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Posts posted by QueenBigFat

  1. So this is sooooo America.

    The song This is Me is being used as background in a commercial right now. It is a powerful anthem to self acceptance and defiant, in your face demand of others, sung by a QueenBigFat (also bearded) circus side show character.

    The commercial is for Wagovy.

    It's a weight loss drug.

  2. 3 minutes ago, TinyLove_CJ said:

    @QueenBigFat he is adorable!!! 😍


    Love the way he's peeping on the staircase in the second to last picture, and what exactly is going on in the last picture?! 😆


    What breed is he?

    Thanks! :thumb_yello: 
    We had doggie dna done, FWIW,  and it said Great Pair of Knees (as we call it) and white shepherd. But he looks alot like a border collie went on a date with a golden. His long coat and that gorgeous tail helped seduce us. We almost did not get him. Our previous choice had fallen through and I was ready to give up, but did the “oh let me try one more time” and there he was….but someone else was in contract for him. Then they changed their minds :cheer:because they were retired and he would be “too much.” !! Hahahaha. I rarely say this but he was surely a meant to be. He was flown from a high kill shelter in Alabama and we picked him at his foster home. The minute he saw me he jumped up into my arms. I know they are not supposed to do that. I don't care!!:fangurl:


    That last picture? Why, is there something weird about it???:lol3:

    • Haha 1
  3. So here's my guy, Blake. Rescue. I little odd and often funny. Apparently his head is very heavy, because he likes resting it. He has no clue how to bring something back to us if we throw it. We give him a toy and he grabs it and throws it off to the side. But oh, those eyes. That face. Sigh.





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  4. On 1/18/2024 at 5:54 PM, Vero Bott said:

    Aww ❤️ They all love snow so much ☺️


    I took a nice walk with Airy yesterday morning, after seeing the vet. The weather was beautiful and Airy needed some reward after being a good girl during the treatment 😄





    That is one gorgeous dawg!

    • Thanks 1
  5. :no::dunno::shocked::huh:

    Another mass shooting in America. This one killed one and injured over 20, including many children. It was at the Superbowl  celebration in Kansas City. A million people and the hideous sound of an AR 15 or something like it. I am so very glad Mika mostly performs somewhere else. anywhere else.

  6. 7 minutes ago, CharlotteL said:

    Ah yes Mika is just so irritatingly nice and boring, it's necessary to make stuff up to write an article about him.

    And being gay isn't controversial enough anymore either, what a shame for the press.

    Sorry, sometimes I just can't with these articles :facepalm:

    THANK YOU CharlotteL! 
    There are I'm sure many interesting interviews that Mika has done but so much of it all is same old same old that I just feel like the punch line from that old joke (guy come up on a fellow elbow deep in a pile of manure. What are you doing, he asks. The fellow says,  I know there must be a horse in here somewhere.


    which now 50 years later makes no sense to me because why would the horse be deep in his poop? But the point is, I wish there could be some kind of separating or highlighting when some new info or idea is disclosed or observed.

  7. On 1/9/2024 at 5:35 PM, Gael said:

    I think I may have gone completely mad. I am already going on several Mika Madness Tours including Lille, Rouen, Rennes and Brest, then Amsterdam and Brussels, then Wolverhampton and London, then Kew, and now Orange too - but who can resist Mika with an orchestra and a choir? A year ago I'd never even heard of him. You'd think 60 was too old to get obsessed with a pop star, but there you are. I've even got posters! Quite quite nuts x

    So, Gael, I wonder if your experience of discovering Mika when you were, um, mature, was anything like mine. He performed on the American show “So You Think You Can Dance” in about 2017. I saw it. Not impressed. Then he was on the Ellen show. Saw it. Eh. One of my favorite songs of his (not “Good Wife”) was used in a very important scene of the major US tv series The Good Wife. Made no impression on me at all! Finally, last year, I saw a concert of his on tv, purely by happenstance. Nothing about him rang a bell. It was as if I were seeing him for the first time! But—He crashed into my consciousness and never let go. My life was literally changed. (I describe the experience in my intro post on August 18, “I can't believe I just discovered Mika”, and from the responses, while the particulars differ, it seems a lot lot of folks have had similar journeys! )

    So what was it like for you?

  8. :doh:

    32 minutes ago, Arianne921 said:

    I agree with you @linzijay. Me too, I think this song contains not only a description of something phisical but, into it, there is something else, that hyde, probably, and in my opinion, a feeling of hope. Someone of us can  give his own meaning about it, is clear, but I don't want to think that an amazing song like "Apocalypse Calypso" would give only a negative vision in front of Apocalypse. There is something deeper. The love is so deeper that it can lived and it can resist in front of Apocalypse too. It's one of the interpretation but its could be many others. 

    It already happened many times. Behind a feeling of sadness could be a feeling of happiness and behind a feeling of sadness could be a feeling of joyful like in "C'est la vie" where a serious topic is treated with music you can dance on and through you have fun.

    I don't know if I can be able to explain well this concept in English but I hope someone of you can understand what I have intention to say...

    I know... I'm not very good to explain my opinion with words...Is better, for me, to draw or speak through drawings and emoticons! :blush::lol3::giveup:

    I thin you were very clear!!

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  9. On 1/10/2024 at 4:58 AM, crazyaboutmika said:

    Welcome to MFC :huglove: Glad you found Mika :mikalove:

    Age doesn't matter in Mikaland :thumb_yello: I will be in Brest and Rennes too :wink2: then Carcassonne and Roi Arthur festival. I fell under Mika's spell in 2007 when I was forty so I'm now fifty six but in my head I'm 14 or 16. My knees don't always agree but I try to ignore them the best I can :lmfao:Enjoy the tour :wub2:

    74. Got ensnared by the magic last June.

    • Like 2
  10. 5 hours ago, ACG said:

    I read everyone's posts with interest but don't usually comment myself. This particular thread caught my attention and it was this particular comment that I wanted to quote as it completely resonates with my view!

    ACG, this is for you and the others in this conversation.

    One thing that has stood out for me about Mika wrt his positive effect on people has been shown on this forum. I mean, here I am, being critical of his work (specific to the new album). On his fan club. A relative newcomer; My first comments were posted when I had been on the forum for about 4 months, and on this forum I had never posted and most of you didn't know me at all. Yet everyone responded to disagree with respect, sincerity rather than sarcasm, speaking about themselves and not criticizing or attacking me at all. Can you imagine what would have happened “in any other world”? How at least a portion of almost any other singer's fans would have jumped on me! On this, the French forum, the responses were thoughtful to the point of being poetic. And that is Mika. The people he attracts, or the impact he has, the climate he creates, is sensitive, caring, empathic, and kind. Thank you all for being who you are. :clap::snog:

    • Like 6
  11. 37 minutes ago, silver said:

    Mika can say what he likes about how he thinks his gigs will be, but I cannot remember a single Mika gig when I didn't leave feeling happy and uplifted.


    I think you are concentrating too much on "apocalypse" and not enough on "calypso" :wink2:

    I cannot separate them. Good god, especially not at this moment in history.

    Also what started my end of this conversation —originally— was what he had said about the name of his album, and what the term apocalypse meant to him. I posted again in response to what he said about the concerts he was planning to say that his plan  changed my negative reaction to his initial statement about an apocalypse.

    • Like 1
  12. 11 hours ago, mellody said:

    know, it's the same here in Germany, and people are standing up now, tens of thousands demonstrating against right wing politics and against the political party that wants to throw us back 100 years. That gives me hope and that's where I see the difference to what you say about the US, people here haven't resignated.

    I am very heartened when I see the streets full of activists around the world. In the US, when I was young, we had our “take to the streets “ era. The 1960’s. Then students were shot and killed by our National Guard (also children) and that era was silenced. Still, over the years, millions of people took to the streets about gun control, the police shootings of Black people, Women’s control over their bodies, and queer rights. But it never had the same impact as the early civil rights and anti-war movements did. Now, right wing terrorists have also adopted and corrupted some tactics of public demonstration…. Using huge trucks to threaten other drivers, driving and shooting into assembled crowds, and generally terrorizing people. It’s not as it was any more. It’s come to a head. We are in a crisis moment and everything is on the line. And it is not just that people are resigned (that’s the word:original:). They have been brainwashed, misled by disinformation and social pressure, and are now less interested in democracy or humanity than revenge. Yes, Mika is what we need.Hopefully his reach is long.

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