (I haven't been on msn in years! :aah:)

    Haha, our band is going to rock. :badword: school. We have talent!! We could be like Katy Perry. Just be Bang Buddies with him. (Sorry, my friend and I were talking abou how 'get :badword: face drunk with Mika' was on my Bucket List and some how I ended up showing her the video of them walking around drunk together and boom. She dubbed them f*** buddies.) That's the joys of being a musician. Nobody cares what you do just as long as your music rocks. The world will never see us coming. :naughty:

  4. And if she is your best friend, she will be there for you wether you are in school with her or traveling the globe. That's the joys of best friends, always there for each other no matter where they are. :huglove:

  5. I have a plan!! I'm classically trained on piano and vocally, but my crazy ass teacher died like 5 months ago so I've played nothing but pop music since. We could become some amazing duo and travel the world And bang MikaAnd have tons of adoring fans. Then right before we are supposed to release our third album, we totally drop off the face of the planet and fire out beloved band? Oh wait, that's already been done. -_- I suppose if you believe in the fact that you aren't ment to be a doctor, then perhaps it wasn't meant to be? I'm sure there is some wonderful career waiting for you somewhere that you wi totally love and be amazing at. Maybe it's being a doctor, or maybe it's something totally different. Just remember not to be too hard on yourself. Live a little. Mistakes are there go be made. :huglove:

  6. You told me about you being a med student, but you neve said you were already a nurse!! That's a step forward!! Perhaps you just had a bad year? If you truly live being a doctor and that's what you want to do, don't let one bad year hold you from that!! It sounds like your heart is really into being a doctor!! It would be a shame for you to quit now. I find medical students very inspiring. I would never picture myself having enough will power. (I plan on marrying you and Mika, but if that doesn't work out an illustrator or musician will do:naughty:) I personally think that if your heart is saying "Blanca!! Be a doctor!! Make people feel better!!" then that's what you should do. Everyone in MFC is getting sick of hurt. We need our own personal hospital. ;) Don't worry too much about exams. I always fail mine. -_- I think they are always a million times harder than the class work.

  7. Oh No!! Why are you failing?! I hate the feeling in the pit of my stomach that I get when I realize I'm failing a class. Do you enjoy what you're doing now?

  8. : I was dead asleep seconds after I sent you my last message. :aah:Same here. Sleeping is for wussies. :naughty:

  9. Oh my!! Two am?! I think it was like midnight or so my time!! I would be dead if it was 2AM and I had school the next day. :naughty:

  10. I love CAli!! We shall continue tomorrow!! Night. :huglove:

  11. I live in Northwestern Oregon, near Washinton. I'm within driving distance of Canada and like 3 day car trip to Mexico. (I would have to drive all the way through CalifornIa to reach Mexico)

  12. :aah: Really? That's so weird!! I live closer to both Canada and Mexico than I do our capital!! (Washington DC)
  13. Ohhh! :aah: I need to tell my mother that I Come here

    :naughty: To then US us much more forgivable. No oceans to cross.

  14. Shipping to Europe is the worst. I had to send 1 package to Germany and 1 to Holland and my total was like $72. Granted, they were heavy. But still!! Why must you parents forgive you? For sending to Europe?

  15. Haha!! My birthday is in January :mikadas: Just kidding!! Well, it is, but... Never mind. Plus, I would be afraid they wouldn't like it. All of the stuff these people send are like super creative and funny and cool!! I would be willing to do it with another US mfc'er, Bu there isn't very many of us. :sneaky2: Why must transcontinental shipping cost so much? :(

  16. Another negative is she would be able to find all the filth I post here!! :shocked: I would die.

  17. You should put in for it!! It could be little!! I wish I could tell my mom. She would be like "No more Mika site for you!!! Too many Internet creepers!! Are you stupid?!" and the. I would never be able to come here again. Plus, she already calls me Mrs. Penniman all the time (including in public) so finding out I was a legit member of the fanclub would make everything worse.

    I want a UK partner because I'm extreamly home sick. :naughty: I like hearing about the weather and local celebrities and small stuff like that. I missthe revolting smell of marmite in the morning and the streets. I miss it a lot. :tears: Oh gosh... Now I'm crying. :tears:

  18. Okay good. :biggrin2: Now we know we aren't alone. I've always wanted to do Mika Mail also about 1) I'm broke as :badword: 2) My mother doesn't even know I come on this site, let alone talk to people and stuff. She would be PISSED. :naughty: I have been looking for 2 people from the UK to penpal with my friend and I, but ive got no luck yet. -_- We plan on just sending regular handwritten letters. My friend wants another British friend, so she wants them to be from the UK. :)

  19. :aah: I thought the same thing here. My friend (the one from my Mika Mail thread) tried quizzing me on Mika and I passed with flying colors. -_- Then I added a bunch of other random facts. I even added facts about his family. I totally creeped her out. :naughty: I feel so superior now that I know almost every little detail about Mr. Meeks. But sometimes I feel kind of guilty. Or creepy. You know the feeling? Like 'I wonder ifthere is anybody else who spends this much time thinking about and researching one certain person?'
  20. :aah: Haha! I'm a lazy fan girl... unless you are Matthew Gray Gubler or Mika. Then I know almost everything about them. I'm super creepy with them. I'm working on MGG, but I'm a walking Mika Encyclopedia. :naughty: I'm super lazy when it comes to other fandoms. :naughty:
  21. I've never heard of Keane. Heehee, I'm a bad fan. I don't even know who that is. :naughty: I just love their music. The Sharpest Lifes (Lives?) was, like, my favorite song ever ever ever until I found Mika.

  22. YES!! Out of all the bands in the world, they are on my top 10!!!! omg omg omg omg you are my saving grace.

  23. OOH! I LOVE MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :fangurl:

  24. Yes! They do!

    My music taste is very broad. I listen to everything from Mika, Florence and the Machine, the Beatles. To stuff like Panic! at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, Billy Talent, ect. I love basically everything. I love the soundtrack to Skins UK and the movie Juno, especially. How about you? What do kind of stuff do you listen to?

  25. Ha, really? I don't really know what my dad does either. All I know is that he has a lot of spare time and pumps dangerous gas and liquid every once and a while off of big boats. :aah:

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