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Everything posted by YoMute

  1. I've always preferred the original lyrics to Love Today...they always made more sense...
  2. These blue minis sure get around... How about something silly on a sunny Saturday?
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cpp1syEDOJs&feature=endscreen&NR=1
  4. Loverboy? What a selfish song. If you loved me so much and you knew all this then why did you throw me to the wolves? You've had 14+ years of my life. Of course there are other people interested in me, and you keep moving this famed "finish line" further and further away. You've had 14+ years of my life and I've jumped through every fiery hoop you ever set for me. I've given you everything I have, bar slitting my wrists and letting you drink my blood. If it's not enough then I'm sorry, but you should tell me that straight up and set me free. I need you to love me in the real world. That's where I live. Alone and working my @ss off to try to achieve my own dreams. Why are you scared? It's just me. Why can't you just give it a go - if we don't make each other happy we can still be friends, and that's better than whatever this is! Why do you have to make things so complicated? I have a song for you : I can't go on like this. There are people less strong than me who would have killed themselves by now over the way you've treated me. Nothing I say seems to get through to you. You need to deal with your issues and/or call me and set me free. I deserve at least that. I'm not a kid anymore, your songs are not enough and anyway everyone gets them. It's not very special for me, is it?
  5. Exactly. If Mika chooses to discuss our relationship in public I don't see why I should give him the privilege of privacy. If he'd like to talk to me privately he knows how.
  6. Sorry - miscommunication there... I didn't mean "you" specifically, I meant "one": What I meant was, in general, one should not air other people's private business in public, especially without their consent. Obviously, if I'm posting on a public forum I don't mind if people read my posts to Mika or comment on them.
  7. I totally agree - dirty laundry should not be aired in public. Especially when it isn't yours, and double especially when you didn't ask for the person's consent beforehand, wouldn't you agree? By the way, I think you're hilarious Wonka, love your thread..don't you have some work to do with those crazy-face pics?
  8. Nice riff on my poem, Magpie. Is that girl supposed to look like Miss Dune? I do hope so... I never got the chance to tell you that she was the biggest bully at NLC. Used to make a very close friend of mine from uni (S) cry often with her meanness. Funny those little coincidences. I just happened to mention Dune's name and that she'd been really mean to me in general, and S was like "Oh God, not her!" Then she told me about how nasty she was to everyone at school... I never understood what that was all about, but I guess when someone's that abject... Don't know why she was in your credits still though. Is it easier keep your enemies closer than your lovers, babe?
  9. You want to talk in public? Let's do that. Whatever. I've revealed myself, made myself vulnerable, trusted you and all I get, as usual, is kicked in the teeth by you. I've been honest, open and brave. You've been cruel, staying safe and silent and in ultimate control. It's bull****. Don't worry I get it, you'd call me if you really wanted to, is that it? You don't care if your songs intrude on my life or hurt me. It's all about the $$$ Until - tah dah! One day, is that it? I can't believe I was so stupid and wrote you all those emails. Now you can just write a hundred more songs even though I asked you not to and still not do me the courtesy of facing me like a man. I don't know how you became such a jerk. Maybe you always were and I was too young to see it. I'm going to work. I hope you're pleased with yourself picking on me like this. Is your real life really that dull that you have to try to ruin mine? You could just pick up the phone and say you're sorry. I am so done with this stupid game. I never asked you to love me, I asked for my friend back. That's all.
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