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Posts posted by smokesignal

  1. May I summarize no one likes paparazzi, we all agree to not post these pictures on the MFC because we want to respect Mika's privacy, but in this particular case it could have been worse, since at least they didn't make up ridiculous stories or say something bad about him.


    Now shake hands and give each other a hug :group_hug:

  2. it's a matter of respect for someone who is obviously not posing at an event but enjoying private time with family and friends. paps are like the peeping toms of the world.


    I couldn't agree more. The only thing I tried to say was that if Mika knew what he was doing when he said yes to X-factor, he sure knew this was coming. Even though he's probably not amused...

  3. let's be frank, no one is concerned about the article. we all know what is newsworthy are the pictures accompanying it.


    What? Is the boyfriend in there? :shocked:


    It kind of was a rhetorical question, but I guess that gets lost on a multilingual forum.


    I didn't take a close look, but if a bunch vacation pictures is the best they can do, Mika must be the most boring celebrity ever. If there had been something newsworthy in the pictures, the article would not have been nice :mf_rosetinted:

  4. Sorry, but I don't agree with that.

    The paps can get pics of celebs at public events which is part of that persons job. What the person does in their private downtime is NOBODIES business (unless it's illegal, then the relevant authorities will deal with it).

    I get so angry at the paps and their "only doing my job" attitude, it's total rubbish. There is no need for pics like this, no matter who the person is.

    I'm sure many will disagree with me, but that's my take on it.


    The 'only doing your job' argument is never a good one. Of you truly disagree with what you have to do for your job, you should find a different job.


    However, paparazzi do serve a purpose in the sense that when Britney Spears came back with a song everyone knew about it. And that was not because of her record company, it was because she always stayed in the public eye. And as a result, that single of hers was played more than all songs of OOL put together :sneaky2:


    What's up with that Mika Italia twitter/facebook, by the way? Aren't they supposed to be the official Mika channel in Italy? They are posting a link to the article...

  5. I think it's a good decision not to keep the pics here. It's a good idea for a fan club not to indulge itself in paparazzi pics and respect their guest of honour.


    At the same time, I would like to make a remark on the privacy issue. Mika himself pointed out a zillion times that celebrity was an unfortunate side effect of being a singer-songwriter and that he always was a songwriter first. That gave him the freedom to say that his private life was not relevant, because it didn't matter for the music. Now that he's becoming a judge in various talent shows, that is no longer true. He is sitting there as Mika the person, the celebrity, more than as Mika the artist. So even though we as fanclub should respect his privacy - because it's the decent thing to do and we're supposed to care about him - at this point I don't think we can blame the paperazzi for treating him as a celebrity. That's what you get if you behave like one.

  6. Let's be fair, anyone who still believed he was as straight as a line should be slapped out of their fantasy world.


    I had both his albums, but it took me about five or six years to actually google Mika (and end up here). In all that time, I never once cared about his sexual orientation. This column is not just read by hardcore fans. I would imagine that a lot of casual readers that might have seen Mika in an X-factor snippet once or twice don't have too much of an opinion about him or his sexual orientation :dunno:

  7. Het was Monique Wijmans uit Uithoorn. Heb dit volledig gemist. En heb ook geen introductie hier gezien van Annie. :shocked:


    Hm... Ik heb wel ergens een intro gezien van Annie, maar misschien in de world rep thread. Ik weet het niet meer. Ik weet ook niet of Monique zich afgemeld heeft ofzo, ik ken haar niet.


    En geld... Tja...

  8. I wouldn't be surprised if Mika is a 6 so I am not arguing that he's not. But I don't think you can draw any conclusions from the fact that he does not want to get down with his baby mama. :teehee:


    Let's just say he's probably pretty high up the scale, somewhere between 5,9 and 6 or so :mf_rosetinted:


    Not because of this column though. Regardless of the truth, the way this column was written is very clever. By approaching it in this way, he is normalizing homosexuality and still linking the whole thing to gay rights. With all the remarks in there, about a large variety of topics, this might be his most political column to date, but because of the way he writes it, the way he makes the whole thing feel so brutally honest, it doesn't seem that political at all. It's almost like some of his songs. They seem nice and innocent, but they really aren't. Probably that is the reason I love this column so much. :wub2:

  9. So, I finally asked Doriand to have a look on it through Twitter and a Google Doc, he just answered me :wub2: he congratulated me (?! i am the one who should congratulate him for this lovely song :aah:), so I guess it means he agrees with the global interpretation :wink2:

    He is really a nice guy :wub2:


    I also gave the printed version to Mika in Ronquieres, he looked quite interested :teehee:

    I'm worried that his mum reads it: the part where it says that he feels maybe a bit overwhelmed because of everybody's expectations (also his family's) is maybe a bit "too much", she would be upset :aah:


    Anyway, my students now love this song and discovered a new "face" (?) of Mika, that's the most important :wub2:


    That's great! Congratulations! And so kind of Doriand to reply!

    And I wouldn't worry about his mother. I don't think she feels sorry about pushing him to excel, especially since it worked :naughty:

    Besides, someone who can handle her son singing songs like EMD and SITM surely wouldn't be upset by a tiny innocent remark like that :thumb_yello:

  10. "biting" post is very..... very.... biting :blush-anim-cl:



    I start thinking that Mika is p*ssed of with fan tweets like that. :thumbdown: (but he remains polite , as always)


    You consider threatening to bite someone's fingers off polite? :shocked:

    Remind me never to get on your bad side :naughty:

    I think it's a good tweet though :thumb_yello:


    Can Mika ride a horse?


    Apparently :naughty:

    Actually, I've seen a pic of hij with riding boots and horses before, so I suppose so.

  11. If it is' date=' she probably wrote it, because that's not Mika's handwriting. :blush-anim-cl:[/quote']


    Looks like his handwriting to me, the signature for sure, and the drawing, and the content of the text...


    I don't know how he comes up with that stuff :teehee:


    If someone else wrote it, it doesn't mean it's his mother. There are three glasses on the table...

  12. Awhh darn, yeah I didn't think so I couldn't find any reference to one anytime soon anywhere. But yes most definitely! He spends so much time abroad touring he has lost his British 'hype' deffo need him back! And I am soooo unbelievably excited for his next album if he performed it live in the UK I'd be in heaven!!


    Hi Jess, welcome to the MFC! You'll find many people here that actually travel all over the world to see Mika perform, but of course that's not an option for everyone. There's and introductions thread, where you can say hi and introduce yourself so we can get to know you :thumb_yello:

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