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2008 - REPORTS/PICS/VIDS for MIKA@ Terminal 5 in New York City: 02 Feb

Blue Sky

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But then again, you know, if he chooses fan lollipop girls, he knows that they'll expect to meet him, take a picture, etc... he may not have time for that. It may well be that sometimes he prefers lollipop girls who aren't really into him, so they can just do what they do and not be much underfoot otherwise. Plus with fans, there's always a risk they might be the "bad" kind of fan, while as with friends of the crew/staff, that's not so much a problem.




That's true. But I'm a "good" fan, I swear. :naughty: Sounds like that part in Charlie And The Charlie Factory.

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No, no, I know what they look like; I've met them both.


I mean, what are their different professional responsibilities? What do they DO?




My opinion from observations:


-- John seems to be the TOUR manager. It's his job to

make sure that the tour goes smoothly -- he handles the logistics,

sees that the gear gets to where it's supposed

to get, Mika and the band get to where they're supposed to get, etc.

He seems to almost be like Mika's bodyguard -- unless Mika is on stage,

John's pretty much right beside him.


-- Jerry seems to be Mika's PERSONAL manager.

He and his company handle the various

aspects of Mika's career, like his relationship with the record company,

promoting and marketing MIKA, that type of thing.


JMO. But I hope I'm right because I would truly like Jack to love me

forever :wub2:





Yes, I think deb is correct here!:thumb_yello: Jerry is a lawyer, represents Casablanca records, so that makes sense that he is also handling making the MFC Official.:wink2:

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That necklace was beautiful!!!. He loved it!!!

Do you know who gave him the keychain: it was a small pink doll. He was wearing after the show. I saw it.

When he was talking to Naomi I said: OMG, you have the keychain and he just smile back at me!!!!:):)


Hey Lucy!! Hi, I gave him the little doll the night before in Boston , I was so happy to see he liked it!! It is a doll from the cutie gang , they are on the happy ending video ..or at least they are very similar , so when I saw them I bought a couple of them for our boy!!

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The show started and we heard everybody going nuts in the venue. We watched the show peeking through the black curtains so we had a very good view. The show was awesome as usual. This time I was the only MFCer backstage, the only super fan so I couldn't dance and sing along witht the other girls. So I just watched the show and sang along to myself, completely amazed at his talent. The other girls enjoyed the show and kept on saying how gifted he was. I was completely in my own little world, my own little bubble, watching the show like it was the first time I saw it. I looked at the crowd and searched with my eyes to see where my friends were. I was really happy to see they had great spots.


The whole time I was starving and was a little worried that I might faint onstage cause I was too hungry...


As usual the show went by SUPER fast and soon we heard the infamous KACHINGA and I knew Lollipop was coming. Nobody was coming to get us and we started to get a little worried. So we went in the hallway towards the stairs while we heard the first notes of Teddy Bear picnic. Finally Nadja appeared in the stairs and we hurried downstairs and went to side of the stage. Mika was putting on his animal head, he gave us a big smile and went on the stage. We waited for Lollipop to start and I couldn't wait to go onstage !!! I was all hyper, ready for it cause I knew what was coming !!! Then they finally gave us the signal so we went for it !!! I said to myself : OK, enjoy EVERY second of this one cause it's the last time you get to do this !!!


I had so much on stage, and as usual I had no saliva and was hot as hell and out of breath... but omg the thrill to be there onstage with him and the band, it's out of this world. The stage wasn't so big and there was a lot of us onstage so it was kinda crazy... I bumped into Mika like two times. And at one point, I smashed a baloon and made the microphone stand fall.... WHOOPS !!! Mika picked it up but he didn't see me do it :fisch:


At one point Mika looked at me and gave me the cue for my little dance. So I looked at the other girls to give them the cue but none of them was lookng at me !!! So I tried desperatly to catch their attention but alas... Mika looked at me again like : go ! but I looked at him with a meaningfull look : I'm trying !! So I finally manage to give the cue to the other girls to get into position... and then I give the cue to start the dance... but everything messed up. We didn't all start together, it didn't fit with the song, and we didn't do all the moves at the same time.


At that point I was feeling a little frustrated cause I wanted it to be perfect and let's face it, it's not that hard. And since Mika was happy about us doing my little dance, I wanted to make him proud ! It was perfect when we rehearsed it, I don't know why it all went wrong... oh well, what can you do !


Apart from that little frustration, I had TONS of fun onstage, it was as awesome as usual, I really could do this for a living !!! This time I knew where my peeps were in the crowd so I could throw balloons at them and look at them and wave at them. It was so awesomely awesome. And getting to interact with Mika while being on stage with him is just.... WOW !!!


Then towards the end he started to pull people up onstage. We had fun with the people on stage and I remember Finkster was there with us and she seemed to be having the time of her life !!!


Then the song ended and they started the intro of Relax. Mika snuck backstage and they ended the show with this.


Then I took one last look at the stage, the crowd, the band, tried to engrave this in my mind forever and we went off the stage and went backstage...


(To be continued tomorrow cause it's almost 3h00 am and I have to go to work tomorrow !!!)


Thanks for all the time, energy and effort you put into your reporting Vero - you have to know that everyone seems to really appreciate it. I do. Thanks Hon!. :wub2:

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Titty, all of your pictures are fabulous, but that last one should be an entry for "Bab's Fantastic Photo Album" thread. IT will definitely be a lot more appreciated there. :naughty:

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I tried rotating it and made it lighter and I think it goes this way...




I think maybe he was jumping because if you look closely too you can see his shoe laces which they would be visible if he put his leg back and jumped. I think maybe he did one of those jumps where he kind of leans more to one side instead of jumping straight up.


I may be wrong though. :bleh:

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Hey everyone... I feel compelled to post at least a little something although I'm not sure how coherent it'll be since I'm down with the flu and pneumonia now. Also FYI this is from the perspective of someone who got to the venue "late" so it's a new kind of report to read... :roftl:


At about 6:15 pm we took a cab to the venue and the driver was like, "This is the place? What are all these people doing here in line?! Look at that line!!" And he was laughing so much about it, it cracked me up. :roftl: But anyway, we got out and I immediately saw Andy filming a group of girls. I also recognized a couple MFCers as I looked down the line. Then we made the trek to the back of the line... I kept joking that we were not last (gasp! :shocked::roftl:) because shortly after we got in line, a group of teens arrived behind us. They were a bit rowdy and kept bumping into me, but they were entertaining nonetheless. Someone drove by and screamed something out the window to the effect of, "What's all this for?!" and the group was joking around that if they didn't know what this was for and who Mika was, they didn't deserve to be there. hahaha. Then also it was quite annoying that the people directly in front of us were chain smoking for about an hour. :boxed: At one point a security guard made the whole line push back about 20 feet... that was kind of odd because later on they let us move up a bunch, but the doors hadn't opened yet. :blink: We were also quite tickled whenever we heard random screaming towards the front of the line... I'm guessing it was whenever Andy started filming a new group? :roftl: Anyway, so by the time doors opened the line behind us was ENORMOUSLY long and I was pretty shocked by that since we didn't really get there too early or anything. Oh and I nearly forgot, I could be totally wrong (and I probably am) but I think I saw Yasmine or at least a Yasmine clone while I was in line (or maybe that was my fever messing with my head...). She had on a long coat and it almost looked like curlers were in her hair or something. I didn't think it was her at first since she was walking to the back of the line with some man but then I saw her walk back to the front of the venue. Annnnyyywwwaaayy... I just can't believe some of you guys waited for so long in line. I was in line for an hour and was bored out of my mind.

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I tried rotating it and made it lighter and I think it goes this way...




I think maybe he was jumping because if you look closely too you can see his shoe laces which they would be visible if he put his leg back and jumped. I think maybe he did one of those jumps where he kind of leans more to one side instead of jumping straight up.


I may be wrong though. :bleh:


It's him doing "the jump" during Relax, no?

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When we finally got into the venue, I was shocked to see that if I'd wanted to be on the main floor I could've gotten a pretty close spot. However since I wasn't feeling well, we decided to go up to the 2nd floor and found a nice spot on the right side where I could just lean against the railing the entire time. But you know, compared to other venues I've been to (17000+ people), this was so small and intimate that even in the back it seems like you would've had a pretty good view. Pics/videos taken from somewhat far back only give the illusion that it's far away, because honestly live it seemed VERY close to me. Anyway, it was quite a chore keeping my spot along the balcony because people kept trying to push in between me and the guy standing next to me. I think at one point I accidentally stepped on this one girl's foot and what do you know, she left. :fisch: It was kind of funny how a different couple would try to push into that spot every few minutes before giving up and going somewhere else. Some of them I guess had no sense of personal space because they kept rubbing up against me. :boxed: Sooo yes, after FOREVER waiting for the opening act to start, they finally came on and I was startled by how loud it was. I was really not feeling good during their set so I was kind of just randomly taking a couple pics and then watching the crowd. I was also amused looking across the balcony at the VIP section... only a few people were over there during the opening act, yet by the time Mika came on it was full of people. They were certainly having a very good time dancing around. It was crazy how pretty much half the balcony was reserved. I wish I could've snagged one of their chairs to bring it over to my spot... would've been nice :bleh:. After the opening act, it was like an eternity again waiting for Mika to come on. I felt like I was dying. :boxed:


But alas, then it started and I still felt pretty puny but halfway through the set I felt a bit better. It's funny how you all mentioned him dropping the mic during a song... I don't even remember that. And Finkster, I remember during Holy Johnny when Mika grabbed your sign. I have that on video hahah, along with most of the rest of the gig. I recognized the guy who came up onstage during Holy Johnny from the reserved section...hmm what else. Oh yes, sorry for the randomness and I could be wrong again, but I think I saw Andy walk by me on the 2nd floor way before the gig started. Anyway, I understand what Jack and the others were saying about how the show felt kind of rushed. There really wasn't much talking like I'd heard about at other shows... but oh well. It was still pretty good and a nice addition to my trip to NYC. I could've done without the people practically laying on me when the gig started, however. hahahah


After the show I stuck around for a few minutes before heading down the stairs... was right behind the lead singer from the Midway State and many girls were swooning over him, which blocked my way to the merchandise area. :sneaky2: That was the main area where I encountered pushing. It sucked but I held my ground. Thennn...as we were leaving some guy was joking to the Midway State guy, "Oh!!! It's Mika!!! The curly hair!!! Ohmuhgawd!" :bleh: Anyway, then we left and I was dying of thirst. Luckily Duane Reade was able to save the day. :roftl: And then we walked like 3 miles back to the hotel. My feet were killing me by the end.



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Titty, all of your pictures are fabulous, but that last one should be an entry for "Bab's Fantastic Photo Album" thread. IT will definitely be a lot more appreciated there. :naughty:


YES!! you are right!! I really do not know what is that!!:shocked:

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mika, before the concert, telling us to stage invade. i know there's already a video like that, but, anyway:




I got a huge crick in my neck from watching that one lol, i must have looked strange because even my dog was looking at me funny. it was great though!:thumb_yello:

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Rilooooo! :huglove:


I had some girl come up to me when I was waiting in line in Boston and asked me what this line was for. I looked at her and said, "Mika" and she stared at me in confusion and walked off. I turned to my mom after and said, "no... I just LIKE standing out in the rain for no reason."


It bothers me how pushy people are, especially trying to get RIGHT beside you when you're already shoulder to shoulder to the person beside you! :thumbdown:


That's pretty cool that you were right up there with the VIPs! :thumb_yello:


Were you able to make it to the merchandise at all?


Also, I'm sorry you got so sick. :sad: I find it so ironic that when I went to NYC I came down with the flu. I'm glad you're able to get back online! I missed ya! It was nice texting with you and I'm glad we got to do that, but it just wasn't the same as being online talking. I was so worried my phone would start sending my messages again without them being done so you'd end up with 3 not making any sense. :roftl: It actually started to at one point but luckily it cut off at a good spot and not in the middle of something. :sneaky2: So, you... me.... Mika gig someday.... right? :wink2:

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