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mellody last won the day on June 26

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About mellody

  • Birthday 04/27/1976


  • Bio
    Fluff addict

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    Viva Bavaria! (Germany)
  • Occupation
    Concert security
  • Interests
    Music, my kids, concerts (especially of Mika, ofc), songwriting, singing, travelling, social media

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  1. I can't find anything about this online, but I suppose we'll see that when we arrive - usually at festivals the entrances are marked. However, it only says for the VIP tickets that there's a separate entrance, not for the FOS tickets. I think the first ones will arrive in the morning, as also many international fans are going to this gig, so I don't think it'll be much different than for other Mika gigs. Btw, if you prefer to chat in German, here's the thread for it:
  2. He hasn't been meeting fans much on this tour. In Orange he said a few words (in French) to his fans after the show, which I didn't understand, but I've uploaded my video of it in the Orange reports thread. The only time this year that I had some sort of personal exchange with him was in Luxembourg where he stopped with his car for a short moment and turned down the window to talk to Camille/Cynthia/Nina, and when I came to join them he looked at me and just said "get some sleep!" I wasn't tired, but my health was still not the best at that point because I've developed some food intolerances which I hadn't figured out yet then, so at some point during the gig I wasn't feeling well and was trying to fight the sickness - I guess he might have noticed that, or maybe I just looked really awful after the show, who knows. 😅 Anyway HE's the one to speak, lol! "Get some sleep" is something that would mostly be the truth to tell HIM as well.
  3. And here are the times for Bonn: Please note that it's not allowed to bring any bags bigger than size A4. Also flags and banners are only allowed if the fabric meets certain fireproof standards, which you'll need a certificate for - so basically forget it. 🙄 All the info (in German) is here: https://kunstrasen-bonn.de/39-2/service/?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaZ2XHi2assENetclu_3LsnX8_MqZsZVqwespTwPLHrlFtg83wHkRxNRd-M_aem_VzwqI2w56_V31LQfA0ShMw
  4. In cooperation with @happysammi, all the details about the Bonn fanaction: Alternatively, you could get circle connectors and make glowstick flowers for yourself and your friends. I have a few of those too that I'll bring & distribute in the front, but for the general public a simple glowstick surely is the easier and thus better option.
  5. Ich freu mich auch riesig auf Bonn und Schwetzingen! In Bonn werde ich sicher schon vormittags queuen, bin in venuenähe in einer Art Hostel und schaue einfach mal, wann ich wach werde. Nach Schwetzingen reise ich erst morgens mit dem ICE (für die restlichen Fahrten nehm ich mein Deutschlandticket, aber in dem Fall war ICE billiger als eine zweite Nacht im Hotel), da kann ich dann erst gegen Mittag queuen. Vielleicht nehm ich auch meine Gitarre mit, dann können wir uns ein bisl mit Singen die Queueing-Zeit vertreiben. Ich hab dieses WE mal ein bisl mit @happysammi geschrieben und wir haben uns 2 fanactions überlegt für die beiden gigs: Für Bonn, Knicklichter - diesmal keine Herzen, sondern einfach nur die glowsticks hochhalten für Grace Kelly. Wer mag, kann mit Kreisverbindern und mehreren glowsticks Blumen basteln, aber für die große Masse ist "ein Knicklicht hochhalten" als einfache Anleitung sicher besser. Für Schwetzingen, ausgeschnittene Papierblumen und das Handylicht dahinter. Also so wie schon oft mit Sternen oder Herzen gemacht, aber mit Blumen. Für Happy Ending, weil da hat Mika sein Blumen-Klavier. Würden uns freuen wenn ihr mitmacht und falls ihr könnt auch ein paar Knicklichter bzw Blumen mitbringt zum verteilen.
  6. Sure, you can share the photo. This is the pre-show thread, so the reports thread is the right one for your report or thoughts about the show. I suppose one of the Mods moved it to there.
  7. Was lovely to meet you guys at / after the gig. Thanks for saying Hi!
  8. You can see them all in this guy's story highlights - dunno if the picture quality is enough for you? https://www.instagram.com/s/aGlnaGxpZ2h0OjE4MzU1NzkxODA4MTA1Nzcx?story_media_id=3415771815752459097_5671736567&igsh=azZpcTgzZjI1cmhu I saw the balloons but didn't read what was on them, so I thought it was just some promo & didn't realize it was Mika related To me that's not part of the setlist, as it's just background music and not live.
  9. Some of my photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/C9pd0Fmt2nc/?igsh=ZG41Ym0xbDB6YXlt And some of my videos: SITM (whole song): https://www.instagram.com/reel/C9pYnf9NCPD/?igsh=aGJ0NHAwNXlvM21p AOW (whole song): https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGen5J6N4/ Good Guys (end): https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNmmugoe/ I'll upload all the videos when I'm home, starting tonight or tomorrow - the internet on the train is not very reliable and on MFC the uploads keep being cancelled when the internet doesn't work for a minute or two.
  10. @Kumazzz could you please put anything over 2 press photos & the translations in spoilers? It's really a LOT to load & scroll on the mobile, and I prefer to read fan experiences here.
  11. That's because there were none. Yes, I'm wondering the same. He said in that interview that he's looking forward to sing JB there. Maybe he saw the story of fans expecting him to sing it, and decided to "J'ai pas envie de te faire plaisir". He sang EMD, Lollipop, Popular Song, SITM, WAG, AOW, Stardust, Good Guys, Billy Brown,Love Today and all the usual ones. Started with Ice Cream.
  12. MFC meetupat 18:30, at Cicci, via dell' Anfiteatro 89: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C9mxPPutEhq/?igsh=MW11MWlrbmlsdGcyeA==
  13. Btw, is there any meetup planned for the gig day noon or afternoon? I don't know how big Lucca is... if it's comparable to Orange, we'll find MFCers everywhere anyway throughout the day.
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