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Everything posted by *Denise*

  1. Ah immagino..io ho vissuto a Roma e in grandi città..so cosa vuol dire
  2. Ciao Rossella, benvenuta! Ti auguro di realizzare presto il tuo sogno...vedrai che ce la farai!
  3. Very beautiful pic! Mika is amazing (not like me...my photos are always awful!)...anyway I don't like those suits...(all Valentino's suits, like the ones he was wearing at The voice ) but he looks like an elegant gentleman..always!
  4. Io odio girare in macchina e odio guidare, soprattutto di sera...o mi faccio accompagnare o prendo i mezzi, soprattutto il treno... Però multe nessuna, per ora!
  5. Ciao!!! Quanti italiani...io sono Denise, ho quasi 23 anni...buona continuazione qui, a presto!
  6. Ciao! Benvenuta! Io sono Denise e abito vicino Torino, ho quasi 23 anni! Spero ti troverai bene!
  7. De rien J'ai habitè en France pour 2/3 mois par an...parce-que nous avons une maison près de St Tropez (oui...très belle ville! J'adore la mer ).. A Paris j'ai étudié et j'ai fait des concerts..(je chante!) Salut ^^
  8. Hi Laura! Welcome!!!!
  9. Salut Justine! Bienvenue chez nous! Je suis Denise et j'ai 23 ans! J'adore la France..j'ai habité en France, près de S. Tropez et Paris. A bientôt
  10. Si! C'ero...12 ore di attesa sotto al sole ma ne è valsa la pena. Io anche non vedo l'ora di conoscere le date...spero di farne il più possibile
  11. Ciao Marcella, benvenuta!!! Sicuramente ci si vedrà al prossimo tour...speriamo presto!!!
  12. Thank you! Can I see the show on the France2's website, if you know? Because I'm in Italy..
  13. Thank you for pics and video!!! He's amazing! Now I'm so curious about this...
  14. Ohhh thank you for your report RayaBadran!!!!! It's always a pleasure read this reports Mika is the cutest man in the world! Ohhh...pictures are so beautiful...he has always a very good style...I love it! I'm so sad...these concerts will be AMAZING...but I live so far! Sigh!
  15. Italiana! Benvenuta!!! Sei stata anche tu alle audizioni...pure io, ma ai bootcamp di Milano! A presto!
  16. babies cry a lot....Oh...Did he discover it only now?? Ahahah.. Oh...I want to see him with a son/daughter very soon!!! He'll be a perfect daddy, in my opinion!!!
  17. I hope it too!!! I can speak french but english is better for a single!!!
  18. guylainem123 OMG...thank you!!! Very beautiful experience! Mika is sooo cute...always! I want to hear him sing BBB very soon!!!!! Oh...You'll go to see him in February....very lucky person! Unfortunately I live in Italy!
  19. *Denise*


    Hi! I'm Denise, I'm 22 years old and I'm italian..It 's the first time I write here and hope to get to know with other fans! I'm a "new" fan because I follow Mika only from xfactor Italia. I love how he sings and his personality and this is very strange to me that study classical music and opera for years and I was never passionate about pop music. Here in Italy I'm studying to become a pediatric nurse and in my free time I study languages. I've already said too much Sorry for my english! See you soon!
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