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Everything posted by liveforglitter

  1. what time is it, in Italy? o: Here is 11.40pm x) i probably should be sleeping right now...:blink:

  2. yes there are many fans :D (one of them is you :D)

  3. he had gig here in 2010 but i was in Estonia then :teehee: i was almost crying because i didn't get there ;( but i'm waiting for him to visit Finland again :wub2:

  4. im not probably going there D: i dont have enough money >_

  5. Harrods is really expensive place, i notice that when i was there x)

  6. mä muistan ehkä nippanappa nominatiivin ja genetiivin, siihen se sitten jäikin... :D

  7. im probably coming in Estonia this summer (: yes we were :wub2: i was sooooooo happy after that

  8. something like this: how are you, where are you from, how old are you, what's your name :blush-anim-cl: i was soooooooo happy after that :wub2:

  9. probably i have to go buy waterproof pen :D and i have no idea where i'm going to meet him again...

  10. yes, we talked for while about 10 minutes? i wasn't almost screaming or nothing x)

  11. hyväähän täs, tajusin vaan et mul on huomen aamul äikässä sijamuoto koe ja arvaa kuka on lukenut "todella monta" kertaa :D

  12. yes i did, but it washed away because it was on my arm :(

  13. en tiedä miks oon vieläkin hereillä, mutta moi :bye:

  14. i'm 14 and you are? and i'd loved to visit Italy one day! (:

  15. I have been in Estonia uhm... over 20 times? and yes i have seen Mika live:wub2: not in gig, i saw him in London last summer, he was shopping at Harrods (;

  16. i read that message from Anney(; I'm from Finland

    EDIT: and btw my name is Annuliina (i know it is long name, everybody at home calls me just Annu)

  17. they sounds just like few little bit older laidies right here too : D

    I have question for you. Have you ever been in Finland? and another one, have you seen Mika live? (:

  18. hey, youre welcome (; i'm fine thanks, you? You live in Italy, am I right?

  19. that sounds so familiar :D:D

  20. well, thanks :wub2: Jämsä is so small place, almost everybody knows each other xD

  21. I saw really weird dream last night:blink: I was at my english class and my art teacher was teaching swedish for my classmates(?) Suddenly three hooded person came into the class, one of them was surely Martin (Mika's guitarist) and one was perhaps Cherisse (Mika's drummer) and third person was perhaps Mika. I could see only a bright flash, and suddenly we were in the school hall. And the dream was over. I look only to the night when I see it in the end. It was quite nice dream too:teehee:
  22. No i don't live in Helsinki, I live in middle Finland, little city called Jämsä (it's quite small)

  23. :D MFC is great place and everybody here is friendly and funny C: (i said that "other side of puddle" because it's true :D)


    well.. do you live in Tallin or? :)

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