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Posts posted by Sherlocked

  1. Okay so I've done the traduction for this video:



    Garou : "On attends le petit nouveau"

    Jenifer : "Vous êtes prêts?"

    Florent: "Ouais"

    J: "Comment ça va être cette année?

    F: "Y a surtout une grosse nouveautée, Mika!"

    G: "J'pense qu'il est plus grand que moi"

    F: "Le pauvre garçon"

    J: "Ah! Ah non (quand elle voit Mika) saluuuut"

    Mika: "Salut"

    F: "Il est pas grand, il est très grand!"

    M: "J'suis pas si grand que ça!"

    J: "Ça me fait plaisir Mika que tu sois là."

    G: "Ça va être super"

    M: "T'es fort" (il parle de la main de Garou sur son épaule)

    J: "T'as pas vu le plateau encore?"

    M: "Non pas en vrai. Comment c'est à écouter? Qu'est ce que vous cherchez?"

    J: "Tu dois faire confiance à ton instinct"

    G: "Tu vas voir il faut pas se faire trop influencer par le public"

    J: "Te concentrer vraiment sur l'essentiel: la voix!"

    F: "Dés que c'est bon t'appuies. Ce jeux est très prenant, tu vas voir.""

    M: "Tout ça c'est nouveau pour moi mais j'ai hâte de le faire"

    G: "Bon Il y a déjà deux trophés qui ont été gagnés et là une nouvelle saison qui commence"

    J: "On est prêts?"

    G: "On est plus que prêts!"

    J: "The voice saison 3"

    M et G"C'est parti"






    Garou: "We are waiting for the new one"

    Jenifer: "Are you ready?"

    Florent: "Yeah"

    J: "How it will be this year?"

    F: "There are mostly a big novelty this year: Mika!"

    G: "I think he's taller than me!"

    F: "The poor boy"

    J: "Ah! Oh no (when she sees Mika) Hellooooo!"

    Mika: "Hello"

    F: "He isn't tall, he's very tall!"

    M: "I'm not that tall"

    J: "I'm proud that you're here Mika!"

    G: "It will be great"

    M: "You're strong" (He talks about Garou's hand on his shoulder)

    J: "Have you see the (scene? Sorry I don't know)"

    M: "No not in real. How is it to listen? What are you searching?"

    J: "You just have to trust your instincts"

    G: You don't have to let you influence by the public"

    J: "You need to focus on the essential: the voice!"

    F: "When you feel it, you press the buzzer (?). This game is very addictive, you'll see!"

    M: "This is all new to me, but I cannot wait!"

    G: "There are already 2 trophies and a new season is starting"

    J: "Are we ready?"

    G:"We are more than ready!"

    J: "The voice season three"

    Garou and Mika: "Let's go!"


    I hope it's understable, my traduction isn't very good , sorry:mikasweat:


    You can correct things that are wrong :)



    Thank you so much for writing also a transcript of what they say, it was really helpful. :wub2:

  2. Ciao benvenuta! :bye:

    che bella introduzione, grazie per averci raccontato come hai 'scoperto' Mika :wub2:

    Divertiti sul forum e vienici a trovare nel thread italiano quando vuoi, il link lo trovi nella mia firma :wink2:


    Grazie mille, passo subito a farvi un saluto nel thread italiano allora! :wub2:

  3. Alreine, like every time it's very nice to read a report and to see you it was for you as spectators :original:


    @Camille and Vanessa

    Thank you very much for the translations :huglove:


    And thanks to Elwendin for the transcript as well! I never dared to ask for a transcript as you all have so much to do with the translations already :blush-anim-cl: But from a learning point of view it's fantastic to have one. Of written French I get quite a lot by now, but spoken French is so hard (for me) as it's so hard to "separate" the words as "everything" is merged together and half of the letters are not spoken (at least if feels like that for me :aah:). And trying to get better with acoustic understanding is only possible if you know what was the actual words he was saying. So, thanks! (And sorry for being OT :teehee:)


    I totally agree. Transcripts are so useful for me, too, because they make me understand how to read some words in French, and it'll help me understand something more if I ever get to find the videos of The Voice, in the future.

  4. I'm doing it. I hope it won't bother anyone. I just like english and french and I'm trying to use them as much as I can. :wub2: I hope I'm not overdoing.


    C'est vraiment très heureux, c'est un peu comme... je me souviens quand j'étais plus jeune, chaque année il y avait un autre jeux que tout le monde voulait pour Noel, et la première fois qu'on (avait le jeux?) on se dit "Ah! c'est ça l'expérience qu'on a vu sur la télé sur toutes les pubs chaque dimanche matin à partir de 6 heures du matin". Bon, c'est un peu comme ça avec la chaise qui tourne. Et après j'ai réalizé que c'était assez facile pour moi de rester exactement comme je suis, de rester sincère, d'imaginer que j'étais en train de parler avec des musiciens avec qui je travaille dans un studio, sans avoir les caméras, d'oublier les caméras.

    Qu'est ce qui a guidé vos choix?

    Tout le monde se moque de moi un peu parce que je dis toujours "c'est une question de style" et je dis ça souvent quand je suis en train de choisir quelqu'un ou meme de lui dire non, parce que je ne cherche pas nécessairement la 4x4, qui fait brrrrrrum (LOL), qui va écraser tout. Moi je cherche des choses qui sont un peu plus fragiles, un peu plus étranges, moi je travaille dans la pop alternatif et donc je cherche ça dans les chanteurs. Il y a un chanteur gitane qui est fantastique, qui est très jeune, et en plus il y a des chanteurs qui ont 45 ans, qui ont déjà fait plein de disques dance et qui ont des énormes (tubes?). De temps en temps c'est un peu ça, c'est la pate à modeler, c'est un peu de désir de les mettre un peu déhors de leur comfort pour rendre encore plus réelle ou intéressante une émotion.


    Thank you so much :wub2:


    Thank you for posting the link.


    I have a request that may sound a little bit strange, but if someone could help me with that, I'd be incredibly grateful:

    could someone do a transcript of what he says in French? I studied French up to a few years ago and I'd like to see if I can follow what he says while reading the exact words.

    Thanks in any case :thumb_yello:

  6. well I think the main issue is that Universal is not giving him enough money to make albums and tour. So he's looking for money in the markets which can give him some. Italy, France, Spain...maybe South America next?


    We can think and assert what we want or like, but we'll have to face this every day in the future. He might have hidden from us in the past months, or pretended he decided for other reasons, but this is the rough reality.


    Keeping on dismissing his success in 'minor' markets as we keep on doing here, is just keeping i.e. Italian fans off this forum. It's something subtle and not intentional,, but it sounds so unfriendly. I know this is a discussion forum, but we have discussed this so long time now, I think we should move on.


    This is actually the reason why I always read this thread but I've never took part in it before.

    I understand now, especially after reading some of the replies to Robertina's post, that people here didn't mean to be disrespectful toward Italians, but at first it was kind of uncomfortable for me.

    Thing is, everyone here is really passionate about Mika, and I respect that. It just took some time, for me, to really discern the intention behind some posts.



    By the way, I understand the doubts many of you could have about how long those fans who saw him on TV are going to follow him as an artist, and I can't really answer for all of them. I can only say that I saw him on X Factor, and if I didn't like his songs I wouldn't be here now, because that's what matters the most to me. So... I'm here to stay.

  7. It's so wierd , for me it works just like for Sherlocked ...I can vote nine times, I'll try ten now with Stardust. :thumb_yello: I use my phone which is a Samsung Y and home WIFI....I should try 3G and another e-mail , because that would be a different IP address too so I might be able to vote even more that way :thumb_yello:

    That website is wierd indeed :blink: Sherlocked, where do you live? I live in France. maybe it depends on which country you live it? :dunno:


    I'm in Italy. I think you're probably right: it probably depends on the country in which you live.

  8. sure it was the same IP address? the only possibility where i was able to vote a 2nd time was after they had added mika in the other categories. apart from that, whether i wait a few days or several weeks doesn't change a thing, it doesn't work a 2nd time from my internet at home (not even with a different computer). :dunno:


    I'm pretty sure it was the same IP, yes.. It didn't let me vote at first but after a few days I could vote again.

    I'm not exactly sure about how that website works, to be honest, but I am so glad it lets me vote again.. :naughty:

  9. I've just discovered that you can vote more than once, but you have to wait a couple of days before you vote again. That's what I did: I voted for the first time and then the following day the website didn't allow me to vote again. I tried again after a few days, and I was able to vote. I voted from the same computer, the same ip and the same e-mail, so.... I guess it works.

  10. The only thing that concerns me is, in the video and song categories, where Popular and Underwater are both nominated, will the votes cancel each other out? Half for Popular and half for Underwater, adding up to not enough for either, to win it.

    I voted for Underwater, in the song, and the Popular Video, but you have to fill in a short form, so I don't think we can vote more than once. in each category.


    I've just discovered that you can vote two different songs/videos in the same category and on the same day, so I voted for both Underwater and Popular in the song and video categories. I did the same in the Best Album section.

    Thing is, I thought I could vote only once, but I discovered that you can go back the next day and vote again... If I'd known that before, I would have voted so many times already, in this period :doh:

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