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Posts posted by flavia110

  1. :naughty: If I met this person in my skiing hill, I would immediately think of MIKA, because it's a very tall, slim person - hidden behind these glasses :wub2:

    May be I'd also say to him: "We're not cool, we're free - and we're running with snow on our knees" - just to see if there was any reaction ...:teehee:





    And if it's not reaction you could scream at him "HEYYYY" and if his scream looks like Love Today's chorus, well you would have found the right boy!

  2. I do love his legs. Actually I love how he moves....

    By the way, mfc never ends to surprise me, there are threads about everything!


    Ok we should create an appreciaton thread named "Mika's moves" :naughty:

    The thread that make me laugh a lot is "Mika's skinpores" ahahahah I love it, is so freaking amazing :naughty:

    Ok, we are OT now :naughty:




  3. yeah, imagine if you met him, dressed like that, in a dark alley in the middle of the night... :shocked:


    ahahahah I probably would die twice! The first when I met him dressed like that and the second when I finally realized I run away from mika! :teehee:



    he surely knows how he can keep his fans at distance if he wants to! :lmfao:

    Yes definitively, also if I am a small fan so he could kick me away also with is smallest finger but it would be definitively more cool your scenary :naughty::naughty::naughty:

    I'm going to have nightmares tonight!!! :blush-anim-cl:

  4. Ok, here is the thing. If could possibly exist in this world something I could love more than Mika, well, that's is Mika's nose! It is so addictive to me also if I must admit that when I saw Mika and I had chance to look at him while other people was getting their signs... I didn't watch his nose but his legs... LOOONG LOOONG LOOONG legs, I don't know why, but his legs stole the scene at that time :-) but when I looked at his face, well I had the chance to see closely the thing he is do with his nose when he smile, sorry I can't remember the right word and it was so amazing :naughty:

    So his nose defended his position in my heart despite the threat of his long skinny gorgeous legs (which didn't caught my attention before :naughty:)

    So I really don't want to miss a single picture of this thread :mf_rosetinted:

  5. Grazie mille a tutteee!! :huglove:

    Sono troppo contenta di poter delirare su Mika con persone che mi comprendono e condividono il mio amore per lui :naughty::thumb_yello:


    La penso come te! Se questo posto non esistesse dovremmo delirare con noi stesse, visto che intorno a noi non ci sono persone in grado di CAPIRE!!! Io ti capisco, e mi sento capita qui riguardo a quello che possiamo provare per lui, anche se sono convinta che ogni persona ama aspetti diversi di lui, o prova cose diverse MA comunque lo amiamo e quindi questo fa di noi persone fortunate per il fatto di poterci incontrare in questo posto così speciale e così aperto anche nei confronti delle persone nuove! E poi, se è vero che un fanclub rispecchia il suo artista, questa ne è la prova definitiva... è fantastico, davvero, io se fossi in Mika ne sarei davvero orgogliosa, ma infatti lui lo è e lo dice ogni volta che ne ha l'occasione quindi... yeahhh!!! :thumb_yello::thumb_yello::thumb_yello:

  6. Okay so I've done the traduction for this video:



    Garou : "On attends le petit nouveau"

    Jenifer : "Vous êtes prêts?"

    Florent: "Ouais"

    J: "Comment ça va être cette année?

    F: "Y a surtout une grosse nouveautée, Mika!"

    G: "J'pense qu'il est plus grand que moi"

    F: "Le pauvre garçon"

    J: "Ah! Ah non (quand elle voit Mika) saluuuut"

    Mika: "Salut"

    F: "Il est pas grand, il est très grand!"

    M: "J'suis pas si grand que ça!"

    J: "Ça me fait plaisir Mika que tu sois là."

    G: "Ça va être super"

    M: "T'es fort" (il parle de la main de Garou sur son épaule)

    J: "T'as pas vu le plateau encore?"

    M: "Non pas en vrai. Comment c'est à écouter? Qu'est ce que vous cherchez?"

    J: "Tu dois faire confiance à ton instinct"

    G: "Tu vas voir il faut pas se faire trop influencer par le public"

    J: "Te concentrer vraiment sur l'essentiel: la voix!"

    F: "Dés que c'est bon t'appuies. Ce jeux est très prenant, tu vas voir.""

    M: "Tout ça c'est nouveau pour moi mais j'ai hâte de le faire"

    G: "Bon Il y a déjà deux trophés qui ont été gagnés et là une nouvelle saison qui commence"

    J: "On est prêts?"

    G: "On est plus que prêts!"

    J: "The voice saison 3"

    M et G"C'est parti"






    Garou: "We are waiting for the new one"

    Jenifer: "Are you ready?"

    Florent: "Yeah"

    J: "How it will be this year?"

    F: "There are mostly a big novelty this year: Mika!"

    G: "I think he's taller than me!"

    F: "The poor boy"

    J: "Ah! Oh no (when she sees Mika) Hellooooo!"

    Mika: "Hello"

    F: "He isn't tall, he's very tall!"

    M: "I'm not that tall"

    J: "I'm proud that you're here Mika!"

    G: "It will be great"

    M: "You're strong" (He talks about Garou's hand on his shoulder)

    J: "Have you see the (scene? Sorry I don't know)"

    M: "No not in real. How is it to listen? What are you searching?"

    J: "You just have to trust your instincts"

    G: You don't have to let you influence by the public"

    J: "You need to focus on the essential: the voice!"

    F: "When you feel it, you press the buzzer (?). This game is very addictive, you'll see!"

    M: "This is all new to me, but I cannot wait!"

    G: "There are already 2 trophies and a new season is starting"

    J: "Are we ready?"

    G:"We are more than ready!"

    J: "The voice season three"

    Garou and Mika: "Let's go!"


    I hope it's understable, my traduction isn't very good , sorry:mikasweat:


    You can correct things that are wrong :)


    thank you a million!!!

  7. certo!


    mi sembrava adatto, originale ma di spessore....adesso finalmente se ne accorgeranno :wub2:


    Forse prima era visto come uno dei tanti artisti internazionali e per questo non avevano ancora capito fino in fondo il suo spessore, adesso è anche uno dei nostri!

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