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MIKA in FEEL HIP Magazine (Alfa Romeo mag)


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Sorry if it's been posted, because I wasn't sure.

But Mika was in Feel Hip Magazine =D

The photo's are very bad, because they're made with my mobile ..






Mika has music in his veins. He is a self-taught piano virtuoso,

an athletic vocalist and a natural entertainer.


Here there are many flowers, they blossom everywhere, grow and then fly away. The clouds are neither grey nor sad: they are of all

colours and playfully chase each other. Machines are made of many yellow,

red, blue, and green components, and they produce only toys and other fun things.


Here the pianoforte is so light it can fly and it sounds have

the colours of the rainbow. The sofas embrace people who love listening to music.

And in this world music is king. It is said to be pop musix, effervescent, astounding, fantastic and

contagious. In fact, it spreads everywhere and people can't stop themselves singing and dancing.


This is Mika's world. And we are all invited to join in under its starry sky.

It is here that this young artist is hosting the most beautiful party of the universe.


Four weeks were enough for him to become a star - with "Grace Kelly", a song fusing

glamour and nobility, an unusual name, "Mika"(alias Mica Penniman), 23 years(now 24!!) of vivid

experiences and a passion for music.


The boy is self-made

The CD cover and the website animations were created by his brother. Before the release

of the single "Grace Kelly", his Myspace.com page had already registered one million hits and

30,000 'friends' had contributed to his blog. Mika, therefore, was a reality in showbusiness

well before the record company people took him under their wing, so much so that

tickets for his gig at Kok in Camden sold out in a flash and went on Ebay for 500 euros each.


Musically and intoxicatingly

He expresses deep thoughts. His songs combine a flow

of euphoria with dark and unexpected element: melodrama in the light of day and nocturnal stories of

love, loss, abandonment, hope and joy. All hiss songs attract attention, each one reveals a



His dynamic, multifaceted debut album is rich in powerful melodies and cathy hooks.

An original style of composition that Mika expresses clearly and without compromise.



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I want to take pop to a fantastic three-dimensional level. To my height, that is to say nearly 190cm of sculptural beauty, if you really want to know. Welcome to my world.


After I finished school I immersed myself completely in the music world and I liked straight away.

It is a magic world in which to live. A parallel univers that is captivating and illusory at the same time.

I grew up listening to everything, from Joan Baez to Serge Gainsbourg, from Dylan to flamenco.

My musical taste is quite eclectic, but I often like to go back to the big songwirters, people that have expressed their own musical ideas with honesty.

Prince, Harry Nilsson, Elton John and even Michael Jackson. These people

have released extraordinary pop records, which cannot be interpreted by others with the same level of perfection.

And this is what I have always wanted to do myself.


At the start the record companies tried to mould me in directions that went against my nature. Basically, they wanted me to

imitate everything that was hip at the time and they didn't let me express my own style,

so I was quite depressed.


In utter depair I wrote "Grace Kelly", an operatic sneer directed at technicolor pop.

A jibe intended for some people whom I was working with when I wrote it. I was so angry!

However, this is what I think: Ican't be scared to be different. If nobody else feels they can say certain things, well, I'll do it!




The thoughts of Mika


I want to take pop to a fantastic three dimensional level.

To my height, that is to say nearly 190cm of sculptural beauty,

if you really want to know. Welcome to my world. I am a songwriter, performer, producer,

musician and opera singe and I have just released my album.


I am a citizen of the world.

I was born in Beirut in the middle of the eighties. I escaped to Paris when we war was

in full swing. Then I moved to London. It was an inevitably turbulent experience, which dragged me into the depths

of a dislocated education. The horrible combination of frequent moves and difficult ties in the first years in school in

London exacerbated my dyslexia. For a while I could hardly read, write and speak. I was taken out

of school for six months to help me get back on track and find a new school to attend.

It was during that time that music became so important to me: it put me back on my feet.


Subconsciously, I have always known that writing songs would be my destiny.


I started singing when I was a little boy.

I was taught by a very strist Russian teacher and I had to be perfect. I have done everything,

from recordings with the Royal Opera House to an ad jingle for chewing gum. I was

much in demand in the ad sector, but I think the reason was that I was cheap!

I had no idea of how much I should earn for that kind of work and nobody took the time

to explain it to me. Thinking about it now, I reckon that getting paid £45 for

the chewing gum ad jingle was not a great deal for me.



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thx for posting! beautiful pics, also the "new" full page one of him at the gig.


I had never noticed the armchair he sits on in the infamous biting-his-lip pic was rainbow coloured.. :blink: I remembered it being brown.. odd.. I must be ageing.. :blush-anim-cl:

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thx for posting! beautiful pics, also the "new" full page one of him at the gig.


I had never noticed the armchair he sits on in the infamous biting-his-lip pic was rainbow coloured.. :blink: I remembered it being brown.. odd.. I must be ageing.. :blush-anim-cl:


I think you are right, though: one of us MFC'ers has that (brown) picture in his/ her signature.:blink:

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"The CD cover and the website animations were created by his brother" :naughty:

"To my height, that is to say nearly 190cm of sculptural beauty" :blink::naughty: :naughty:


Thanks for posting it was a nice read :):) and yeah...the multicoloured chair :blink:

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"The CD cover and the website animations were created by his brother" :naughty:

"To my height, that is to say nearly 190cm of sculptural beauty" :blink::naughty: :naughty:


Thanks for posting it was a nice read :):) and yeah...the multicoloured chair :blink:



Hahahah yeaaah I knowww!!! =D

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"The CD cover and the website animations were created by his brother" :naughty:

"To my height, that is to say nearly 190cm of sculptural beauty"

Thanks for posting it was a nice read :):) and yeah...the multicoloured chair :blink:


I had read in past the 190 cm of sculptural beauty quote.. :naughty: hilarious! :biggrin2:

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Thanx celestee for posting!

I like very much how they edited the pic with the couch and fit in the double page! *takes note for further works:naughty: *


thx for posting! beautiful pics, also the "new" full page one of him at the gig.


I had never noticed the armchair he sits on in the infamous biting-his-lip pic was rainbow coloured.. :blink: I remembered it being brown.. odd.. I must be ageing.. :blush-anim-cl:

it was brown. photoshop's magic :das:

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thank you very much for posting:thumb_yello:


*so I have to search MikArticles in the dealers now?:roftl:*


Maybe the car in whichn he posed in an old pic was an Alfa Romeo?:blink:


I don't know... but I found the mag by the local music school but now i'm a thief :das:

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HAHAHAHA. Sluptural beauty?


Thank you for posting, dear! :)


I wonder if the chair wasn't originally colored, but it was photoshopped to be brown? That colored version looks VERY real, and it would be more "Mika" for him to be on a colored chair. :blink:

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