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ladyolivier last won the day on December 7 2016

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    I'm trying to sew and it's kinda messy

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    Casa Mika
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    President of the Mika's Ankles Fanclub

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  1. I haven't been on in ages but I had to come on and say thank you to the people who filmed/downloaded this. I'm not having a good time of it in this semi-apocalypse and this is gonna improve my mood dramatically - I was working while this was live. Thank you thank you thank you.
  2. I knew I had a fairly lengthy drive last night, and resisted the midnight urge to listen to it and took the whole thing in in order while I drove. it's I liked Ice Cream when I heard it as a single, Tiny Love is a masterpiece. But I will admit to being...unsure about the album. I am not unsure any more. I have notes on every song but I'll save my breath for the one that overwhelmed me: Blue is a magnum opus. I keep coming back to that phrase. It's art and perfection and so much else. It also kind of reminds me of A Case Of You? I was completely unprepared for it and ended up weeping in my car. Between Blue and Tiny Love (Reprise), I feel like this key to this album is that, to me, it is more than the sum of its parts. It's best taken together, as a single concept. All the songs seem to have common themes when viewed together. The whole thing reminds me of Passion Pit's masterpiece "Gossamer", especially the orchestral sections in Tiny Love Reprise. That song took the album to new heights entirely and I am infatuated. The album is spectacular. I am so happy.
  3. It’s been a long while since I posted here but this interview has got me emotional. I didn’t realize that her health was so poor. This is a beautiful interview and the sincerity is palpable. Adds a whole nother layer layer of meaning to the album.
  4. Mika, you already have a house in florida...we're waiting for you!
  5. I think this just may be the most beautiful photo I have ever seen. Thank you so much for the HD Eriko!
  6. I know she can be controversial but I am sO happy to have Jenifer back! I really loved her on the show and her and Mika together are adorable. I cannot wait for this season!!!
  7. Hi Vivien! I'm Savannah, I'm 21 and I live in Florida, near Disney World. I love this intro. I agree with everyone else - I share so much of what you've said. Mika's world is so protective - such a nice, safe place to burrow down and stay. Mika tends to catch people like this - you just try to do a little research and he runs away with your heart ❤️ I know that's certainly how he got me! Sorry to hear that you're not doing very well at the moment but know that you'll always be supported here. This isn't just a fandom, it's a family, and a very warm one at that. I actually saw this post and recognized your handle and thought "...is that the person who just followed me on tumblr?" and it is! So we just followed each other on tumblr I'm sigynpenniman/londonmall1987/badbadmovies (I have too many tumblrs lol). I just followed you back on instagram as well lol. Welcome to the family Vivien!
  8. Love the red suit! Do we have any idea when the season starts airing? Any schedules?
  9. What a great show! I was so happy to hear Daft Punk. I had a 4 hour drive home today so this was a blessing. And I didn't realize his family origins were in Savannah, Georgia! I lived there for a while as a child! My name is Savannah too - nice to hear Mika say my name These shows are just about my favorite thing Mika does. He's so insightful and knowledgeable, picks such great songs and has such a nice radio voice.
  10. Omg, he look so adorable - that hair has gotten so magnificent! I thought a couple years ago that we has seen the end of the curls for good, honestly. I'm not sure what encouraged him to bring the hair back, apparently for good, but I am just over the moon. So warm and kind and lovely as always. So happy for everyone who got to go to the recordings and talk to the man! We are truly blessed this Mika era.
  11. I know Make You Happy isn’t super well liked but I really enjoy it, especially the version with the strings. I also really love Step With Me, both due to how sweet of songs they are. The pure love in them really makes me happy. The CD version of Overrated is nice but the symphonic is like going to another world and is probably my all time favorite Mika thing. I think Tah Dah is my favorite song on this album. It’s so loud and energetic but so cutting at the same time - the absolute perfect car Kareoke song, and in my life a song’s value as car Karoke is of utmost importance!
  12. Apologies that it took me so long to post these but here's the IG Lives from the day! Isabel's is cropped slightly on the top because I was getting notifications but nothing of import is cropped out!
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