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Posts posted by ~TheLoveYouBreathe

  1. Ciao a tutte! :) Dopo essermi presentata nella sezione generale, mi sembra doveroso presentarmi anche qua :P (e si fa anche meno fatica con la lingua :P).

    Scherzi a parte, uno dei motivi per cui mi sono decisa finalmente a scrivere (e non solo a leggere :P) è anche per migliorare ed esercitare il mio inglese.. sperem! :)

    Mi chiamo Eleonora e sono di Firenze! :)


    Ciao a tutte, sono Silvia e mi sono iscritta da una settimana! Qui ci sono tantissime cose da leggere e io per ora sono un po' imbranata...devo ancora orientarmi ma ci riuscirò...spero!!!!;)


    Benvenutissime!! :mikadas::thumb_yello::welcomeani:

  2. Yes, this article is rubbish!!!








    :blink: So in this article they say that Bova was angry because of his difference with Mika's height? :naughty::doh:

    Well, yesterday I read a tweet of a girl that worked with Mika and Bova in these ads and she said that in the set, Bova was very pretentious and rude while Mika was always very polite, humble and nice with everybody :blush-anim-cl:

    You cannot buy class :mf_rosetinted::fisch:

  3. I'm very very happy for this amazing news, especially for Mika that surely is so proud of it :wub2: I think it's a huge honour and a very important project, so I perfectly understand how much he feels excited about that! :mikalove:

    I've just looked at the Simple Plan's concert and I'm dreaming about the Mika's one, it will be really GORGEOUS!

    I'm happy for those who will be able to see it and as many of you said, I hope it will be a dvd or at least a record of this wonderful experience! :blush-anim-cl:

  4. @mikasounds: @becausemusic j'adore. Merci Emmanuel! Une très belle et chic surprise :)http://t.co/425vLQxPLi


    @mikasounds: @Stellina88Ire veramente? No lo sapevo. Ogni fiore ha un significato?


    He didn't know that every flower has a meaning :blink:

    He will always surprise us :shocked:


    :naughty: He's adorable :blush-anim-cl: I adore the way he answered to his fan, with much candour and astonishment :mikalove:

    I love this side of him, at times he seems like a child surprised for the little things :wub2: :wub2:

  5. Ciao, benvenuta anche qui!! :thumb_yello:

    Non ti preoccupare per l'inglese, io ho iniziato senza sapere quasi nulla (e ancora adesso non sono proprio una cima :naughty:) ma pian piano sto migliorando proprio grazie al MFC (e al mitico Word Reference, of course :D)

    Il forum è proprio bello, hai ragione, e ci si sente a casa qui :blush-anim-cl:

  6. Ciao, benvenuta nel fantastico MFC!! :welcomeani::thumb_yello: la tua storia è praticamente uguale alla mia :blush-anim-cl:

    Grazie x factor per averci dato la possibilità di conoscere questo magnifico artista (nonchè persona eccezionale) :wub2:

  7. Welcome to MFC :wink2:

    Mika's music is indeed amazing and I'm totally obsessed with him whether he is gay or not. You shouldn't let that bother you one bit. Mika is who he is, which is a very nice, kind, beautiful person. :wub2:

    Agree :wub2: A very special person :mikalove::blush-anim-cl:

  8. From mikawebsite.com


    Mika aurait donné son accord pour participer à la saison 4 de « The Voice »


    Ce n’est pas encore officiel mais nous pouvons d’ors et déjà vous annoncer qu’il y aura bien une saison 4 de The Voice. Au vu des bonnes audiences – 8 millions de téléspectateurs en moyenne chaque samedi soir -, la chaîne a donc décidé de remettre à l’antenne son programme phare l’an prochain.

    Tous les coachs ont en effet donné leur accord pour participer à cette nouvelle saison y compris Mika. Le retour de Louis Bertignac n’est donc pas au programme. Mais il va y avoir du changement puisque contrairement aux trois garçons, Jenifer, elle, n’a pas donné son accord pour participer à cette nouvelle édition.


    Interrogée il y a quelques semaines sur sa participation à une éventuelle nouvelle saison, la chanteuse avait déjà émis quelques réserves. « On verra. Ça dépend vraiment de ce que je ressentirais à la fin de cette saison 3, mais également de mon planning d’artiste et de ce que j’aurais envie de faire » déclarait-elle dans Métronews. Et d’ajouter « Est-ce que je ne vais pas avoir envie de remonter sur scène comme Louis Bertignac par exemple ?«


    La production lui cherche donc activement une remplaçante. Plusieurs chanteuses ont déjà été contactées. Pour savoir qui tient la corde, rendez-vous dans votre prochain numéro de Public en kiosques ce vendredi 21 février.

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