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Posts posted by Sherlocked

  1. Yes he did, but it was more of a joke than anything...


    In his last Montreal show, he did say "ta gueule" to someone who couldn't stop screaming his hame:shocked::teehee: personnally, I think she deserved it:mf_rosetinted:


    Just a question: what does "ta gueule" mean? Is it offensive or a joke? my French is not improving much, I'm afraid. :doh:

  2. I just have some questions about 2013.....so I was putting in order Violetta's performances, and I got pictures from all of them except I couldn't figure out which performance this was.






    And I have three different ones that seem to be from the finals, when she only performed twice! Can someone help me with these?









    Well, the first two pictures were the pictures of a rehearsal before one of the live shows. At the moment I can't remember precisely when it was, though.


    Talking about the outfits of the final, it's true that she only performed twice, and the outfit in the last picture was one that she wore only for her introduction on stage at the beginning of the show, together with the other contestants. Then she went backstage and changed her clothes to the other outfits you posted, if I'm not wrong.

  3. He's a good all-rounder. I've loved him performing on the TV shows, so no one can really say he's not performing his music anymore. It's not a concert, but people who didn't know him before, are buying his albums and loving him.

    Then when he talks, his personality shines through, and his musical knowledge.

    I see no harm in him doing the shows. I think they are a means to an end atm. I just wish one of the shows was in the UK. That's the only concern I have. I want him back on top in UK. While he's in Italy or France, that's not going to happen.


    I agree with you on this, Marilyn

  4. Buongiorno a tutti lascio anche qui un mini resoconto del nostro (mio e di Grazia ) week end parigino con annessa la partecipazione a The Voice. Premetto che la priorità assoluta era girare random per Parigi e infatti così è stato siamo tornate distrutte dopo aver camminato in lungo e in largo per tutta Parigi (per chi ha un' idea delle distanze domenica siamo partire da Hotel de Ville, arrivate in Place de la Bastille per poi tornare indietro fino all'Arc de Triomphe) Sabato pomeriggio siamo andate verso gli studi di The voice per cui avevamo l'invito grazie alle fan francesi e abbiamo fatto un pò di coda sedute al sole ..direi quasi piacevole, vero le 19 iniziano a farci entrare donandoci anche acqua e sandwiches, una volta entrate e dopo aver lasciato al guardaroba TUTTO (non si poteva barare in quanto ogni persona veniva passata al metal detector) entriamo nello studio che come ci era stato detto è un pò più piccolo e raccolto di quello di XF e infatti eravamo a circa 3 metri dai giudici vedevamo benissimo i loro bei faccini. Il problema è stato dover stare ferme in piedi per più di 4 ore...io avrei voluto morire ..vi dico solo che 5 minuti prima della fine siamo uscite perchè non resistevamo più. La trasmissione è carina ma piuttosto lenta , credo per colpa del meccanismo di The Voice che a mio parere non è così accattivante, anche "il nostro" durante le pause sbadigliava o correva in camerino per tornare con la bocca piena di biscotti. Uniche due chicche che non si sono viste in diretta sono le seguenti : 1) Mika manda un bacio a Garou soffiando sulla mano, Garou glielo rimanda indietro e Mika lo addenta , lo mastica si guarda in giro e lo sputa (si vede solo l'ultima parte nel live)...tra i due c'è un'empatia e complicità incredibile anche fuori onda 2) Mika toglie le scarpe a Jenifer le guarda le annusa e poi gliele rimette :D. Detto questo l'esperienza è stata bella ho conosciuto un pò di fan che non avevano ancora un volto (perdonami Amneris) e altre che invece avevo già incontrato ma il nostro XFactor non lo batte nessuno..almeno lì siamo sedute :naughty::naughty:


    Grazie mille per il resoconto, Simona! :huglove:

    mi piace sempre tanto leggere i pareri di chi era in studio, perchè sicuramente ci sono tante cose che, a guardare la trasmissione da casa, sfuggono o non vengono inquadrate.

  5. Hi guys,

    sorry to be late for the report :wink2: I planned not to do one (I'm leaving for a 2 weeks vacation tomorrow morning early and NO luggage is ready :aah::aah:) but I see that there are some questions :teehee:


    To go straight to the point: I have not watched the replay of yesterday show yet, but we were many fans there, and many of us had the same feeling than you: He was not in a good mood. Tired, sad, preoccupied, personnal problems realted or not to the events of this week, a mix of everything, nobody knows, but this was obvious. More than usual: he was really tired these last weeks, but yesterday evening was much more than that, he was like you said "not here" during many parts of the show.

    But he stayed very professional, managing to focus when he had something to say (unfortunately, he was asked to give his opinion everytime he had not liked the performance :teehee: and then these people were the ones not chosen :mf_rosetinted:), Elle me dit was a mess, right, but it was fun for us :wub2:

    As expected, he didn't stop after the show. Now I hope he will feel better soon.


    Thank you so much for this report, I was actually waiting to hear from the people who went to the live show yesterday :wub2:

    From what I've seen he looked really quiet compared to the previous shows. Also, and please correct me if you saw something different, it seemed to me that he didn't interact much with the other coachs.


    I'm sure he will be fine next week, though. :thumb_yello:

  6. Mika is always talking about his relationship, he even mentioned what he does for a living and the fact that he used to be a fan. The idea that Mika is so secretive about his life is false. We know all about his family and many of his friends so keeping a boyfriend a total mystery for 7 years from fans who've been following all that time would have been virtually impossible. The only thing that was a mystery to me was whether they were still together and how serious it was, etc. But Mika came out in 2012 and told the whole world that they were still together and still in love.


    Anyway I hope whatever fallout they may have to deal with in their lives because of these pap pictures blows over quickly and it gives them some freedom in the end. I can understand any celeb wanting enough privacy that all the salacious details of their private life are not splashed over the front pages of tabloids day in and day out, but one shouldn't have to live in total secrecy.


    I totally agree :thumb_yello:

  7. Welcome :thumb_yello:

    I was really moved by your introduction, and don't worry about your English. Personally, I had no problem understanding what you wrote

    You'll have fun here :wub2:

  8. :wink2: Thank you! Yes, german is quite present in his accent.


    Here's the french transcription, for those who want to practise french.

    Mais la vedette c'est le chanteur Mika, ici en grande discussion avec Karl Lagerfield

    Mika: Vraiment, c'est superchic

    Karl: moi je fais tous mes décors pour mes défilés Chanel et tout, des décors gigantesques

    Mika: Je sais, Je connais bien.

    Petites confidances entre dandies.

    Karl: Je met de la poudre dans mes cheveux pour avoir des cheveux bien blancs mais ça ne vont (???) pas blanc du tout.

    Mika: comme les perruques, les perruques dans le 17 siècle

    Karl: oui, mais ça c'est de la poudre, c'était du riz

    Mika: attention là parce que.... (he cleans Karl's shoulder)

    Karl: mais d'ailleur si vous regardez des tableaux de cette époque, les hommes ont toujours un peu de poudre sur l'épaule.

    Mika: oui, c'est vrai

    Stephan Bern, specialiste des tetes couronnées, sera le monsieur louyal de la soirée. En coulisse, il conseille le nouveau venu.

    Stephan: Dès le debut de 20 je présente le bal.

    Mika: ah, ok, moi c'est la première fois

    Stephan: vous savez, les gens, c'est très sympathiques.

    Mika: est ce qu'ils dancent, les gens?

    Stephan: ils vont vraiment dancer

    Mika: vraiment?

    Stephan: oui, vraiment, ils vont dancer, ils vont tous se lever comme vous allez commencer . Hein? Je crois que ça va etre noir de monde, quand vouz allez chanter

    Mika: vraiment? Ils dansent... Sinon, sinon je compte sur toi

    Stephan: je me lève et je les fais dancer, ne t'inquiète pas.

    Mika: ok

    A la fin du diner, Mika transforme le bal de la rose en boite de nuit presque déjanté. La soirée a rapporté cette année plus de 400 000 euros à la fondation Princesse Grace. En revanche, il est impossibile de savoir combien l'organization d'un tel évent a couté



    Thank you soooooo much :wub2::wub2::wub2:

    this is really useful for me, together with the translation. I can't thank you enough!

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