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    reading, writing, wine tasting,

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  1. I was at a concert at the same venue last week. I had my own sandwiches, no problem. Lunch boxes and containers could be a problem, though. Opt for a zip bag. Only 0,5 l water bottles were allowed. On the premises there were food and drink stalls. Hope this answers your questions. Enjoy!!!
  2. He came on stage, put on a pair of white gloves and silently greeted us using “mika” sign language. It was his sensitive, elegant and inclusive way to acknowledge and thank the Coro de Manos Blancas (White Hands Choir) of Friuli for their performance. In Trieste, opening for Mika, besides the sister duo Xylaroo - whom we have become fond of - there was an orchestra of teenagers and young adults with disabilities including a choir of deaf-mute children choreographed with white-gloved dancing hands. And as only Mika can endorse, their ideal of inclusion means creating the right conditions, identifying what people can do, and developing that. Once again we cannot but be proud of Mika. Check out more info about the dancing white-gloved hands and José Antonio Abreu his El Sistema.
  3. This is the link for the most convenient (in terms of distance) multi-storey parking garage, just a ten minute walk from the venue. Hope it helps ... and enjoy the gig!! http://www.sabait.it/it/parcheggi/eventi/mika-concerto-2016
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