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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. Haha:teehee: I liked him better in x factor, he got a bit of a soft spot:naughty: I remember once a contestant gave him a gift and asked for a kiss, and he obliged:blush-anim-cl:
  2. I just remembered!.- When I was 5, I went on vacation and got a tick on my ear:naughty:But my parents told me it was a ladybug so I wouldn't freak out
  3. Both! You can do the first by recognizing a dream sign, and the second by a wake induced lucid dream, which means closing your eyes and falling asleep physically while you're still conscious... Wilds are really difficult, and come with loads of fun hallucinagogic imagery:aah:
  4. I'm totally stumped... I'm watching a documentary thing about lady gaga with my dad, if I think of anything I'll pipe up.
  5. I like Born Brave Nation... It kind of unites everyone participating in the group. other than that, I cant think of any...
  6. Oh!! What channel what channel WHAT CHANNEL! I'm up every night till 5 am during summer:naughty:
  7. Not everyone can just do it, it took me a while to learn:thumb_yello:
  8. Oh, but Sleep Paralysis is GOOD! If you got to sleep paralysis you could've gone lucid right from there! And I don't always remember regular dreams, but vie never forgotten a lucid one
  9. Well, when you lucid dream, you can just TELL. Like one second you're dreaming, then you snap awake... Only you're still in your dream:wink2: You can remember things from waking life, and think freely. Actually, in a lucid dream, you don't HAVE to control things at all.. You can just enjoy the dream! I sometimes like to talk to dream characters and let my subconscious mind answer.
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