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Posts posted by flavia110

  1. io invece sono una fan cattivissima perchè critico tutto :naughty:


    ma non mi dilungo....

    sappiate comunque che un sano e consapevole criticismo rende tutto più divertente.

    pensate che noia se qui fossimo tutte cuoricini e adorazione...che barba!!!


    Io spero che torni a fare solo il musicista dopo aver rastrellato soldi da ogni dove. Ma temo che serviranno solo per mantenere le case a parigi...milano...miami....:naughty:


    beh, il 2014 è ancora lungo....mai perdere le speranze :wink2:


    Io sono assolutamente d'accordo sul discorso della critica, e non penso che tu sia una fan cattiva :naughty:

    Io sarei in ogni caso da psicanalisi se criticassi xf7 perché l'ho conosciuto grazie a questa cosa :wink2: In più è bello che lui sia così vicino alla nostra cultura e alla nostra lingua, probabilmente non mi sarei mai avvicinata a lui se avessi continuato a percepirlo così "distante". Comunque mi è capitato varie volte di vedere interviste o esibizioni e trovare qualcosa che non mi piace, però sono cose vecchie quindi non avrebbe troppo senso venire qui e dire: "hey lo sapete che nel 2010 in quel concerto per me ha sbagliato questa cosa?" Cioè sarebbe ridicolo, magari voi ne avete parlato 4 anni fa quindi... Però sicuramente non avrei problemi a dire se qualcosa non mi piace e a criticare, anche se ovviamente essendo una fan qualora le critiche diventassero enormi mi allontanerei sicuramente perché sarebbe automasochista seguire uno che non mi piace in niente, nelle scelte o nelle cose che fa, tuttavia non ho sufficienti prospettive ora per dire cosa penserò in futuro ovviamente :-D

  2. Per me la sua scelta di partecipare a x Factor Italia è stata vincente sotto tutti i punti di vista e lui stesso l'ha dichiarato :thumb_yello: Per me è incredibile avere il coraggio di impegnarsi con un contratto a fare un programma di fronte a una nazione in una lingua che ancora non parli, credo sia una scelta incredibile.

    Al di là dell'aspetto prettamente artistico, che preoccupa tutti nel MFC, per me imparare una nuova lingua e una nuova cultura così importante come quella italiana ti dà un'esperienza di vita che non può che farti crescere. E se cresci umanamente e culturalmente, la tua arte ne gioverà.

    Io non vorrei che lui nella sua vita facesse solo: scrivo musica - incido musica - faccio il tour - e poi ricominciasse il giro. Anche perché se non fa altre esperienze come può trovare l'ispirazione per scrivere cose originali? Deve trovare nuovi stimoli continuamente e se hai un dono del genere, quello di imparare una nuova lingua in un mese e mezzo senza prendere in mano una penna, perché non sfruttarlo? Comunque assolutamente rispetto chi è contrario a questo tipo di progetti e capisco anche le loro ragioni e la paura che la televisione possa allontanarlo dalla sua musica... Però se è vero quello che dice, ovvero che uscirà quest'anno il suo album, credo che queste perplessità potrebbero essere finalmente smentite, e questo farebbe contenti tutti :thumb_yello:

  3. Xfactor auditions are not public either. Before the real auditions they have already selected the best singers and the worst. I have friends who entered these auditions so I know what I'm saying here.

    Certainly there are auditions before going in front of X Factor's judges, I know that but I was talking about the fact that the x factor auditions are more real and appear similar to a REAL audition, instead of those auditions of the voice whose are artificially built around the particular formula of that particular show. And personally this kind of formula bored me after a while, but it's entirely subjective, in fact millions of people love it!


    Honestly I could turn that around. How can you say Xfactor is better if you haven't seen the entire series of The Voice?

    I think this is a question to Teresa, because I don't think you have to watch entire show to have a personal opinion about it :wink2:



    Since when are singers like Mika qualified to do this? I actually used to enjoy American Idol a lot because Simon Cowell is very good at this. His entire career has been finding and developing pop music talent and he's been very successful at it. But I don't think you can replace him with people who are on the other side of it. Mika is struggling with his own record company/marketing issues nevermind taking it on behalf of undeveloped artists.


    In my opinion, Simon Cowell is a special case , and as the creator of X Factor , he succeeds to find the best talents in this formula. Indeed, in x factor Italy, there was a big record producer in the early editions, she has found a lot of talents as Gianna Nannini and Tiziano Ferro (singers very important in our contemporary musical culture) but she doesn't concluded anything with x factor and she has bet on singers who have even participated in Sanremo thanks to her power, but who have not established in italian musical industry.

    On the contrary, Morgan, who is "just" a musician (and therefore on "the other side") has found many artists who also make music and have now found their place in the italian music industry. At the end of all, I strongly think music producer's work is an ongoing challenge, no one can really know what will appeal to the public or not, and for how many studies can be done, at the end you can not control the art or music. Moreover, qualified music producer thought Mika had no chance because he were too strange or different from the music scene of that period, and they was wrong!

    Obviously, I don't want to say music producers aren't better of the singers in their work, of course they are! But I also think singers could have the right sensibility to make brilliant and brave choices!

  4. Hello! I read the whole conversation about "x factor vs to the voice" :thumb_yello: .

    Personally I followed x factor for 7 years (only the Italian version, I saw x factor U.S. recently but it deserves a separate discussion) and to be "ready" to follow Mika in France I also saw The Voice of Italy in live streaming on the internet. I must say that in my opinion (of course is just my opinion ) the program that really gives me the impression of trying REALLY to find music talents, is x factor. I like it because it's like a public audition, the judges make reasoning and speeches like if they are a record company manager and ask themselves, "Can this guy have the potential for a record company? Has a market? I would invest my money on this singer?"

    Because of this argument , we also see beautiful voices go away, but because it is judged the singer in full, even his image, his figure.

    This does not mean that we speak of beauty, indeed. Only stage presence and charisma. In Italy, almost all of our singers are at least certainly not a sex symbol, so really it does not matter that aspect.

    With The Voice, there is only this voice , but I think this will ensure that will pass the auditions with the production and sing in front of the coach only those who have a more beautiful voice , no matter the charisma , appearance or staying on stage. I always thought that the voice is not the most important thing for a singer, simply because otherwise at least 90 % of the current singers would be wiped out by other singers that have most tecnhical voice. Also, I really like the fact that before the judgment of x factor , singer-songwriters have the opportunity to tell the judges if they are songwriters and often even have the chance to play their song. I think this is fantastic and artistically more interesting than just a voice.

    I believe that the voice can only find a talent in that tiny niche of singers who have a very beautiful voice and don't need anything else that is not their voice to move forward.

    At the same time , over the years I 've heard dozens of voices able to sing whitney houston very well, but are simply disappeared .

    About seeing Mika more relaxed in "the voice" rather than "x factor", I think this depends on the formula of the show. At the voice coaches does not have to take responsibilities, and the rivalry that can be created between the coaches is a kind of rivalry almost playful, partly because as a talent may have got attention from the coach , still coach do not know that singer's world and therefore do not fight to the death for her/him.

    In X factor you assume the responsibility to take 3 talents in your hands and guide their artistic journey for 2 months. There are 3 talents that you have to push versus the recording world and you have to invest all you personal efforts on these talents.

    It's like a book, maybe from the start you really don't care so much about the characters, but when you keep reading, you start to follow with more and more interest about their life, ecc.

    If you mess with them, whit your talents, you have to answer for it and you have the pressure of your choices. You'll also be continually called upon to judge other talents on which the judges have invested as much as you have and you have to take responsibility and also to criticize them harshly if necessary. It's obvious that there is a higher pressure to make XF that the voice.

    Ok, really if I'd have a magic wand, I'll tell you guys, you will be all transformed in italian people, because, english is too tiring :naughty:



  5. also he had been sick since Christmas (coz someone asked him for a kiss. No comment :mf_rosetinted:).


    ahahahah I love this! He could add into his side project a book titled: "1000 ways to kindly avoid kisses from random people".

    At signing session in Bergamo a man kissed him suddenly and he immediately moved his head and looked him with a sight like: "you got me" or something like that :naughty:

    Thanks for your repot

    Now I'm going to read sylvie's chat :wub2: thank you dear :mf_rosetinted:

  6. Fave moment of the ad: when he tells them come no. The way he says it is 100% Italian!! I'm really impressed :)


    ahahah I confirm! The way he has said "come no!" is 100% italian! Also when he says "Ma allooora" well that's is not very italian but very mikaish! or better mikitalianish :mf_rosetinted:

  7. :blush-anim-cl: And do you know what?! :wink2: I get warm in my hearth to learn about how you, the Italiens, have embraced MIKA - and taken so good care of him during these months!! :wub2: I've said it earlier, and I gladly repeat it: You really have a good reason to be proud of yourselves !! :thumb_yello: The Italiens have understood what a diamond of a person he is, and threat him thereafter :wub2: There's a reason why he bought an appartment in Milan!! :blush-anim-cl: If all this had happened in my country, I would have been walking on pink clouds - so "gratzie mille" for being so amazing to our common MIKA ...:huglove:






  8. :thumb_yello: YES, that's how it works to be regularly on TV, in such a judging role - people have got to know him now - in so many ways, and a lot of his great personality has come to peoples mind, and then: who can resist MIKA ?! - not a normal person, if you ask me ...:teehee: And what's even better, I think lots of people will "follow him" - being curious about new music, go to his gigs - and support him further on ...:wub2:





    Well said! I don't hold with the view that those screaming for him at X Factor, are only interested in his good looks and not his music. Every fan has to start somewhere, and even though the success isn't in the UK, it's surpassed my wildest dreams for him in Italy.


    I totally agree :thumb_yello:

    It's strange because when Mika opens his mouth and starts talking in italian, it creates a kind of "alchemy" and it's humanly impossible to not find him absolutely adorable :wub2:

  9. :thumb_yello: This is just sooo wonderful, and well deserved - the alb. is lovely, and it's so great with lyrics -even I think we all here at MFC know the songs, in and out ...:teehee:





    Yes, it's wonderful! Also, I'm not sure if this "Mika thing" happened in other countries but in Italy, before X Factor, Mika's songs were really really famous BUT for some strange reason, a lot of people didn't link all Mika's songs to Mika! Now he is a really strong and charismatic personality here and all the people link all his songs to him! And this is thanks to x factor and songbook, of course :wub2:

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