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Posts posted by Alie

  1. As some of you, I think that it could be a kind of songbook or a deluxe version of the new album for France... it's right that he want take the chance offered from The Voice. :thumb_yello: But I don't believe his 4th album is all in French for the whole world, it would be absurd :aah:

    However, we wait for official news... we need to be patient with Mika :teehee:


    I think that IF he releases an album only in French, he will release it only in french countries, like France, Belgium, Canada (probably only in Quebec) as he released the Songbook only in Italia.


    I hope he's also working on an album in english at the same time. :pray: This is what I'm waiting for. I also wish he's really working on his music (french or english), because he need very good songs and a good promotion to get him back on the charts.

  2. Paris Match



    La troisième saison de «The Voice» – dont la diffusion est prévue pour début 2014 sur TF1– se fera sans Louis Bertignac. Cette année, le chanteur désire se recentrer sur sa carrière musicale et repart en tournée début septembre, tout en préparant un nouvel album.


    Pour le remplacer, la production a recruté Mika, avance « Le Parisien». L’interprète de «Relax, take it easy» avait déjà été approché pour le lancement de télé-crochet de la Une, en février 2012 mais avait décliné la proposition. Le chanteur américano-libanais retrouvera donc Jenifer, Garou et Florent Pagny. Son contrat ne devrait courir que sur une seule année, laissant la possibilité à Louis Bertignac de mettre un terme à sa pause.




    Tour in early September ???


    This news says that Louis Bertignac is not a juge in The Voice because he's going to tour early September (2013, it's an old news). :wink2: So it's about Louis Bertignac, not about Mika... sadly.

  3. Given the fact that the only songs ever played on Quebec radio from his last album was EMD and Karen, I'm pretty sure a French album would sell well within in French Quebec.


    Stay tuned for the next episode...:naughty:


    It's the first thing that came to my mind when I read this new. Maybe if a new song in french become very popular, we'll get Mika on radio again here. I'ld be so happy because he'ld be back sooner than expected. BUT I never loved his french songs so I wish he's writting in english too because it's where he's at his best.

  4. J'écoute The Voice aussi ! J'adore ça ! Ça parait qu'il y a du montage, mais en gros le feeling est bon. J'aime aussi entendre vos commentaires après donc si vous avez des anecdotes coupées au montage j'adorerais entendre :fisch:


    J'ai beaucoup aimé l'acadienne au dernier épisode. Si Mika peut s'habituer à son accent, il n'aura plus aucun problème à comprendre quand il reviendra au Québec puisqu'on parle avec un accent beaucoup moins prononcé quand même :naughty:

  5. Je vous souhaite bien du plaisir pour le 21 ! Dommage que la téléportation n'existe toujours pas. :naughty:


    Le thread des middlelings n'est pas très actif alors j'ai pensé que je pourrais me joindre à vous :blush-anim-cl:


    Mon contrat à mon travail s'est terminé vendredi dernier, je recommance à travailler début février. Vacances forcées entre temps :mf_rosetinted:


    Au moins ça te fait un temps des fêtes sans le stress du travail. :thumb_yello: Voyons le côté positif. :teehee:


    Personnellement, avec deux emplois pour la 1ere fois, je commence à avoir envie de me tirer les cheveux et je songe sérieusement à me faire un planning pour mes vacances. Deux emplois, les party de Noël et les autres activités semi-obligatoires (aller voir mon cheval, sortir avec des amis, cuisiner, finir les cadeaux de Noël) je commence à avoir de la difficulté à savoir quand je vais dormir. :aah: C'est supposé être des vacances (je suis au cégep), mais pas sur que ça soit reposant. :blink:

  6. I guess I'm out of the loop since I don't watch this sort of show, but I don't see it as a huge deal in the US. Maybe it means money, I'll grant you that. But, aside from Adam Levine, of Maroon 5, who's been doing the judging for the Voice here in the US, it seems to me that the judges have all been has-beens or never-quite-was-es. The Voice is Cee-Lo Green, Blake Shelton and Christina Aguilera -- none of whom are are big names in my universe at the moment. I mean, Christina *should* be, but she is really not any more. And X Factor is who? I don't even know right now. Demi Lovato? Who else, since Britney left? I really don't know without Googling. :dunno:


    So yeah, there's money in it, but I don't think it's exactly a prestige position these days.


    I agree, but in the US there is 395215 channels and 38472864823184 tv shows playing at the same time. Even if The Voice and X factor are big shows, a lot of people don't watch them. In smaller markets like in Quebec, there are 2-3 big channels so people don't have a lot of choices. In that case, these shows have a bigger impact.


    If Mika is doing X factor again, he won't be the "amazing and cute looking new judge." This part of the show is gone. He needs to do something else. Going somewhere else or find an other way to get attention on him and his work.

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