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Status Updates posted by smokesignal

  1. Oh, too bad. In that case I hope they will work. And summer is ok in Finland. A lot of mosquitos, but at least you won't be freezing.

  2. Thank you :) same for you: a wonderful year, with beautiful experiences and no hospitals!

    It's nice for your sister that you're around, I bet.

    What are you going to do in Finland? Just travel around or something else? I would advise to go in summer though, not winter ;)

  3. Glad you're back! Every time you vanish we worry something bad has happened to you, and usually it's true :(

    It's nice that your boyfriend is around. How is the situation for the reset, with parents and all? My vacation is spent mostly visiting family and friends, and thinking about which furniture to put in our new house. We'll get the key in less than two weeks :)

  4. Hey, you're here! How've you been?

  5. Finland? The bad thing is it's cold there, but I must say the people are nice (once you get to know them and they loosen up a bit) and at least there would be proper medication for you there.

  6. Hi, I don't know if you're still in the oldlings thread, so let me repeat it here: thank you so much for your update! And drop by in the oldlings any time, everyone's welcome.

  7. Hey Parisa, could I ask you a favour? If you have news about Yasi, would you post it in the oldlings thread too? None of us hang around in the Persian thread, as we don't speak Persian, but we're all worried about her.

  8. Ha! That's hilarious :lmfao:

  9. First thing I thought when I saw it: what is he doing?!? (Still don't know)

    Second thing: this is one for doremi :naughty:

  10. I know, sorry. I fixed it though, does it work now?

  11. Have you seen this vid?

    His insane jumping at 1:23 I figured you might be able to do something nice with that :fisch:

  12. 30, just barely an oldling

  13. You mean you want to be an honorary oldling or did I misunderstand?

  14. I know, but saying what you feel is usually not appreciated. Not unless you wrap it up in such a way that it becomes easier to digest for other people. It's difficult to say what one feels without accidentally offending others.

  15. Well, the first report was quite negative. You only started telling about the good parts later. I think a lot of people were very excited for you and would have liked to be in your place and wouldn't have cared about everything going wrong, or at least think they wouldn't have cared. So then having such a negative report makes people feel negative, especially if they don't know you and don't know how you phrase things (which is quite strong). The important thing is that you look back on it as a nice thing now and that you're happy about it :-)

  16. Hey, your posts look happier now. I hope you feel happier as well :-)

  17. Congratulations on getting into the polka dot choir! Have a marvellous time!

  18. Thanks! I'll give it a try.

  19. So how do you download them now?

  20. LOL!!! I totally believe you...

  21. What would you have guessed?

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