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About Claire!

  • Birthday 04/27/1975

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  • Location -
    Toulouse, France

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  1. Hello, I have 3 extra tickets for Carcassonne on Thursday! Please note that these are NOT Carré Or seats and so they are not numbered. Please don't hesitate to contact me in private if interrested.
  2. Hi everyone, I have got 2 tickets for Les Déferlantes on 12/07 and 1 ticket for Festivada in Rodez on 13/07. Don't hesitate to contact me!
  3. Thank you @Melgine for posting the link to your videos on youtube! I was at that gig too and didn't film. This is such a good memory! I was so lucky to stand (and then sit :-) and then dance!!!) , just next to Mika when he sang Jane Birkin. It was such an incredible and suspended moment! Thank you to the MFC team (and especially @Deb) for allowing me and my family to attend this amazing intimate gig!
  4. Hello, I am looking for 1, 2, 3 or 4 Carré Or places in Carcassonne on 25/07. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have some. Thanks!!!
  5. So sad for everybody who, like me, was in the waiting list and couldn't get any Carré Or ticket. So I am now looking for 1, 2, 3 or 4 tickets. If you have additional tickets, I am more than interested!
  6. You non speaking French are so courageous! I must have been a huge work to learn this song in French. You both @mellody and @Maaikie... are very good at it! I love to hear this song with different accents, it make it even more touching. So in my opinion, Mika should have kept the voices, it would have been an additional value...
  7. Hello Maaikie, your clip sounds nice! The "Louboutin" allusion is very funny! I tried to find the competition email address, but I didn't. Can you please give it to me please? Just like you, I was no disapointed not to be able to send my video after all the work I had done! Thank you!
  8. Oh noooo! I worked hours and hours on it, just finished it and was about to send it, and it doesn't work! Is there any other way to send it to Mika? I just don't accept that I have done all that work for nothing!
  9. Still interested by one ticket. I sent you a private message!
  10. Hello everybody, I am looking for 2 "carré or" tickets on 19th July. Thanks in advance!
  11. Thank you Zita, this video is of very good quality! At least, I can understand what he is saying properly. Thank s a lot for sharing.
  12. Gabry, a huge THANK YOU for these pics and videos! I was the one who brought him the flowers, so the video/pics with the bouquet means a lot to me. I am going to print a pic to show to the florist as well! Sending you virtual flowers back
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