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Posts posted by Siri

  1. 30 minutes ago, mellody said:




    Do I understand it right that he bought a horse, and he's jumping with it? Also I think he says that unfortunately they had to cancel China, so that's the confirmation of what we've already suspected.

    And what does he say in the end about muscles?

    Apart from that, I understand that he tells the story about Mika / Michael and that they make him sing all sorts of weird stuff, a jingle (lol, I love when he sings the Gilette jingle! :lmfao:) about the radio station, and some ahh-haa song about going to place xy, and he sings he travels the world. :teehee:


    Yes, he is learning how to jump with a horse and he said this is good for having a nice booty :das: About muscles, the speakers wanted to ask how does he see himself in 20 years, but the sentence sounded like in 20 years there would be a more definitive end, so he answered he would love to be stuffed like you do with animals. As when you stuff smth you have to reshape the body, he'd like to have muscles he never had and always wanted :insane:

    The ah-ah song was about making bad jokes so he said smth like "I travel a lot so do you know what is the biggest country? I'll tell you, it's Hungary". In Italian Hungary=Ungheria but with the article the first half of the word sounds like "long" :doh::sweatdrop:

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  2. On 1/24/2020 at 10:54 PM, Jaela said:

    Camp king, we stan


    4 hours ago, WeirdChild said:

    Still really camp, i love it so much


    3 hours ago, ellie said:


    Oh I liked it too, but calling it camp seems like a very anglocentric view and I was quite surprised by how people reacted haha, to me this is the least camp/most boring outfit of the three he had worn.😅


    Sorry to ask buuuut...what does camp mean? :sweatdrop:

  3. 43 minutes ago, mellody said:

    Or maybe they just noticed afterwards that it could've been pretty cool if they hadn't stopped us. :mf_rosetinted:


    Sorry for the judgement, but this was so stupid from them, especially if the problem was the cleaning fee. If it was for fire safety then it's more understandable. Anyway I understood someone contacted the venue by telephone, and they did not think to contact the promoter neither, so it's just non sense imo, and it would have been such a good publicity for them too

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  4. 1 hour ago, Elvaraaa said:

    I don’t understand why people got onto this thing: it is a fan account, not official, + no one has asked to tag the artists, and it is only for this ig account. NRJ MUSIC AWARDS do not consider fanbases. 

    This just a random NRJ MUSIC AWARDS fan girl who wants to keep her instagram community entertained 

    she explains she is just a fan in the bio



    Oh, I see. Anyway are you sure NRJ does not consider fanbases? Some other artist's fan told me there is a minor award for this too - not shown on televison, but it does exist, does it? I never heard of that before :dunno:


    8 minutes ago, silver said:


    A bit like the Revelation Tour account - a fan account, but people think it is official


    I was confused too at the beginning, then talking to other fans we understood it was not officil, even if now it has the ✔️ on twitter :blink:

  5. 13 minutes ago, mellody said:


    I think I know what you mean, or at least some of my thoughts go in a similar direction. I still think that Tiny Love is about the love for himself, about taking care of himself, and that would fit. What I mean is not about being selfish, but about knowing and taking care of what you want and need first, before being able to care about others, without giving yourself up. Do you know the movie "runaway bride" with Julia Roberts & Richard Gere? A bit like that. I don't know if that's it, but it's certainly one of the interpretations I like more... :teehee:


    Despite all of Mika's current problems, in a way I'm much less worried about him today than I used to be. Instead of lyrics like "I'm gonna kill myself", on his current album he sings "I'll be OK again" and "There's a little bit of god in everything". His posts about Andy show me that he's not alone. So his growing up and better taking care of himself might be part of the reasons for the changes - as some have mentioned here, it includes taking care of his health and his voice as well as of his feelings.


    Yeah, that's what I was trying to say, but I wouldn't be able to explain it so well. I did not see that movie, I will certainly catch it up, thank you! I agree with the "love yourself" meaning of Tiny Love and not being worried about him anymore because he is loved and supported and he realized that too apparently, taking care of himself first. Sorry, I nearly repeated what you wrote, I'm not that good in explaining complicate topics :sweatdrop:

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  6. 1 hour ago, mellody said:

    I agree. My thought about it, inspired by some things written in this thread plus my own feelings, is that he doesn't want to feel like he owes us anything. (He doesn't, but it's about what he might feel...) So if WE just go to his shows and listen to his music without any further hopes or expectations, HE can feel free to do whatever he wants. I'm not sure yet what to think of this, I feel like I'm getting a knot in my brain right now... :lmfao: As everything else it's just interpreting, only he knows the truth... :rolleyes:


    That's a good point too. Isn't it all about freedom afterall? Freedom to say what he had to say in his songs, freedom to be tired and go straight to bed after a long work day or freedom to stop for a chat with fans not feeling forced to do so. 
    I consider him being such a caring person, maybe he's trying to be "less caring" with fans in order to protect himself; I don't know how to properly explain this, you know, when someone is too involved in smth and just have to step back to feel better.

    • Like 7
  7. 1 hour ago, mellody said:


    I hoped people would be sensitive enough not to do this, but this was also one of the possible reasons I had in mind - in London I even saw some fans approaching Mrs P and talking to her, so yeah, you got a point there. :aah:


    I hope this too, but I unfortunately learnt that the common sense does not apply to the crowd :sad: 


    41 minutes ago, Starlight said:

    Of course he doesn't owe anything to us fans except playing his gig, but it was something special. Maybe he'll come back to it in the future? Who knows...


    Let's hope for the future :making-a-wish: anyway I don't think it's smth against the fans or that he doesn't love us anymore, nor that it's taking our love for granted or acting like a star. At least I hope so, as I hope that it's not due to national/regional/personal preferences. I rather think (or hope) there's a good reason for that, and for me the emotional one is the most likely of those I thought about

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  8. As some of you already said, it's not part of his work going out of a gig and sharing a moment with his fans, though it was really nice of him doing so. I also have mixed feelings and many theories about this change :sweatdrop:


    The "preserve the voice and the health" thing is a good thing imo, but I don't think it's the (at least only) reason. And I understand the "no more gifts", and that way he also reduce the occasions but, again, I don't think that's the reason.


    The first thought is that is "not fair" to those who can barely attend one gig and can't afford travelling or going to more than one show. I was afraid that he was not stopping after gigs only in some specific places, due to the behaviours and bad reputation of some fans, and that would have been even worse. But at the same time if in my sole occasion to see him after a show there would be a screaming and a non-respecting crowd and he'd leave for this, I'd be very disappointed. So maybe one of the reason can be that: he had spoiled his fans in all those years, so after every gig the crowd that wait for him grew and became wilder and wilder; maybe this is a way to reduce it (if is not sure that he'll stop, maybe those who are there but more interested in a trophy than in the person would leave). 


    He also said that this album is very personal and his emotional involvemet during the show leaves him drained; I think that if you add some touching fan action, he is more than vulnerable at the end. Plus, many fans that attend many shows sort of know him, so maybe now that he is talking about his familiar situation and have this huge emotional challenge to face, he eventually want to avoid personal questions, such as "How's you mother going?" "Hope she'll be well soon". Even if they are kind questions, maybe he's not prepared to face them multiplied for each fan at each gig.



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  9. So, here's my report one week and a few days later :biggrin2:


    I had the chance to go to a gig back in 2016. Back home some friends of mine told me that next time they’d love to come with me. I bought four tickets on the presale in June, but they were not sure they could be there. Then I forgot I had four tickets (two were for me and my sister) and my friends could not come so I ended up having two extra ticket I sold to random people the same morning on my way for the concert :sweatdrop: They ended up being really nice people, they waited for me while I was lost in the transit strike and we really had a good time together :cheerful_h4h:


    I knew that we were organising some Fan Actions and once in the queue we were given a pair of glowing glasses for Dear Jealousy and some coloured post it to put on the phone torch for Underwater. We enjoyed them very much (especially the glasses, that had to be built with glowing bracelets - at some point one of them disassembled while we were taking a picture :lmfao:); unfortunately, we were too few having them in the crowd and nobody seem to notice the Fan Actions. This was my second gig ever and I have never done Fan Actions before, so it saddens me a bit that they did not worked :tears:

    The venue was full but we were not so many waiting in line, and I had the impression that a lot of people were here to see Mika for the first time and/or not being active fans (I mean, they like the artist but don’t follow him - I don’t know how to explain it better). Despite it the audience was very reactive and supportive even with the artist in the preshow and Mika was full of energy in seeing such a fired up and large crowd :woot_jump: The guy in the preshow had no chance though, he broke a string of his guitar while singing, then the microphone did not work but he was very good.


    Then Mika.


    We had such fun in discovering his narration through colours (some were not what we expected to be :blink:) and loved when he improvised strange things, for example at some point Max was doing squats and Mika started crawling in his direction :roftl: We were on the right side of the central stage, and we thought “oh well, we’ll see his back while he will play the piano :das:”. We obv were wrong. Wrong side of the piano :doh: The only thing we could see in those moments were his legs. Pretty nice legs, but still. Before the show we sort of heard Giulio saying Mika would get off the stage in front of us, we were a bit surprised when he did so on the opposite side; then he walked around it and passed over the barriers in front of the girl that was there with me. She was a bit shocked (in a good way :wink2:). Then he introduced a song in French, dedicated to his mother. Very touching and yet so full of joy.

    At one point he said he hear nothing with the earphones on, but that the technician put some microphones around the venue so as he knows what happens around him; that night there was a couple of women chatting right in front of one of those microphones, so he had the impression to have strange voices in his head "like the two little girls in shining. I don't understand what language they're speaking but PLEASE SHUT UP!"  :floor: Then another silly moment on HE. He was asking for silence before singing a cappella and a guy from the seated row shouted about how cool Mika is. He winked at him and started doing a sort of model walk on the stage :lmfao: (I saw a video somewhere, I'll try to find it and put it here :teehee:).


    It all seemed too short to me. 


    The day after my sister was obsessed with Max. She already knew who he is because we talk a lot but she was singing "tarari rari tum" all day long :lmfao:


    Here's some video my sister did




    Here's when Mika was crawling in Max direction


    Here's when he passed the barriers in front of us


    HE a cappella



    Hell, paradise and purgatory :devil: :angel_not:


    and some pictures made by her and me



































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  10. :italia:


    Ciao a tutti!

    Esiste un gruppo su facebook in cui si discute per organizzare Fan Action per le varie date italiane del tour. Per questo evento in particolare se ne stanno organizzando due tre.

    1. La prima consiste nell’indossare degli occhiali verdi fluorescenti nel momento in cui Mika canterà Dear Jealousy. Ad oggi si è raggiunta la quota di 200 paia di occhiali circa da distribuire alla folla al momento della fila all’ingresso. Lascio il link per chiunque volesse contribuire ad acquistare a sua volta una scatola per aiutare nella riuscita dell’iniziativa.
    2. La seconda prevede di realizzare dei pom pom in carta velina per ballare e scatenarsi su Platform Ballerinas in modo da dare l’impressione che l’intera arena balli. Anche per questi alcune persone si stanno muovendo per realizzarne in numero maggiore così da poterli distribuire, ma se altri riuscissero ad organizzarsi si potrebbe coprire un maggior numero di persone. Per forma e dimensione la discussione è ancora in corso, potrebbero essere dei pom pom semplici come quelli di questo video oppure pom pom da cheerleader, facili da realizzare e sicuramente più visibili dal palco.
    3. :Update: È stata aggiunta una ulteriore idea, che è una variante delle luci su Underwater. Di solito Mika chiede al pubblico di usare le torce del cellulare per seguirlo durante l'esecuzione della canzone, la variante consiste nell'applicare carta colorata alla torci (vanno bene anche post-it) così da colorare le luci, che solitamente sono bianche.

    Ovviamente chiunque voglia partecipare è il benvenuto!




    Hello everybody!

    There is a facebook group where people discuss in order to organize Fan Actions for the Italian gigs. For this concert there are two three Fan Actions so far.

    1. The first one consist in wearing green glowing glasses when Mika will sing Dear Jealousy. We have bought around 200 pair of glasses so far, and we will distribute them while queueing. If anyone wants to contribute in buying other glasses this is the link.
    2. For the second one we’re making pompoms to wave when Platform Ballerinas comes on, in order to set up a big party. We’re still discussing shape and size, they can be like these or like those that cheerleader uses. Everybody involved is making more pompoms, so that we can distribute them too.
    3. :Update: There is another idea. Mika use to ask the audience to turn on the phone's torch while singing Underwater, the idea is to apply some piece of coloured paper (a sticky note will work) in order to have coloured lights and not only white ones.

    If anyone is willing to help is very welcome!


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