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I think it's all caught up with me *sniff * *cough *


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All of the freakin stress has caught up with me and my body has just completely shut down :(

I think I need to go to a doctor, but there's just no time... I've got all these things I need to do for school: soooo much!

My throat is so scratchy and itchy... I have 15 days until MIKA too so this better clear up!


yesterday I got my report card: I'm not going to talk about it, it makes me to angry... I should have known that I couldn't have learned chemistry in one night... I screwed things up bad and my failure is all represented on the top of my book shelf lol : 2007: A Year in Cartoon Motion


Like I said, I will have no regrets... But I feel really guilty and sick over it... my schooling is so hardcore, and I can't keep up... Now to save me I have to get atleast a C in Chem:blink: and, my GPA went down to like a B-...so if the NHS finds out about that, than I think they'll kick me out.


These are all of my fears, all of my worries... I'm trying to cope, but I don't know how... I know what needs to be done to rock this semester, but days like this make me feel helpless. I can't concentrate, my head throbs... I need to feel better...I think this is my own self inflicted punishment, a way of atonement... all of the stress and stuff it's consumed me and now I'm sooooooo ill :(


Any remedies? To both my madness and my illness?


Thanks you guys!

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I wouldn't worry about NHS too much. If you don't get the 3.25 mark, you get put on probation and you get a semester to bring it up. So you still have time.


really, is that how it works??

If that's the case than I've gotta pull through this...


That's sort of a relief to me, I thought they would just snatch it away from me without warning...

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Right now the only thing you need to worry about is getting better. If you meditate on how your GPA has gone down and all that, you're just added more stress to you and your body doesn't need that right now. So I'd say at the moment puts those worries on the back burner...


As for your schooling....well, we all learn from mistakes. You know what mistakes you made and how you should avoid those sort of mistakes in the future, so all you can do now is accept what has happened and move on. I know this is a crucial time for you...you have a lot of responsibilites and lots of high expectations....but remember, the more you stress on things, the less brain space you have to achieve your goals.


From one sickly woman to another, I hope you get lots better soon, honey. :)

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Right now the only thing you need to worry about is getting better. If you meditate on how your GPA has gone down and all that, you're just added more stress to you and your body doesn't need that right now. So I'd say at the moment puts those worries on the back burner...


As for your schooling....well, we all learn from mistakes. You know what mistakes you made and how you should avoid those sort of mistakes in the future, so all you can do now is accept what has happened and move on. I know this is a crucial time for you...you have a lot of responsibilites and lots of high expectations....but remember, the more you stress on things, the less brain space you have to achieve your goals.


From one sickly woman to another, I hope you get lots better soon, honey. :)

Thanks girl! I know you understand :)


I hope you feel better soon as well:thumb_yello:

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Aww... I hope you feel better... chemistry is a beast, i hear you. My teacher causes terror in me, which is bad because she's really close to my mom...so, I hear you.

I was so confused by NHS(that's my school's initials and though at first you were talking about it...) At my school its cool because its NHS's NHS...:mf_rosetinted:

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