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Posts posted by ladyolivier

  1. On 8/25/2018 at 11:55 PM, Kumazzz said:

    La Nazione



    Tante firme per una petizione. Appello al Presidente Mattarella
    L’idea del Maestro accolta da artisti e intellettuali

    • Pubblicato il 15 luglio 2018
    • Ultimo aggiornamento: 15 luglio 2018 ore 12:32

    Firenze, 15 luglio 2018 - Non appena il Maestro Muti ce ne ha parlato, al Maggio abbiamo subito fatta nostra la sua proposta e con lui abbiamo lanciato l’appello al presidente Sergio Mattarella e del quale il maestro è il primo firmatario. Sia nel Salone dei Cinquecento quando pochi giorni fa abbiamo ricordato con lui i cinquant’anni del suo debutto fiorentino e poi anche al termine delle due strepitose e memorabili recite del Macbeth, il Maestro con il calore e la passione che gli sono abituali è tornato sulla questione che gli sta molto a cuore da anni: Cherubini in Italia, a Firenze, a Santa Croce, nel pantheon della cultura mondiale, dove già riposano le spoglie - solo per citarne pochi - di Gioachino Rossini, Michelangelo, Galilei, Machiavelli, Foscolo.

    Il sindaco Nardella ha subito appoggiato l’iniziativa e siglato la petizione e già ieri in teatro sono stati più di cinquecento a firmare perché le spoglie di Cherubini tornino a Firenze. Tra loro Carlo Fuortes, sovrintendente dell’Opera di Roma, Lorenzo Cinatti, della Scuola di Musica di Fiesole, Paolo Zampini, direttore del Conservatorio Cherubini di Firenze, il compositore Nicola Piovani, il direttore d’orchestra Nicola Paszkowski, molti critici musicali e giornalisti. Oltre a loro mi fa piacere ricordare che anche il presidente del Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, Eugenio Giani si è impegnato per presentare una mozione a sostegno dell’appello del maestro affinché il Capo dello Stato e il presidente del Consiglio aprano dei canali diplomatici per la richiesta alla Francia. Firenze e chi la frequenta, e chi frequenta il Maggio, sa subito cogliere il significato di certe azioni, il loro spessore e la loro portata; la nostra è una città di cultura, di bellezza e di musica e anche in questo caso non si smentirà. Inoltre c’è l’amore incondizionato – ricambiato – verso il Maestro Muti e il rispetto nei suoi valori e nei suoi ideali; per questo ci siamo stretti attorno a lui. Infatti siamo un fronte compatto che si allarga sempre più.

    Se riusciremo nel nostro obbiettivo sarà anche perché troveremo nel Presidente della Repubblica un interlocutore attento e sensibile che saprà ascoltare la voce che gli arriva da Firenze e da Muti e la trasferirà nel modo più autorevole possibile a Parigi. Cherubini tornerà nella sua città natale, come ha desiderato e il suo rientro sarà salutato non solo dal Maestro ma da tutti noi come una vittoria della cultura sulla burocrazia.



    Cristiano Chiarot, Nicola Piovani, Riccardo Muti, Mika e Carlo Fuortes


    Did they...photoshop out the words on his shirt?

    16 hours ago, Mikasister said:


    The curls are lookin very very curly! And his eyes are so beautiful wow :wub2:

    • Like 6
  2. On 8/10/2018 at 8:59 PM, ladyolivier said:

    I've had the hardest time getting ahold of these from america. This site has them for a pretty good price with super reasonable worldwide shipping if anyone else is having a hard time getting them shipped to your country! This site added up to being about $6 cheaper than amazon international.



    Just an update on this, if anyone is considering using this website! I bought my pens with no previous experience with this website and even though it looked perfectly legit, I'm always super cautious about buying from websites for the first time. But according to the tracking number my pens are in New York, so they have been shipped, are being tracked and everything seems above board so far! Will update again when I have them in my hands!

    • Like 2
  3. There he goes again deleting stories :lmfao: I'm currently on Vacation in paris literally 1/2 mile from that Louboutin store. I hope he stays nearby. Maybe paris is small enough to run into him...


    I agree that he looks thinner but I think he looks fine! I love him with a little bit o' squish around the hips but I think he still looks beautiful as he is :wub: 


    Now if he would just take those dogs for a nice walk...to the Madeline..maybe down my street...

    • Like 3
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  4. 55 minutes ago, Kumazzz said:
    Singer Mika hops on a scooter while leaving the Valentino fashion show.

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    And Christian driving! I love how Christian appears to just roam all over Paris on a scooter, a good percentage of the time with mika on the back of it. I love these two! I want to just tag along on their various adventures.

    • Like 5
  5. 18 minutes ago, lormare73 said:


    I think he was on his way to the airport. Do you think he was traveling by car?

    Since he started in Tuscany I think he may have been traveling by car. It may have been easier to drive than fly? I'm not sure - I understood it as they were driving, but I'm not exactly sure why. I'm now just sitting and waiting for pictures of him there and looking beautiful :wub2:

    • Like 2
  6. 11 hours ago, krysady said:


    When he arrived for the first time in Milan it was midnight and he came straight to the Piazza, went to the Gallery Vittorio Emanuele where is a famous bull on the pavement, Il Toro de la Galleria di Milano, well known for his magical powers about fertility and good fortune. So he sat down with his ass on the hole of the pavement and spin around praying for his fertility. He said he has no idea if this will be helpful someday, but he did it anyway the first day he visited Milan :)







    AHHHHHh I understand now. Thank you thank you! I was very very confused :lmfao:

  7. On 6/16/2018 at 8:13 AM, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

    My italian is too poor to understand everything.

    But can any body translate this part about hair? It starts at 2:50 :bleh: We all love talking about his curls :fangurl:




    On 6/15/2018 at 5:15 PM, Kumazzz said:
    Radio Italia solomusicaitaliana



    MIKA in diretta chiude il lungo giro di interviste di venerdì 15 giugno! Gli vogliamo tantissimo bene! 2764.png❤️ https://bit.ly/2tbARXQ Mirko Mengozzi #rilive





    Would anyone be so kind as to give me the gist of the first 2 minutes or so of this conversation, where they’re talking about the first time he visited Milan and whatever convo that leads into? My Italian is just good enough for me to understand that they’re talking about his first trip to Milan and to understand the words “ass” and “fertility”, but not good enough to clear up the confusion that understanding only those words has given me 😂

    • Like 1
    • Haha 4
  8. 7 hours ago, Kumazzz said:


    Previous YouTube file ( 1280 x 720 : I saved ) was 288MB,  new MIKA | Show de clôture - Finale TOP 14( 1280 x 720 ) is 404MB.

    Sounds is same quality, but images get well better sharpness I think.

    This is much better! This I think is the proper video from TV; the one from before was a recording of the livestream they did. The live stream stuttered a bit, hence the choppy feel of the audio and video. The sound isn't much clearer but it is slightly smoother which does make a difference.

    • Like 2
  9. I thought the show was absolutely lovely. Yes, he did seem a bit out of breath, but I chalk it up to nerves and such. This show reminded me of a super bowl halftime show, and singers performing on the superbowl almost always seem much more out of breath than they normally would. I think it somehow comes with the territory for this type of show. Underwater with the whole stadium full of lights and the little bit of TOOL at the end was lovely. Mika looked fantastic and so, so happy, and that's what always makes me happy. Seeing those lights in his eyes...:wub2:

    • Like 7
  10. 8 hours ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

    He did box and hurt himself. A few weeks ago he showed on Instagram a photo of his right wrist in  bandage.  Now he showed a scare and said that he has to pay attention while playing piano not to hit this delikate part of his hand because it hurts. 

    Hah , what a story with this box adventure ? Has anybody heared about it? 


    I know he has to work out hard to be in shape to jump around as much as he does but I cannot get over the mental image of Mika boxing :lmfao:He's always so gentle, I can't picture him boxing! Makes me extremely happy for some reason. I suppose if we ever need defending and Mika's around we're set. The man never ceases to amaze!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  11. 15 hours ago, Kumazzz said:

    [ VIDEO ]

    Coaching : préparez-vous au show Frédéric Longbois


    J-2 avant le lancement des grands shows en direct. On retrouve aujourd'hui un des "couples" phares de cette saison : Frédéric Longbois et son coach Mika.

    Car si, entre eux, le courant passe depuis le début, Mika doit régulièrement recadrer son poulain. Lors des auditions finales, vous aviez déjà assisté à un coaching musclé. Aujourd'hui encore, Mika doit recentrer l'énergie débordante de Frédéric. Et de l'énergie, notre talent en a à revendre. Il faut dire que la chanson qu'ils ont choisie pour samedi est un hymne à la fête, un titre de Gloria Gaynor : "I am what I am... ". Préférez-vous pour le show Longbois... Rendez-vous samedi prochain pour les grands shows en direct -

    BONUS de "The Voice"




    OMG, this makes me so happy! I absolutely love this song. I would love to hear Mika do a full cover. This is going to be fantastic!

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