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Posts posted by Micah

  1. Okay! I'm here to write a little bit of a report! I'm sorry if I talk about myself a lot, but I am seriously still on Cloud 9 about the whole thing.


    Okay. So, I got to the venue at around like 12-2. I don't have the exact time. We pulled into a little lot RIGHT by the venue, and guess who I was parked side my side with? Mika himself. I was seriously shaking. We were around 5th in line, and no one showed up behind us for about an hour. About 20 minutes after getting in line, my friend was walking back to our car and passed by a gate that lead to the building and guess who she could hear? Mika and the band doing what sounded like a sound check kind of thing, but was pretty informal. She called me over, but by the time I got there they were finishing up. We were pretty lucky because the theater was right across the street from a gas station, so we had an accessible bathroom and food source. Well, in my case coffee. They seriously had the best gas station coffee I have ever had. So, we waited about 7 hours in this growing line, and tensions were high. The people ahead of me were pretty cool. I wasn't too terribly fond of one of them, simply because she told like 3 people that Mika went to rehab for drugs, but the other one ended up to be pretty cool. We all exchanged Tumblr URLs.:teehee:

    At about 6:50 they opened the willcall (is that what it's called?...) window and there was a huge crowd at the front of the line. I already had my ticket, so I was afraid that these people who had only been in like for like 2 hours were planning on staying up front, but they moved back right before the doors opened. At a little past 7, the doors opened and everyone rushed in. I ran to the stage and got a place RIGHT on the stage, RIGHT in front of the piano. So the PERFECT place! The 'show' started pretty late. Like 45 minutes late. It opened with Max and Curtis doing a little (sorry, it was REALLY) dumb little DJ gig that no one seemed very fond of.:blink: I was standing next to some very nice girls, and some not very nice couples, who were both smashing into me so hard I could pick up my feet and hang in between them! That was a bit annoying, and they did slam me into the stage pretty hard a couple times, but it was worth it!

    When Mika ran out, you could feel everyone rise at the same time! It was amazing! At this point, I will admit, I was crying like a baby. I just couldn't believe he was real! He. Is. So. Good. Live. Like, hello falsetto.

    In between one of the songs (I can't remember which) I held up my sign that read "Yo MIKA! Call Me, Maybe?" He very obviously read it, and I held up the 'call me' sign, and he did a little 'maybe' shrug. It was wonderful! All of his songs are (in my opinion) muuuuch better live. When he said "This next one is called Only Lonely One" I screamed OH MY GOOOOODDDD and he turned and looked at me and said "It looks like someone here is a fan!" and let me tell you one thing. I never thought that song could get any better. It did. He pulled up a young man to sing the English lyrics to Emily and he was seriously a riot! He danced and danced, then went back to his spot and started making out with his boyfriend. :aah: He was seriously a little ball of energy! He did what all of us have wanted to do for years, and that is run his fingers through Mika's hair and gave him a kiss!:aah:

    Big Girl and Lollipop were seriously AMAZING! Like, wow! I was so excited for those. He even got down on his knees right in front of me during BG, and I got a bit of an accidental crotch shot.:doh: It's such a good thing that he did a lot of stuff from his old albums, because I was under the impression that a lot of the people there were old fans. He did play Over My Shoulder, which I was not expecting, but was very openly welcomed! It. Was. AMAzING!!! He is seriously talented. Definitely something I will never forget.

    After the gig I rushed to buy a shirt, then ran to the bus, which was right by my car. By the time I got there, there was a fairly large crowd growing in a big circle, so I was a big disappointed that I wouldn't be able to get close to him. It wasn't long before he came out, and everything heated up. I will admit to weeding myself through people a bit (not violently!) to get to him, but I was still about 2 'layers' back. He began to walk away, so I panicked because HELLO MIKA I HAVE A POSTER FOR YOU TO SIGN AND IVE WAITED FAR TOO LONG FOR YOU TO JUST WALK AWAY! So, out of being desperate, I shouted at the top of my lungs, "NO CHICKEN TONIGHT!!!!" You could just see his eyes shift! He looked up at me and said, "I don't even know what that meeeeeaaaannnnsss," obviously a bit embarrassed, but still laughing. I was like, "Yes you doooooo, Mika!" and he responded with, "Okay. Yeah I doooooo. But how did you know that....." and reached over and grabbed my poster. Basically, I had the best Mika experience. Like, ever.

    He seemed to really enjoy Portland, even with our weird obsession with 'the mountain'. (His WHATS WITH THE F*CKING MOUNTAIN?!?! bit really made my mother's night) I really saw him in his element, and I couldn't have been happier. One of my favourite parts of the evening was probably when he was explaining how our entire generation developed ankle fetishes through watching Looney Tunes.:aah::aah:

    I did take some pictures and videos, but I don't think he would really appreciate me sharing those of the new songs. My mother had a better camera, so I might be able to get some pictures from her to share!

    All in all, his gig was amazing. Great people. Great music. Great interaction. Great everything. Century Man was as great as I was hoping (I have been dying to hear that song since I became a fan. No. Joke.) and leah was also so adorable! Everything he does is so easy to relate to.

    Okay! I hope my 'report' (I don't even know if I can call it that because it wasn't really very focused) was adequate! I only have a few pictures handy, but I think I can get some more in the future!






    And finally, my friend Lizzie and I at the beginning of our 7 hour wait!


    Sorry for the giant pictures.:sneaky2:

  2. same. Even though it's morning for you and I still haven't slept. :aah:



    Jump scares are the LeAsT scary. I'm more prone to being freaked out by psychological things' date=' if you know what I mean.[/quote']


    I do know what you mean. Like, Black Swan sh*t? Those are pretty creepy. I think paranormal things usually scare me the most, but these aren't even paranormal. They're gay. And not in the homosexual way. In the 'why did i just waste my time' way.

  3. I've never seen Paranormal Activity. Any of them. And thanks to you' date=' now I never will. xD I don't even know what they're about, aside from what I can deduce from the name. xD[/quote']


    They're seriously the dumbest thing I've ever seen. They're all dumb. They don't have a very solid plot line, and everything is all relying on jump scares, which aren't even that scary in the first place.

  4. Oh. My. God. Best. Gig. Ever.

    I was in the very front row of standing room (basically on the stage) and DIRECTLY in front of Mika. We did hate quite a bit of eye contact, I must say. :das: I was the girl with the 'Yo MIKA! Call Me, Maybe?' sign in the white shirt and red trousers. I certainly hope someone near the front row got Big Girl on video because he got on his knees DIRECTLY in front where I was standing. :wub2: I, being the MFC'er I used to be, waited by his bus after the gig and managed to scream NO CHICKEN TONIGHT loud enough to manage to strike up a bit of a conversation between him and I. :aah: I got him to sign the (INSIDE, as we established) of my Call Me poster.

    When I get to a computer, I shall write a formal report. :) Other than the terrible people next to me during the gig, I had a great time! Great people. Great music. Great interaction. Perfect first Mika gig for me!

  5. Well, here is my final farewells.

    While I have greatly enjoyed my time here at MFC, I feel like I need to say good bye to the social part. While it was fun for a while, I feel as if it has given me loads of unwanted stress. From this point on, my life will focus on making sure my daughter has the best life possible, my health, and finishing school on time. I had a very wonderful time with you guys over the past year, and I hope those who wish to keep in contact do! I can still be reached at my e-mail, Twitter, and Tumblr! Feel free to write me there, but my time here as an avid chatter here is over. Thank you to everyone who made such a positive impact on such a rough time in my life! Kisses to all, and I will try to check in sometime in the future, but until then!:huglove:


    E-Mail: thecatsandwich@gmail.com

    Twitter: UrbanizedChild

    Tumblr: l-o-v-e-l-o-v-e-m-e.tumblr.com

  6. This is a bit of a long shot, but does anyone have any interesting, original information about Astrocytoma brain cancer? I'm out of school for a week or two, and I have a huge research paper to write and I'm having a hard time finding interesting information information such as symptoms and such... Everything is too general on Google. This is probably a long shot, but I figured it was worth a shot.

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