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Everything posted by StarryEyed<3

  1. Hehe it says its loading but I'm not sure it'll work... Oh well... I guess they'll have to find some other competition...
  2. I wonder why... There have never been any classical singing "American Idols", we need one for a change!
  3. Oh, a lot of stuff... God(s?), Cosmology, ghost hunting, the beginning of the world.... he's not very organized. And really, I'm not very good... Would be better if id practice but instead I'm on here:aah: Especially drawing, I do some ok sketches but I definitely needs moremwork.. I get halfway through and give up and doodle little clouds and rainbows:teehee:
  4. Locked computer:blush-anim-cl: I have to call my dad for the password... He locks it because one time my mom hacked his facebook:naughty:
  5. Awwwww......me either so, it's OK I guess.... I thought I had some but then they went off without me:aah:
  6. Aha! Don't they understand we need to socialize!! This is probably thte only way I'll talk to ANYBODY over the summer, my friends are all on a trip and I wasn't invited.
  7. Haha, thats cool! That's never happened to me, ever! Sounds so much fun!
  8. Of course I'd be there (because I don't have tiny chat on iPad and my dad locked the computer!)
  9. Neat! It sounds like you could've been about to have a wake induced ld, they are very trippy:aah: It's fun to see the hallucinations just turn into a dream, all of the sudden!
  10. No way! Not like that at all, I don't think... I just have fun with it. Sometimes I don't have the patience to get things done the right way, so... And I just adore science! A friend of my dad's is writing a sort of theology book, I was thinking of helping him with it!
  11. Um, I just like anything artsy I guess... I love to write, draw, and sing... I play violin and piano (and harmonica, but I don't think that counts) I love school, especially science (Cosmology and physics FTW!) my dad's a real history nerd, so I'm into that too... music is especially fun for me with my synesthesia because I see the music sometimes, if I really like it
  12. It's really odd, how the internet works, Ive never told anyone that before... Not even my parents know...
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