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Posts posted by Micah

  1. Man I've been kicked, punched, elbowed in the face and shoved to the floor at concerts around here, the Mika concert was nothing. If you did bump into me I didn't notice. I know I bumped a few people around me, but that's what happens when you are dancing in a tight crowd.


    I didn't really talk to very many people at the concert. I mainly kept to myself, but that's just the way I am. I was listening to the conversations around me though. I started out standing behind a blonde girl and her gay boyfriend but as the crowd danced and moved around I soon ended up between them. After a while the blonde girl tapped me on the shoulder and said she had a awesome spot but she wanted to be next to her friend so she offered to trade me spots. I said sure. I could see way better from her spot. From there I ended up getting pushed closer to stage until I ended up behind you. That was awesome! The people around me were just so nice. Loved it.


    By the way, to everyone reading this, there are still a few promotional posters for the Portland show on eBay for like $10.

    Okay. :aah: I just wanted to clear that up. I know there was a group of people being really rude and kicking my knees out from under me to make me move, an I sure hope that didn't happen to you!

    I wanted to talk to people around me to see if anyone as from MFC, but it never really came up. I did speak to someone after the gig who was from here, but we didn't realise we were fellow members until AFTER we met back here. XD

    Oh really?? I may have to buy one for myself. :thumb_yello:

  2. Wombos: Ahh! That's so cool! I was trying to strike up conversation with everyone around me (besides the nasty brats to my right), but just incase we didn't share a few words, HELLO!! :D

    I love being able to read these posts and hear the different perspectives! This really adds to the Mika experience times ten! I hope I never bumped into you. I did step on someone's toes a couple times, so if it was you, sorry!!:huglove:

  3. I was actually in line behind you at the ATM and I almost pulled out extra money to buy you a shirt too. lol Then I reminded myself that I had already spent way too much money on this trip and really shouldn't be buying stuff for strangers when I need to buy gas to get home. I don't know why I just told you that. Hey, I almost bought you a shirt, but then I got cheap and changed my mind. Sheesh.


    That said, thanks for all the lovely photos. I didn't really get any good photos, they all came out blurry. I was actually right behind the girl with the sign for most of the show. It was a night of almosts for me. I almost got a good photo, he almost touched my hand and I damn near got an autograph. Another 30 seconds or so and I would have gotten my autograph. I'm all standing there waiting patiently and suddenly he says goodbye and walks away! I instantly felt sick to my stomach. I even chased after him. I stood right next to the van as they drove off. Every part of me wanted to knock on the window and beg for an autograph, but I didn't. That would have been rude and the last thing I wanted to do was piss off my idol.


    Other than that, what a wonderful night. I drove 7 hours to get there. My boyfriend and 10 month old came up with me. They stayed at the hotel so I could go to the concert. Mommy needed some me time and I couldn't think of a better place to do that!


    I don't know if anyone remembers me or not. I was the big girl with curly dark blonde hair wearing the black and grey sweater with an Iron Man arc reactor tattooed on my chest. I mention the tattoo because I noticed a lot of people staring at my chest so I'm going to assume they were checking out the tattoo.


    I thought the people there were just amazing! Where I live everyone is out for themselves. I've been to concerts here where everyone shoved and punched their way to the stage and I got pushed back and knocked down. I've even been hit in the face a few times. I came to this one ready to stand my ground because nobody was going to shove me away from the stage this time. But just the opposite happened, I got pushed closer to the stage! Love it. Everyone around me was so polite, the tall people were looking back to make sure everyone behind them could see. A couple tall guys next to me let some short asian girls get in front of them. That is so awesome, I never see that where I live. And really that little bit of shoving that took place was nothing compared to what I'm used to so it didn't bother me in the least. As I was dancing I'd bump into people next to me and they would move over to give me a little more room. Just blew me away. I love Portland!


    I actually got there just a half hour before the doors opened. Since we had the baby with us on this trip, I couldn't come any earlier, I was away from her long enough as it was. Despite getting there kinda late, I still ended up about a foot from the stage, how awesome is that?


    Mika is unheard of where I live. Nobody knows who he is. Around here every listens to either country or heavy metal. I'm a lonely Mika fan here. It was just amazing to finally be around other Mika fans! I'm really thinking about moving to Portland.


    I just loved that whole experience. I've been dieing to see Mika for years, it was a dream come true. It would have been the perfect evening if I could have gotten my autograph, but that's ok. Next time, definatly will be a next time. I still very much enjoyed myself.


    How do you get to be a big girl dancer? I soooo want to do that! Some day, some day.


    My thoughts are kind of all over the place here. The day after I came back from Portland I came down with the flu. I've still getting over it. I'm just glad it waited until after I got back to hit me.


    ok I'm done. Thanks again everyone for all the awesome photos! I'll upload some of mine later. They aren't great but a couple of them came out ok. I was too busy dancing to take too many pictures.


    Ohhhh! Which side of the stage were you on? I had a sign! Maybe you were near me!

    It's too bad you didn't get an autograph, but I have a good feeling that he will come back sometime. He talked about it at some of his later shows! Maybe you will be able to get an autograph then!

  4. Is there any country in the world I'm afraid of, it's North Korea. Even if I'm sure the ones demonstrating not really are supporting a war against usa.


    Yeah! They had a breaking news interruption on our television about this today! Bit of a scary time to be living in America, if I do say so myself... Even if nothing is carried out in the long run, it's frightening to think people even HAVE those thoughts about the place I currently call home!

  5. Finally just getting on here after the show!


    My friend Todd and I got to the venue around 8 AM, we were first in line as always lol! In fact if anyone remembers Mika mentioning something about " the lady who got here at 7 AM and now she can't see a f*cking thing" that would be me...LOL! I chose the wrong side of the piano, but it's ok. I could still see, and he gave me a little wave after he said it.

    He only knew we got there so early because we tweeted him a little video as soon as we got there.

    At one point, I ran back to my friend's car to check on something, and Mika was coming out of the back stage door. He was getting in a cab, and I walked RIGHT BY HIM. I smiled and he smiled back.


    I have to say it was totally worth getting there so early. We were ON the stage pretty much. I had to move my phone at one point so Mika wouldn't step on it!

    The entire show was just incredible. All of it. I can't even pick out parts right now.


    OH! I saw someone mention something about fans who were supposed to have had a meet and greet. That was us. Apparently we were told by someone who did not have the authority to tell us that at all, so the venue tried to work around it by having him come back out into the venue after. We were given permission to stay, but Mika didn't know anything about it, so he went right out to the bus. So then they corralled us to that area saying they'd bring him over to us, but then he just left :(

    We were disappointed, but I've met him before and honestly I was still on a high from the show, so I guess all in all it wasn't the worst thing ever.


    The concert? BEST THING EVER.


    Awww! My mother and I were talking about how bad we felt for you. :( At least he kicked his Louboutins at you. ;)


    He WAS getting really close to the edge! I had to move my phone also, and he stepped on my poster twice! I really though he was going to go over the side of the stage once. I braced myself for impact. :aah:


    We were supposed to have a meet and greet?? :shocked: Oh my lord! That would have been AMAZING. So sad it didn't work out.

  6. ‏@mikasounds: Back after the most extravagant pot luck dinner I've ever been to @ditavonteese incredible house. So amazingly decorated, movie set perfect


    ‏@mikasounds: Tomorrow am off to Las Vegas for the first time ever. Performing at the Hard Rock Cafe. Am so intrigued.


    @mikasounds: Was educated on Liberace tonight but the museum in Vegas has already shut down. The Michael Douglas film will have to do. Fascinating man

  7. I have a really short, bad quality recording of it. You can't hear a whole lot, but it gives a feel for the song. I have it posted on my YouTube, but I don't want to make any trouble here with posting a recording. I can put video here if you want to get a feel for it, but I certainly don't want to cause any stirs with having an 'illegal' recording.

  8. Micah, you must have been standing right behind me after the show, because I totally heard you shout "No chicken tonight!" and it made me giggle. LOL!


    There were some really lovely t shirts there, but I didn't get one, because they took cash only. :( The venue had an ATM, but it couldn't read the worn out strip on my debit card. That'll teach me to skip a trip to the bank before a concert! Fingers crossed that the extras eventually show up in his web store...

    Ill bet I was! It seemed like a few people understood, but most people seemed pretty confused. XD Someone next to me was like, "Woah! Blast from the past! 2007!" But I don't know who it was. :(

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